How To Plant a Money Tree in Animal Crossing

Blossom into Wealth: Planting a Money Tree in Animal Crossing Made Easy

5 Min Read

Planting and gardening have always been a big aspect of Animal Crossing’s gameplay. From planting fruits and watering flowers to growing crops like wheat, New Horizons continues this beloved tradition. But there’s one kind of planting that can help bring in the dough and help pay off your loans to Tom Nook – Money Trees.

Yep, in Animal Crossing money does grow on trees! Read on to learn how to plant a Money Tree in Animal Crossing and know what to do to get the most profit during harvest time.

Digging up a glowing spot

How Do You Plant a Money Tree?

To plant a Money Tree, you only need a shovel, some due diligence to check your island every day, some Bells, and patience! Here’s a step-by-step guide.

  • Check your island for a glowing spot: If you’ve ever seen a tiny hole with light shining from underground, you’ve found the Money Tree spot! Only one glowing spot appears every day on your island.
  • Dig up the glowing spot: Use your shovel on the spot and you will dig up 1,000 Bells. After digging it up, do not cover or fill the hole! This is where you plant your Money Tree.
  • Plant some Bells: Yep, you don’t need any special seed for Money Trees. You just need to plant or bury some money in the glowing hole.
  • Wait for the tree to grow: After you’ve planted some Bells, there’s no need to water the sapling. You just have to wait for a few days. Money Trees grow like regular trees where it goes through five stages – Nursery, Small, Medium, Large, and Adult. And just like regular trees, it needs a 3×3 area to grow. 

After a few days, you now have your Money Tree! The money bags you harvest from it depends on the number of Bells you plant. You can bury the 1,000 Bells you dug up from the hole to get 3,000 Bells later, or you can plant more. Refer to our chart below to see a detailed breakdown.

Burying Bells to plant a Money Tree

How Many Bells Should I Plant for a Money Tree?

The number of Bells that you should plant for a Money Tree depends on how much money you can spare. You can start small and then work your way up to 10,000 Bells.

The amount of Bells you harvest from a Money Tree depends on the Bells that you plant and the RNG or the random percentage chance of the glowing hole. The RNG of the hole is already set and there is no way to figure out a pattern.

Here’s a handy-dandy chart to know how much you get.

Planted BellsBells HarvestedChance of Success
1,000 Bells or Less3 x 1,000 Bells100%
1,001 – 9,999 Bells3 x 1,000 Bells 70%
3 x Amount Buried30%
10,000 and up3 x 10,000 Bells70%
3 x Amount Buried30%

People have done the math and it is recommended to just plant 10,000 Bells max for safer investment. If you put more than 10,000 Bells, say 99,000 Bells, the chance of ever receiving triple that is just 30%, and most of the time you’ll only get 30,000 Bells. In the long run, investing 10,000 Bells will give you better profit.

That’s the gist for Money Tree stonks!

Do Money Trees Grow Back Money?

Unfortunately, after you’ve shaken your money tree and harvested the money bags, Money Trees don’t grow money again. It’ll just become a regular tree where you can chop it, dig it up, or use it for decoration.

A fully grown Animal Crossing Money Tree

And that’s how to plant a Money Tree in Animal Crossing! With all the Tom Nook loans, clothing and furniture to buy, and bridges to build, it’s good to get extra income.

Let us know if you’re successful with your Money Tree, and may the RNG be ever in your favor. Check us out for more Animal Crossing guides!

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Miles is a passionate writer, with a keen interest in writing engaging and intriguing content on all things Nintendo. Franchises such as Animal Crossing, The Legend of Zelda, and Mario have provided Miles with countless hours of fun, thus why he happily writes about them!
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