Renata Glasc Build, Runes, and Ability Rundown

Believe it or not, the Chem-Baroness is still relevant to this day's meta.

Richard James
25 Min Read

Supports are often considered to be the deciding factors of a game. Good supports can enable your team to take leads, and objectives and potentially win a game. With the support meta being so stagnant, it was about time for Riot to release Renata Glasc on the rift. 

The supports are arguably the only ones fighting in the first half of the game while their ADCs farm free minions. Partaking in such life-and-death battles has its own unique charm. However, things start to change when Renata Glasc joins the mix.

Renata Glasc possesses the ability to ensue chaos on the rift. The Chem-Baroness is an evil dictator that saves a life from one hand while taking it from another. Her domination on the rift seems to be never-ending.

However, it is not all fun and games with Renata Glasc. Unlike conventional supports, you need to have a few factors go your way to have an enjoyable time with her. Therefore, barging right in from the front door is a definite no-go.

Renata Glasc Runes: Patch 12.23

Renata Glasc has been faring rather well in solo queue and pro play. With professionals like Hyllissang and Targamas picking up on the Chem-Baroness, it is only a matter of time before everyone starts playing her. 

Needless to say, her kit works great with certain comps and poorly with others. Therefore, we recommend you pick your poison (pun intended). With that said, here are the recommended runes for the perfect Renata Glasc build: 

GuardianBiscuit DeliveryBiscuit Delivery Rune
Shield BashShield Bash Rune IconCosmic InsightCosmic Insight Rune
Bone Plating
RevitalizeRevitalize RuneAttack Speed
Win %51.7 %Armor
Pick %49.2 %Armor

And if you would like to break the pace of playing safe, try being offensive with these alternative Renata Glasc Runes:

SorcerySorcery RuneDominationDomination Rune
Summon AerySummon Aery RuneZombie WardZombie Ward Rune
Manaflow BandManaflow Band RuneUltimate HunterUltimate Hunter Rune
ScorchScorch RuneAbility HasteAbility Haste LoL
Win %54.0 %Adaptive ForceAdaptive Force Icon
Pick %2.4 %Armor

What are the Best Summoner Spells on Renata Glasc?

Summoner spells are mostly never set in stone; spells, runes, and the build for Renata Glasc are not an exception to this rule. That means you can go in any role with any spell as long as it helps you. Hell, some people even play ADC with Smite.

However, we have chosen to include some spell combinations that mostly work together and a description of when it’s helpful to take it. With that said, here is how it generally works:

Flash + Heal

You don’t generally have to build heal on Renata Glasc. If your ADC has not chosen Heal as her secondary spell and you are facing an aggressive bot lane then Heal is the way to go. It can annoy execution-based champions and provide you with that extra survivability to save your ADC in danger. 

While it is not recommended to blindly go for a Heal on Renata, it does have its sweet points. Furthermore, it is one of the few efforts you can put in to ensure your ungrateful ADC’s survival. 

You are not a big fan of Renata? Why not take a look at our Zeri guide and learn how to play the newly released champion?

Flash + Teleport

Teleport can be a good means to disrupt the map state. It allows you greater roam potential and can unlock to be a menace in the late game. However, you will be at a constant spell disadvantage against your enemy laners.

Therefore, only do it if you have a winning matchup. If your ADC can survive the bot lane solo, then it is a pretty good roaming tool to kill Drakes and Heralds. While you’re at it, make sure to give some love to your mid laner as well.

Flash + Exhaust

Exhaust is great against burst-heavy champions. For example, imagine a Zeri working hard to proc her Lethal Tempo and Movement Speed to deal massive amounts of damage so you Exhaust her for nearly all of her damage. Pretty frustrating right?

Similarly, Exhaust can be a good tool for winning teamfights. It slows the escaping enemies and can be used both defensively and offensively. However, it can feel a bit useless if the matchup is extremely passive. 

Flash + Ignite

Ignite is the current most popular choice on  Renata for a number of reasons. It fills in the void of your early game damage and can prove to be menacing for squishy targets. Furthermore, it synergizes well with an aggressive laner and can help secure kills wherever needed.

