Texture packs are a refreshing way to update the game experience without relying on mods, whether you’re already bored of the vanilla Minecraft look or want to enhance its beautiful sceneries. People might have difficulty finding updated cute texture packs to enjoy the new blocks and mobs added with the 1.17 update, and sometimes we just don’t have enough time to filter through countless websites to find the best. So we’ve compiled some of our favorite cute Minecraft texture packs compatible with the Caves and Cliffs release in the Java version.

This might be one of our favourite cute resource packs available for 1.17, especially if you’re looking for a complete overhaul. Working best when combined with shaders, this 64x pack is currently a fanmade texture pack since the author discontinued support from 1.14.
If you want to upgrade your favorite design ideas with a fresh paint coat, MeineKraft will undoubtedly be your best ally to have the cutest buildings possible! You can also find an exciting add-on to include changing seasons in your world in the resource pack’s description.
Lithos 32x

Available as an x32 resource pack, Lithos keeps the classic Minecraft vibe without going overload. Some much-welcome additions include biome-thematic creepers, custom GUI, mob variations and full compatibility with Optifine for CTM. Our personal favourite textures must be the mooshrooms and chickens! The texture pack has full compatibility with Biomes O’ Plenty, in case you play modded Minecraft.
Creator Pack

Creator Pack is a 32x resource pack, available from 1.15 to the latest update. If you’re looking for a classic take on cute texture packs, Creator Pack delivers aesthetically pleasing vegetations and smooth, clean blocks to make any of your worlds look fantastic. If you already have Optfine installed, you can enjoy custom item textures and connected textures to make your Minecraft base a welcoming home. This pack is excellent for those looking not to steer away too far off from the vanilla experience.
Joachyy’s Wholesome Texture Pack

Are you looking to add some extra comfort and wholesomeness to your Minecraft world? Here we have a texture pack that doesn’t steer away from the vanilla textures but aims to infuse your game with tweaks and custom textures. Joachyy’s Wholesome Texture Pack also includes custom game music, paintings and GUI to change the way you see Minecraft ultimately. Can you find some differences in the text available on the menus?

It’s likely that you already have seen all the beautiful new blocks released in 1.17 with 500+ new blocks, including light sources, decorative blocks and mobs. Bewitched upgrades its old textures and incorporates the latest blocks released in Caves and Cliffs, including random entities and custom models. Mushrooms and flowers look honestly stunning with Bewitched. While this is still a work in progress, place it on top of a 16x resource pack and have fun!

Jolicraft delivers a breathtaking aesthetic to Minecraft 1.17 without overloading your video card. With more than a million downloads, players can rejoice at the sheer creativity of each custom texture. We absolutely love the way generated structures feel rejuvenated with this texture pack activated. So rest assured, any building idea you come up with will instantly look better! From custom GUIs to 100% original particle textures, you will get the whole deal with Jolicraft.

If you want to tweak the vanilla look without going overboard, BetterVanillaBuilding is an excellent choice when searching for cute Minecraft texture packs. The resource package allows you to combine different blocks to obtain new ones if you have Optifine’s connected textures. We always welcome more fanmade renditions of the vanilla experience to achieve the ultimate custom Minecraft experience. Just imagine all the potential furniture ideas you can upgrade with this!
Pastel Craft

As the name implies, Pastel Craft is one of those cute resource packs aiming to overhaul the entire game with renewed charm. The texture pack accomplishes that pretty aesthetic many players seek with armour variations, custom UI and Optifine CTM support, and much more.
As a fun bonus, you can change your dog’s fur colour with dyes! Pastel Craft includes a Bedrock version in case you’re playing mobile. Just search the store for The Pastel Pack by Square Dreams.
Nature X

Nature X aims to inject some life into your Minecraft world with still keeping it aesthetically pleasing. It’s all about the small details you’ll find in plants and blocks, and combined with your favourite shaders, you’re guaranteed the ultimate cute aesthetic. Even jumping into the dangerous Nether feels like a magical and calm experience. Whether you’re planning your next base or mining through the recently-added cave structures, the screenshots available at its download site should be more than enough to convince players to use this texture pack.
Kawaii World

Not everyone has the same concept of cuteness, and Kawaii World knows that. Taking strong references from Japanese kawaii pop culture, pink and purple textures will dominate your world. Mobs have cute, gigantic eyes, and your entire world will feel like a cotton candy-filled fantasy. Keep in mind that you should turn off minimap levels if you’re using Optifine. W we understand that, for some players, it might be too “girly” or overbearing, but it certainly lives up to its name!
Some players don’t have the best graphic cards to embrace fancy shaders and HD textures fully. The good news is that most of these cute resource packs are 16x, meaning that they won’t put a strain on your computer while playing Minecraft. However, we have a guide to allocate more RAM if you decide to jump into a server to enhance performance while using any of these resource packs.
Did any of your favourite cute Minecraft texture packs make it into our list? Do you have any suggestions to add? Let us know in the comments below! Check out our recommendations for PvP-focused resource packs. And, as a final bonus: if you’re looking for anime-themed texture packs for Minecraft, we have the perfect list for you.
these rescource packs are indeed funny goofy and stupid!!