Microsoft is amongst the only gaming companies to not fully leverage Virtual Reality (VR) on their home consoles to date, however some new evidence has come forward which suggests VR for Xbox Series Consoles could be in the works.
Microsoft working on VR for Xbox Series consoles
With even Nintendo taking a brief stab at the concept with the help of their do-it-yourself (DIY) home kits called the Nintendo Labo. PlayStation VR also played a big part for the PS4 and is going to continue being supported for the PS5.
According to a YouTuber and a Microsoft Flight Simulator Forum thread, there are some mystery files in the games code that suggests Microsoft is looking into implementing VR for the Xbox Series X and/or the Xbox Series S.

You can see below PC_VR is Scarlett_VR.
Scarlett is the code name for the Xbox Series console family which includes the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. Anaconda is the active code name for the Xbox Series X and Lockhart is the active code name for the Xbox Series S. All the consoles fall under the Project Scarlett code name.
While VR is definitely possible on the Xbox Series X, it should also be possible on the Xbox Series S, although not as strong.
There have been past reports of a project Edinburgh, which many leakers have dismissed as a third console.
Perhaps Edinburgh could be a VR accessory for the console?
With the booming popularity of VR on the PC and how it will continue to be supported on the PS5, Microsoft could be looking at the possibility of bringing VR to the Xbox Series consoles down the road?
If Microsoft can force users to accept two generations of their Kinect, enticing consumers with entry grade level VR similar to that of Oculus Quest shouldn’t be a problem for a company like Microsoft.
While playing Flight Simulator in VR will definitely be a throughly engaging experience, it will also be very hardware intensive. Hopefully Microsoft manages to make VR on the consoles a good experience without having to sacrifice visuals.
With the potential news of VR for Xbox Series consoles, Microsoft definitely is thinking outside of the box. We can only hope they do embrace VR as an additional accessory avenue.
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