Payday 3 Will Need A Constant Internet Connection

The Heists Require Constant Internet

Rizwan Anwer
2 Min Read
  • Payday 3 will need an always online internet connection
  • Confirmed by developer during an interview
  • No way to play the game offline

According to an online interview with one of the developers, Payday 3 will require a constant internet connection to play the title. Payday 2 offered an offline mode, but with how games are now pivoting to the live service model, this should come as no surprise.

Payday 3 Will Need Your Internet

Payday 3 is the latest entry to the heist simulator title that is launching later this year, but fans will now be surprised to learn that the title will require a constant internet connection for the title to function. In an online interview with one of the developers, it was confirmed that you will need an active internet connection to play the title.

In a tweet by DannyOnPC, they share a snippet of the interview that shows the part of the interview that pertains to the query.

“Will payday 3 have offline mode. Like playing solo?”
“uh no. You will be able to play by yourself. but I do believe you need to have a connection in order to play”

From the interview

Unfortunately, this is becoming a common trend for multiplayer games, and as such should have been expected, but it remains to be seen how much of a deal breaker this is for fans.

Payday 3 is set for release on the PS5, Xbox Series, and PC on September 21st, 2023. It will also be a day-one title on Game Pass for console and PC.

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