Ignite has a general tendency to make enemies miscalculate its damage and escape late which generally makes them burn a Flash or a Heal. Therefore, you end up with free enemy summoners while getting a kill. A net positive throughout the board. 

Flash + Barrier

Unfortunately, the barrier doesn’t have many relevant use cases for Renata Glasc. However, having a long-range ADC by your side can make the enemy supports target you instead. Simply burn the Barrier and you have a decent chance of surviving most of their damage. 

Needless to say, it can also be good in baiting enemies to tower dive you. However, the spell is currently far from its glory days due to the addition of items like Serpent’s fang.

Mythic Items for Renata Glasc

Mythic Items For Renata Glasc

Similar to most AP supports, Renata Glasc has the option to morph into many build styles. Every Mythic choice is extremely dependent on the ongoing game state. Therefore, it is important to pay close attention to her requirements. 

With that said, here are the possible Mythic options for Renata Glasc to build:

Shurelya’s Battlesong

This item is great for enabling your team. The movement speed on the active is great for carrying your teammates in and out of the battle. Don’t have a good chase? Pop this bad boy and see your team crashing into the enemy.

Is the battle not going your way? Press the active and disengage as safely as possible. Your team might not come out completely unscathed, but something is better than nothing.

With that said, the Mythic Passive on this item isn’t bad either. Renata Glasc functions on abilities. Therefore, anything decreasing her cooldown timers is a worthwhile investment. Furthermore, you also get to grant extra movement speeds to those you protect with your ‘W’ ability. Therefore, they have a higher chance of killing someone before they die.

Imperial Mandate

In League of Legends, any kind of CC is good CC, and adding bonus damage on top of that CC sounds like a pretty good deal. Nonetheless, you need to hit your abilities in order for this item to take effect.

Imperial Mandate can morph well into budget AP builds and can help your team gain the advantages they need to be able to win team fights. Any immobilization or slowing on your side will automatically proc the Imperial Mandate’s bonuses.

Your team simply needs to detonate the marks by inflicting damage on the affected opponent. Sounds too good to be true, right? That’s because you need good teammates to pull it off.

Locket of the Iron Solari

Shields are a good way of protecting your teammates from lethal damage. It grants you a fair bit of advantage from the very start of a teamfight that can help you bridge that tiny gap in champion levels.

However, Locket of the Iron Solari can feel underwhelming from start to finish and only shines in proper teamfights. Such fights can be hard to get especially when you are playing in lower elo. 

Needless to say, a 250 – 350 HP shield on each teammate sounds pretty good to miss out on. Therefore, give this item a try to see if it fits your gauntlet or not. 

Moonstone Renewer

Healers have always been a rare breed in the outskirts of Summoners Rift. However, all of that ended when Riot Games introduced this item. Now, every support can heal their teammates as long as they are daring enough. 

A Moonstone Renewer can be extremely useful when your team has enough damage but lack the necessary sustain needed to win teamfights. Healing a certain amount of health on your most wounded ally while in combat certainly feels enticing. 

However, this might not be the best way to increase your KDA and the item can feel really useless if your team has no avenue of getting back into a game. 


Do you think Renata lacks the necessary roots to chain an enemy down? Are you a firm believer in the saying “more CC equals more GG”? Then this item is perfect for you! 

Everfrost’s active allows you to lock-fed champions for the entirety of your combo. Simply daisy chain your stuns before the enemy gets a chance to move, and you are good to go.

The attacks go wide in a cone, so even if you miss the center part, you can still slow them by 65% for about approximately one second. This item is a great starting point for executing an AP-oriented build for Renata Glasc.

Renata Glasc Build: Item Order

renata glasc build item order

Being a support player gives you the advantage to build whatever you want as long as it’s not too risky or too “troll-isque.” Therefore, you can choose to mess around with the given path to see what fits you the best in your specific elo.

