Elden Ring Free Colosseum Update is Now Available

Ali Hashmi
4 Min Read
Elden Ring Screenshot featuring PvP

FROMSOFTWARE’s Elden Ring is a triumph for the developer and one of the best-selling titles of the year. The game evolved the Soulslike formula and took it to new heights with a highly original spin on open-world design and exploration. It’s been updated multiple times over the past year, with quality-of-life additions and balancing, and now, the first major update is out too. Owners of the title can now enjoy the Elden Ring Free Colosseum Update across all platforms.

Elden Ring Free Colosseum Update

The update was revealed yesterday with a brand new trailer that focuses on the multiplayer and PvP aspect of the title. PvP has always been a big part of the Dark Souls series, as well as Bloodborne, and Elden Ring is no different. With the new Colosseum update, though, PvP is being expanded upon greatly with dedicated arenas for you to test your might against other players in different modes.

Check out the announcement trailer below.

The Colosseums are located in three locations in the world of Elden Ring. You can access these in the following areas.

  • Limgrave
  • Caelid
  • Leyndell

In these, you can face off against other players in PvP style combat in various game modes. Each Colosseum offers different modes, which you can read about below.

Limgrave Colosseum

The Limgrave Colosseum features two game modes, United Combat and Combat Ordeal.

  • United Combat: In this mode, players will be divided into two teams, where they will fight against each other in timed battles, with the ability to respawn. Every death and respawn will grant the enemy team points, and the team with the highest points will win.
  • Combat Ordeal: This is a free for all mode, and it’s every tarnished for themselves. Players will keep respawning till the timer runs out, and the one with the most points will win.

The Royal Colosseum

This one is located in Leyndell, and features the Duel Mode. In this, two players will face off and fight each other to the death. There will be no respawning in this one.

Elden Ring Screenshot featuring a Duel in the Royal Colosseum
Screenshot featuring a Duel

The Caelid Colosseum

Finally, the Caelid Colosseum features all previously mentioned modes, including the option to summon Spirit Ashes to fight by the players’ sides.

Elden Ring Screenshot featuring PvP with Spirit Ashes in The Caelid Colosseum
Elden Ring Screenshot featuring PvP with Spirit Ashes

Players can either join these on their own or group up with their friends using passwords to either fight together or against each other in these different game modes.


Additionally, five new hairstyles are now available in-game as part of the new update. You can change your appearance using the Clouded Mirror Stand at the Table of Lost Grace or the Raya Lucaria Academy.

The update size on Steam is 1.6 GB. Elden Ring is also available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S|X.

Have you tried the Elden Ring Free Colosseum Update? Share your thoughts and experience in the comments below.

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Gaming enthusiast, massive Soulsborne fan with hundreds of hours spread across different Soulslike titles, and a passionate writer. Always on the lookout for interesting games with unique mechanics and design especially in the indie space. He loves to write informative guides for newer and ongoing releases.
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