We got news earlier this year of a Prince of Persia Sands of Time Remake that is behind developed by Ubisoft’s India wing. However, a returning leaker is hinting that Ubisoft has more planned for the Prince but we’re going to have to wait for it.
Ubisoft giving the Prince of Persia series a rewind
So while a lot of this could be chalked up to speculation or just guesswork, a lot of it is also too coincidental for it to be affirmed as that.
Reddit user Mr_Aryan44 posted on the /r/gamingleaksandrumours subreddit with details on an Indian YouTuber who we can only give the benefit of the doubt for being one of the prime sources on leaking Prince of Persia Sands of Time remake.
His evidence goes as following:
He says that the YouTuber in question, Lazy Assassin, put up a community post a few months ago telling his fans about the leaked remake. The community post that is now deleted can only be verified when Lazy Assassin only had 48.7k Subscribers, and as of writing this, he currently 155k subscribers now.

With this as proof, Lazy Assassin posted a new video which states that a new Prince of Persia is in the works but its all in the rough phases right now, scheduled for a 2023/2024 release.
You can listen to his statement at 6:17 in the video.
I can confirm that a lot of what he says at that mark is true to what is posted by the original poster on Reddit.
"Aside from that I've got a new prince of persia leak, that you won't find on any other news source. basically Sands of Time is coming next year anyway, but aside from that Ubisoft is working on a completely new PoP game that won't be a remake. Right now the early concept is being worked on, where game mechanics are completely being redesigned and you can say that it'll reboot the series. It'll probably come out in 2023 or 2024 and If I get any news regarding it, I'll definitely tell you.
While the Prince of Persia series has been shelved since 2010 with The Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, the series has been begging to make a comeback, but unfortunately got no such treatment on the Xbox or the PS for a whole console generation.
Albeit Ubisoft did to limited time events in For Honor and even a VR experience, that still isn’t a dedicated game.
We can hope that by waiting for a little bit longer, Ubisoft is looking to bring the Prince back to life.
“Aside from that I’ve got a new prince of persia leak, that you won’t find on any other news source. basically Sands of Time is coming next year anyway, but aside from that Ubisoft is working on a completely new PoP game that won’t be a remake. Right now the early concept is being worked on, where game mechanics are completely being redesigned and you can say that it’ll reboot the series. It’ll probably come out in 2023 or 2024 and If I get any news regarding it, I’ll definitely tell you.