Frog Detective is a three-part series that started all the way back in 2018, and with the latest entry finally hitting PC and Xbox, it brings a memorable and unforgettable end to the series that leaves no plot holes or stone unturned. In our Frog Detective 3 review, we take a look at the final entry in the series.
The third entry to the series takes us to the most iconic scenery yet – a small town. We see some familiar faces and new ones joining the mix. As always, Frog Detective’s services have been called upon once more to solve a mystery of his detective acumen, solving the mystery of the missing hats in Cowboy County.
As you navigate doing favors for the residents of the town to ultimately getting access to all the materials you need to wrap up this mystery, the story only gets better and really does it in a way that will make sure you won’t soon forget the most iconic entry in the series thus far.
Through the quirky and interesting cast of characters to help you solve the mystery, this is easily a game you can play with minimal attention and still enjoy even the most minor aspects of it. The writing is great, and the characters are hilarious.
Did I also forget the most important addition to the game? A dedicated scooter. (the old Razor scooters, not electric. The supervisor isn’t made of money.)
Frog Detective’s graphics are true to form. There is nothing here that will tax your system like the latest AAA titles released in the last few days. You can enjoy the adventure on almost any modern PC, and with minimalist controls, the game is a fun escape from playing your regular feed of action or other genres occupying your time.
The cutesy cartoony graphics are always a joy to look at, and getting up close to the residents of Cowboy Town to question them is as awkward and joyful as before. The art style is unique and fun to look at, and you enjoy paying attention to the fine details the artists took in making a colorful and vibrant environment for each little nook and cranny put into bringing this little town to life.
As mentioned before, the game is absolutely minimal at best. Your only controls are WASD, Tab, left/right click on the mouse, and most importantly – Shift as a dedicated Scooter button. Although the right click brings out your magnifying glass, that serves no purpose, but its the identity of the detective’s aesthetic.
In the one-hour or so story, you play the game plays like a more condensed version of familiar point-and-click adventure games like Sam and Max, Monkey Island, and more. However, the entire adventure is so short and straight to the point that you will be hard-pressed to get stuck at any point in the game.
The entire game is very linear and once you get that “Aha!” moment of finding the first piece to bring all the flavors together, traveling from one location to the other on your new scooter provided by The Supervisor is a joy.
In the end, Frog Detective 3 is a game you should play if you’re looking for a fun escape from modern video games. It is a quirky, funny, and thoroughly enjoyable ride from start to finish. With the added benefit of riding around Cowboy Town on a Razor scooter as one of the more alluring perks of the game, this is a game where sometimes less is indeed more.
Frog Detective 3 is a wonderful send-off for the series, and it’s one that you will enjoy from the beginning to its joyful end.
What did you think of our Frog Detective 3 Review? Share what you think about it in the comments below.
Frog Detective 3 is out now on PC through Steam and is also available on Xbox Game Pass alongside the first two entries.
This review is based on the PC version of Frog Detective 3. The key was provided by Future Friends Games.
Post this for Open Critic! This game needs decent reviews to get more noticed!!!
Hello! It’s up there now 🙂 I was waiting for the OpenCritic entry to be live to post it there.