Destiny 2’s Christmas event, the Dawning, is back again for its 2021 iteration. Not much has changed since last year. We’re still collecting ingredients, baking treats, and delivering them to our buddies all around the system.
What do we get for all of that trouble? Loot, obviously. Mainly, we’re going to be getting our hands on three returning Dawning weapons, as well as a brand new Stasis sword.
Unlike other Destiny 2 events, the Dawning can get fairly complicated. There are over 20 different ingredients you’ll need to collect and combine to bake into different recipes for all of our favorite characters (except you, Mara).
Luckily for you, I’ve taken the liberty of listing all of the different Dawning 2021 ingredients, as well as the recipes that you’re baking and who you’re cooking for.
All the Dawning 2021 Baking Recipies in Destiny 2

I’ve separated the recipes up into two sections: those for characters in the Tower, and those for ones outside the Tower. Ideally, you’ll clear out most of the Tower recipes as soon as you can before moving on to the rest of the system. What order you do it in doesn’t matter too much, but it will help you save time.
Dawning 2021 Recipies for the Tower
Tower | Ikora | Traveler Donut Holes | Cabal Oil + Flash of Inspiration |
Tower | Zavala | Gjallardoodles | Vex Milk + Delicious Explosion |
Tower | Drifter | Dark Chocolate Motes | Taken Butter + Null Taste |
Tower | Shaxx | Vanilla Blades | Cabal Oil + Sharp Flavor |
Tower | Saint-14 | Lavender Ribbon Cookies | Vex Milk + Personal Touch |
Tower | Banshee | Telemetry Tapioca | Vex Milk + Bullet Spray |
Tower | Ada-1 | Hot Crossfire Buns | Ether Cane + Balanced Flavors |
Tower | Eva Levante | Classic Butter Cookies | Taken Butter + Superb Texture |
Tower | Tess Everis | Bright-Dusted Snowballs | Chitin Powder + Multifaceted Flavors |
Tower | Amanda Holiday | Chocolate Ship Cookies | Cabal Oil + Null Taste |
Tower | Hawthorne | Eliksni Birdseed | Ether Cane + Personal Touch |
Dawning 2021 Recipies for Outside the Tower
Helm | Crow | Bittersweet Biscotti | Dark Ether Cane + Balanced Flavors |
Helm | Mara Sov | Ascendant Apple Tart | Taken Butter + Sharp Flavor |
EDZ | Devrim Kay | Gentleman’s Shortbread | Ether Cane + Perfect Taste |
Europa | Variks | Etheric Coldsnaps | Chitin Powder + Electrical Flavor |
Xur’s Treasure Room | Xur | Strange Cookies | Taken Butter + Electric Flavor |
Dreaming City | Petra | Ill-Fortune Cookies | Dark Ether Cane + Impossible Heat |
Cosmodrome | Shaw Hawn | Blueberry Crumblers | Ether Cane + Bullet Spray |
Nessus | Failsafe | Infinite Forest Cake | Vex Milk + Impossible Heat |
Europa | Exo Stranger | Starwort Thins | Dark Ether Cane + Dark Frosting |
Moon | Eris Morn | Ascendant Oatmeal Raisin Cookies | Chitin Powder + Finishing Touch |
That’s all the different recipes you’ll need to bake for this year’s Dawning event. It’ll take you a while to get through all of that, but isn’t it worth all the fancy loot?
Plus, you can multitask by grinding out the new Dares of Eternity activity while farming for ingredients. That’s the best way to approach this event – treat it as a background activity and you’ll have a lot more fun with it, trust me.