However, with that said, there is never harm in determining the loose definition for you to start from. Furthermore, I would generally advise you to stick to it if you’re new to the champion. Anyways, here is a general scheme for Renata Glasc’s build path:

Spellthief’s EdgeAll AP-based supports need to go for this item. Purchasing it will initiate a quest to damage enemies to obtain gold for whenever you have charges. Therefore, it can make you earn gold while trading damage with enemies.
BootsAs a support, you need to roam to make plays happen. Warding is also a part of that. Needless to say, extra movement speed from early on is great to have on a support.
Ionian Boots of LucidityWhile we’re at it, some Haste will do good as well. You won’t have to wait a lot of seconds just to cast your abilities again. Furthermore, having low cooldowns on summoner spells is a great added benefit for the cost. 
Bandleglass MirrorYou want to start preparing for your first mythic. Therefore, you can’t go wrong with a Bandleglass Mirror. Its mana regen stat can add a significant boost to your base mana regeneration. 
KindlegemAs a mage, you are bound to have low health, at least at some point. Therefore, a Kindlegem can help alleviate some of that. Furthermore, it is a necessary component for building your Mythic.
Shurelya’s BattlesongWith the presence of your Mythic, you have a greater chance of surviving ganks and chasing your opponent. It also opens many opportunities for playmaking, especially around the drake.
Oblivion OrbRenata benefits from this item through her AOE-based kit. Therefore, if there is ever a need for healing reduction, then you will be the one providing it, no questions asked.
Bandleglass MirrorYou need this component to continue your path of upgrading your basic healing reduction.
Chemtech Putrifier40% sounds like a good number, but 60% is something else. Plus, you get to empower your allies to apply this percentage alongside you. Therefore, one item on you is enough for the entire team.
Amplifying TomeYou will be going for Redemption next. However, this item will also grant you the flexibility to pivot into something else. 
Amplifying TomeWe never said you only need one of these, now did we?
KindlegemSome health on a mage doesn’t hurt anyone. Instead, it increases your chances of survivability. Besides, you still need this item (again) for Redemption.
RedemptionWide-area heal? Check!
Everything working with Chemtech Putrifier? Check! Use the healing ability from this item to allow large-scale anti-heal casting on your enemies. Their suffering is your biggest pleasure, Summoner.
Shard of True IceYou should have a completed support item since ages ago. Make sure to ward a lot. It can be pivotal in the fights to come. Therefore, skipping on vision is dangerous no matter how hard it’s memed upon.

Renata Glasc Build: Secondary Item Options

renate glasc secondary items

Summoner’s rift is a chaotic place. No team fight goes similar to the other and there is always an element of surprise. Needless to say, these surprising elements can prompt you to change your build to match them. This can be hard to achieve if you don’t know the necessary upgrade paths. 

The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth tiers hold the option to be changed accordingly. You can use the following options to decide a valid Renata Glasc build path by yourself: 

Fourth Item Options

  • Redemption
  • Watchful Wardstone

Redemption is a great choice to go as your fourth item. However, this is usually the time when fights start to break out, and a team starts losing pressure on the Jungle. Therefore, it is necessary to have control wards at your disposal to protect your current pressure.

With that said, Watchful Wardsone can also be upgraded after completing the quest, thereby making it a cheap but good purchase, especially when you’re looking for picks.

The item can be particularly useful while playing from a deficit since it doesn’t cost a lot to purchase and still provides basic stats needed to be relevant in the game. However, you should give preference to Redemption in a team fight heavy comp.

Fifth Item Options

  • Watchful Wardstone
  • Redemption
  • Staff of Flowing Water

If you chose a unique item as your fourth item, then you’ll be met with the same options. Why? This absence of freedom is due to the lack of current variations in the support item pool. And since there is not a lot that you can do about it, it is better to go for the Wardstone or Redemption.

However, there are times when buffing your carries take priority over healing the entire team. For example, you could have a 7/2 Viktor running around terrorizing the enemy team. Why does it sound so specific, you ask? I would suggest you mind your own business.

Consequently, the item can also work wonders on a mage-based team combination that can utilize a little bit of the bonus Ability Power.

Sixth Item Options

  • Watchful Wardstone
  • Mikael’s Blessing
  • Ardent Censer

Once the early to mid-game is over, you will experience a tremendous increase in demand for control wards. Since this need only increases the later a game goes on, I would recommend you to go for a Watchful Wardstone if your team comp is strong enough.

