We have gotten a first look at the Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion trophy list, and for fans who have been waiting long and hard for the long awaited PSP remake will not be disappointed with the trophy list by any means, this is definitely one list you will absolutely have to commit to if you want to get the platinum trophy in the title.
Here’s the Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion Trophy List
Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion was announced this year. It is a remake of the 2007 PSP title. Acting as a prequel to the events of Final Fantasy 7, we get a whole new setting, play as a brand new protagonist, explore the origins of Sephiroth, and even meet a few familiar Final Fantasy 7 Characters along the way. Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion is the remake that adds a lot of quality-of-life changes and brings the title out of the handheld world and into the console world (and PC too).

Here is your first look at the game’s trophies and what time commitment you will have to look forward to if you wish to earn the platinum trophy in the game. The full list can be viewed on PowerPyx’s website.
All in all, this is a very complete trophy list. You will have to do a plethora of side missions, collectibles, complete all 300 SOLDIER missions in the game, and also beat the game on hard mode. While we do not know if any new content has been added or if any previous content has been removed, assuming this is the PSP version to its form, people seeking the platinum trophy or 100% of the game, will have to sink (potentially) 100 hours into the game.
Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion Platforms and Release Date
Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion will release for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch, and PC on December 13th.
What are your thoughts on the trophy list? Let us know in the comments section below.