Palworld is filled to the brim with details and Lifmunk Effigies are no exception. You can find green effigies all over the map but what do they do? That is why we will show you what are Lifmunk Effigies in Palworld.
Since you are bound to find tons of effigies early in the game, you’ll want to make use of them as soon as possible. With that said, let’s dive right in and get started.
Palworld: What is Lifmunk Effigy
Gathering Lifemunk Effigies is important as it allows you to increase your Capture Power. Since capturing Pals is a crucial aspect of the game, this makes these effigies just as essential.
You can find them all around the world with their green glow. Some are easy to reach while others can be a bit difficult since they are often at the side of cliffs.
However, once you have enough effigies, you can use them at the Statue of Power to increase your Capture Power.
The more you level up, the more effigies you’ll require. While this might not sound like a lot, having more Capture Power will help you greatly in getting harder to catch Pals like Kingpaca.
And there you have it; that’s everything you need to know about Lifmunk Effigies in Palworld. If you want to increase your chances of capturing Pals, you’ll have to collect this and use it at the Statue.
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