Best Modern Warfare 3 Striker Loadout and Class Setup

Stack up the kills by using this Striker loadout.

Umer Cheema
6 Min Read

Using SMGs is extremely fun in CoD as they have a high fire rate and can decimate enemies at a close range. If you love using SMGs, this guide will show you the Modern Warfare 3 best Striker loadout.

We will show you how to turn this SMG into an absolute beast thanks to all the attachments and gear. With that said, let’s dive right in and get started with the Modern Warfare 3 best Striker loadout.

Gun SetupClass Setup
Barrel: Striker Recon Long BarrelSecondary: MCPR-300
Stock: Lachmann MK2 Light StockVest: Overkill Vest
Muzzle: VT-7 Spiritfire SuppressorGloves: Ordnance Gloves
Magazine: 48 Round MagBoots: Covert Sneakers
Optic: Slate ReflectorGear: Ghost T/V Camo

Gun Setup

This loadout will primarily focus on improving the accuracy, damage, and recoil control of the Striker. Since it is already a great SMG, increasing the stats that it was lacking will allow you to perform much better. With this gun setup, you will be almost unstoppable at close range.

Barrel (Striker Recon Long Barrel)

Since this is an SMG, having the Striker Recon Long Barrel will increase your effective range. This will allow you to damage (and kill) enemies that are farther than normal.

You can deal the maximum damage from the Striker at even medium range which is a massive improvement.

Stock (Lachmann MK2 Light Stock)

As the name suggests, this is a lightweight stock that will give you more mobility. Since the barrel is heavy, you will need to use this stock to balance things out. It will allow you to run faster and move around the map without any issues.

This will help you out if you have an aggressive playstyle. While using SMGs, I highly suggest that you keep on the move and play as aggressively as you can.

Muzzle (VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor)

This muzzle will allow you to remain hidden even if you fire at the enemy. Thanks to this, your position won’t be revealed. You can run around the map and try to get to the enemy backlines.

Magazine (48 Round Mag)

Having an increased magazine capacity will assist you greatly as you can continuously run around without having to reload after every kill. This will also indirectly give you more damage as you can keep firing without stopping.

Optic (Slate Reflector)

This is purely up to your preference. Since some players prefer certain types of optics, you can use whatever you feel comfortable with. The Slate Reflector allows you to see even better at close range. It will help you follow the enemy’s movement better.

Class Setup

Moving on to the class setup, we will show you what perks and grenades perform best with the Striker. Since it requires a fast-paced gameplay, we will be picking perks that allow you to run faster and have more map control.

Secondary (MCPR-300)

MCPR 300

The MCPR-300 is a great sniper rifle in Modern Warfare 3. Having this as your secondary will help you against long-range targets since the Striker isn’t ideal against them.

So, this removes the weakness of taking long-range fights. However, I would still suggest that you try to run close to the target and finish them off. Use the MCPR-300 only when you don’t have any other option.

Alternatively, you can choose the FJX Imperium as well if you want to.

Vest (Overkill Vest)

The Overkill Vest allows you to equip two primary weapons.

While using the Striker, I like having the ability to have another primary weapon instead of a secondary one. This allows me to carry a long-range weapon to make up for the short-range of the SMG.

Gloves (Ordnance Gloves)

These gloves allow you to throw your grenades and other equipment further than normal.

Since your vest allows you to reload while sprinting and has a faster reload speed in general, you can use the Ordnance Gloves instead of the Quick-Grip Gloves.

These gloves allow you to throw your grenades and other equipment further than normal. It is great for crowd control or getting a few extra kills from your lethal.

Boots (Covert Sneakers)

The Covert Sneakers are essential as they remove your footstep noise.

The Covert Sneakers are essential as they remove your footstep noise. This will further help you be silent and get to the enemy backline. Not getting detected while using an SMG is crucial as you can rack up tons of kills this way.

Gear (Ghost T/V Camo)

The Ghost TV Camo allows you to block detection from UAVs, enemy radar sources, and Heartbeat Sensors.

The Ghost TV Camo allows you to block detection from UAVs, enemy radar sources, and Heartbeat Sensors. Since I love a silent playstyle, having this is crucial for me.

As you climb the ranks, players will have a good awareness of the map and will use everything they can to spot you. This will make their job difficult as you can run around without any worries.


And there you have it, that is the Modern Warfare 3 best Striker loadout and class setup. the Striker is the best SMG in MW3. Having the ideal loadout will allow you to perform even better and enhance this weapon a lot.

Hopefully, this guide helped you find the ideal loadout for the Striker. If you have a better loadout that you are using, let us know in the comments below!

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By day, Umer loves writing about games and talking about them; by night, he is an avid gamer that loves playing League of Legends and RTS games. Being a massive fan of Metal Gear Solid, you'll find Umer always praising the legendary Hideo Kojima.
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