New Star Wars Games Are Far Away With Battlefront 3 Cancelled

Rizwan Anwer
2 Min Read

Earlier today, EA announced 3 new entries coming to the Star Wars world. One will be a new Jedi Game, an FPS game, and a strategy game. While a new Jedi game is presumably Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order sequel, Jason Schreier has chimed in with how only Fallen Order Sequel is the immediate release and the other projects are still very far off.

Don’t get excited for the new Star Wars projects yet

Earlier today, EA announced some new Star Wars projects that are being worked in collaboration with LucasArts and Respawn. However, according to him it is only Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order sequel that will see a release this year or the next, with the other two projects in very early development and potentially very far off from release.

In addition, VentureBeat has reported to state that Battlefront 3 is also canceled.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 had a very disappointing and rough launch, but a year after its release the game became one of the best titles that fans of the series could ask for, and unfortunately, it seems that it’s only a matter before support for it also cuts out to focus on other projects.

We can hope that the support for the title lasts, but it is currently expected to be nearing the end of its life in a year or two at best.

For now, the foreseeable future only has a sequel of the 2019 title for us, otherwise, fans will have to wait a few more years for us to see anything else happen.

Fans are also eagerly waiting for Star Wars Eclipse to emerge from Quantic Dream. So it seems that the next few years are going to be a big treat for fans of the series.

What are your thoughts on the announcement and which project are you most excited for?

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