How To Unlock The Spray Paint Camo In Modern Warfare 2

Let's spray and pray!

Abdul Wasay Farooqui
7 Min Read

Modern Warfare 2 has many unique weapons for you to use and can be customized to your liking. However, you can also change the look of the weapon. Modern Warfare 2 features a diverse set of Camos available for you to use. The game has a total of 186 camos ready for you to use, not counting the four mastery camos, such as Gold, Platinum, Polyatomic, and Orion. This guide will look at how to unlock the spray paint camo in Modern Warfare 2.

Spray Paint Camo

The Spray paint camo is coarse-looking. It is rough and lacks detail. It is also the most straightforward camo pattern to get your hands on because it only requires you to level up a specific weapon to level 2. This can be achieved in a single game. This camo pattern features 18 camos, with 7 of them having a different challenges as compared to the other 11 patterns.

Spray Paint Camo Page

How Camo Challenges Work

Camos are unlocked by completing particular challenges with certain weapons. Camos are interchangeable between all weapons once unlocked, aside from mastery camos. The mastery camos are unique to the weapon they are unlocked for., as the challenges required for mastery camos are often weapon-specific and time-consuming. This comprehensive guide will dive deep into how to unlock all the spray paint camos in Modern Warfare 2.

How to Select Camos

After you have completed all the camo challenges, head to the gunsmith panel, and select customize on the top menu. When you are on the customize page, press on the camo tile. This will lead you to the camo page. From here, you can select the camo that you have currently unlocked, as well as look at the progress of the other camos.

Camo Page


Desert SnakeRapp HLevel 2
Sponge TacSTB 556Level 2
Forest ShadowExpedite 1240 Kills
Surface TensionHCR 56Level 2
GladiatorSignal 50Level 2
Dead HiveTAQ-MLevel 2
ScratchSP-X 80Level 2
ScalesM450 Kills
DarkfallLachmann SubLevel 2
Shark NetLA-B 330Level 2
Day Marsh Lachmann 76250 Kills
Sand ViperLockwood MK2Level 2
Rip N’ TearKastov 76220 Mounted Kills
China LakeRPKLevel 7
Ripple EffectKastov 74U50 Kills
UnearthedSignal 50Level 9

The Best Spray Paint Camo

The best spray paint camo in the game currently has to be the Sand Viper, which is relatively prettier than the other prosaic-looking camos. As it is very prominent has an excellent finish to it. To unlock the Sand Viper, you have to level up your Lockwood MK2 to level 2, which is very straightforward and not time-consuming.

Sand Viper

Tips And Tricks On How To Unlock Camos Fast

To simplify unlocking camos, we have created many loadout guides specific to weapons. This will help you unlock multiple camos at once because if you level up an M4 to the max, you will have accumulated many camos just by leveling up.

If you plan to level up Assault Rifles, please follow our loadout guides for the Kastov 74U, Kastov 545, and the M16.

Loadout Guides

With these loadout guides, we have carefully researched and thought of all possible attachments and then made the best loadout that would benefit the weapon the most. Such as installing attachments that would reduce recoil in the Kastov 762.

In order to maximize your chances of winning a duel against your enemies, you should always be on the lookout for enemies who are unprepared for a gunfight. You can quickly kill them and get free kills. Being Defensive will be your best friend, as you will be prepared for a fight.

Game Modes To Unlock Gold Camo

The best and most accessible game modes to grind your camo challenges are as follows. These game modes are designed for camo grinds because the objective is constantly moving around the map, which means you are on the run 24/7, getting all kinds of kills.



Domination can help you get quick and easy lurking kills because the objective is always on the move. You can never camp in a location and expect people to come at you. You will have to chase the objective continuously, and you will often get kills of passersby enemies and those who aimlessly push towards the objective. This helps you get quick and easy kills.


Invasion is the best game mode currently available in the game to grind for weapon XP and camos, as the server is flooded with bots to help mitigate the large map. This can benefit you because you can hide in their spawn and repeatedly keep killing the bots, and if you manage to kill a player, you get double the XP.



Hardpoint is one of my favorite game modes to unlock and grind camos because you are always going around the map, lurking around enemies, and getting free kills. Because the objective keeps moving across different areas of the map, you can keep going from Point A to Point B and Point C.


As you can see, these camo challenges are pretty easy to accomplish compared to the previous call of duties, this is easy. Because in recent years, more and more camos have been added to the game, and the difficulty level has drastically decreased. Allowing for a more streamlined challenge. As well as the Mastery Challenges being introduced.

And these are all the Spray Paint camos you can unlock in Modern Warfare 2 and the challenge requirements for each camo.

If you have a camo pattern that you want to have covered by us, please suggest it in the comment section below. We would love to hear your feedback. And keep following this page for more Camo Pattern and their challenges.

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A hardcore Gamer and a Tech enthusiast. Massive fan of RPGs, primarily Skyrim and Knights Of The Old Republic. With a bit of RTS and FPS here and there.
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