However, keeping your carries alive is also a primary support role duty, and CC on an ADC is lethal. Therefore, you can always have Mikael’s Blessing in your Renata Glasc build if there is a genuine CC threat in the enemy team like Morgana.

Consequently, the Ardent Censer is a fantastic item for buffing your ADC. It has lost a bit in popularity after the recent changes to the overall meta, especially after tanks became the absolute monarchs of the Rift. Furthermore, it can be a viable option if you have nothing else to build.

Renata Glasc: Ability Rundown

renate glasc ability run down

Renata thrives by sowing chaos among the enemies. She likes to control her opponents to act like her chess pieces. Moreover, staying true to this ideology, her kit enables her to assert absolute control over her opponents.

If that’s not enough for a stimulus, then you might want to try taking an ally Renata’s W. Here is how her abilities work:

Passive – Leverage

Renata Glasc’s basic attacks deal bonus damage while marking her enemies. Similar to Imperial Mandate, her allies can consume the mark by dealing damage. An enemy with a consumed mark will take bonus damage from the aftereffects. 

Q – Handshake

Renata sends out a missile from her left robotic arm. Upon hitting the first enemy, the missile roots them. She can then re-activate the ability to move the enemy in a specified direction. This will stun and damage the enemies receiving the impact if the Handshaken target is a champion.

W – Bailout

Renata Glasc grants the target ally the ability to temporarily revive after getting his/her health depleted. The allied champion also gains ramping attack speed and movement speed in the direction of enemies. If the targeted ally gets a takedown then the duration of the buff resets.

While Bailout is active, any champion will have their health restored to full upon the health bar reaching zero. However, they will start burning to death. The only way to stop this burn is by getting a takedown in that burn duration. 

E – Loyalty Program

Renata Glasc sends our her Chemtech Rockets that shield the allies while damaging any enemy they pass through. Casting these rockets around her will give its benefits to her as well. At max range, the rockets will result in an explosion.  

R – Hostile Takeover

Renata Glasc sends out a trail of chemical clouds that inflicts the berzerk status on enemies. During this duration, the enemies will have increased attack speed and will hit anything around them. They prioritize their own teammates while attacking, then the neutral units, then Renata Glasc’s team, and finally,  Renata herself.

Renata Glasc: Skill Order

Renata mainly operates on her Loyalty Program and Hostile Takeover. Therefore, it is better to level the E before choosing anything else. It will also give her the damage she lacks in the early portions of the game. Once the E is done, you can upgrade her W and then Q.

In simpler terms, the skill order will go like this:

Passive – LeverageQ – HandshakeW – BailoutE – Loyalty ProgramR – Hostile Takeover

Playing Renata Glasc: Useful Tips

renatta glasc useful tips

Don’t know how Renata works? Read the tips mentioned below to get better at her:

  • Save Your W: Try to save your W in skirmishes as much as possible until you find a valid use for it. It’s really easy to burn your W beforehand and have nothing when you need it. Therefore, have some patience until the time is ripe
  • Don’t Initiate Fights With R:  Renata’s ultimate is much more effective when the enemy is not expecting it. The trail is slow, therefore it is easier to flash out before the ability hits. Casting the ultimate at the right time can catch many enemies off guard. 
  • Go for Flanking Positions: Renata Glasc is squishy and is not meant to take the initial brim of the team fight. Therefore, go in a bit late instead to be the deciding factor. A well-lined-up ultimate from behind can break the enemies’ momentum while cutting their path of escape. 
  • Don’t Use Your Q Wastefully: Peeling is important to keep your ADC alive. Use your Q to protect your ADC from a diving assassin or to remove the enemies’ frontline from the combat. 

Ultimately, Renata Glasc is rather weak in the early game. However, her true potential starts to become visible in mid to late-game team fights. While expecting something out of a new champion is justified, don’t count too much on her kit, or you might throw a perfectly winnable game.

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If he isn't sleeping, Richard is probably spending his time goofing around in Elden Ring or getting his sweats on in Valorant. With a keen passion for everything FPS, you won't be winning a 1v1 off him anytime soon!
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