So you’ve chosen the orc race once again without thinking of a proper name for your newly created soldier? No problem! We’ve got just the list for you!
Orcs are known to be tough and wild. They have very low intelligence, and are often only in it for the battle and adrenaline. To become one of them, you need to think of all the highs and lows and find the most optimal build, but in orcdex, one’s name is the biggest measure of strength.
You don’t want to be rocking the coolest-looking orcfit with a lame name. So, how does one find a good orc name without having to spend hours racking their creative braincells? The answer lies below:
Best Orc Names

Serving the prized ones first, these orc names are sure to take your charisma to the next level:
Female Orc Names

Just like how male orcs love mayhem, female orcs also have something very special? Can you guess? Here’s a hint: Find it from the names below:
Male Orc Names

What’s a battle without glory? To overpower your opponents with raw strength, that’s the way of the orcs. But to achieve that kind of glory, one needs to have a glorious name as well!
Good Orc Names

Interesting in the exceptionally rare? These orc names are sure to awaken your orc lineage. Before choosing, ensure you’re worthy of your choice. Otherwise, bad things might happen:
Skyrim Orc Names

Beyond the rugged terrain of Skyrim, where the frosty winds howl and dragons rule the sky, we find the unyielding orcs.
To honor their existence in such treacherous lands, you name must embody the grandeur and courage inherent in their beings.
Orc Warrior Names

In the clashing of steel and the uproar of war cries, Orc warriors display their unrelenting strength. It’s only fitting that their names radiate the same fierce audacity, mirroring the relentless spirits they possess.
Cool Orc Names

Cool orc names are more than just labels – they’re stories and legacies, powerful anthems that ring with prestige and prominence.
Grab one today to balance out your ever-burning blood:
Which orc name did you end up choosing? Let us know in the comments!
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