Have you ever seen any of those colored fruits lying around in Palworld? Well, those are Skill Fruits that you can use to teach your Pals new moves. These fruits can grow on trees or be found on the ground. They are all over the Palpagos Islands if you know where to look. So, join me as I guide you to all the Skill Fruit Tree locations in Palworld.
What Are Skill Fruits?

First off, these fruits act as the TMs in Palworld – another Pokemon reference, I know. But it’s the easiest way to explain them. Each Skill Fruit represents a specific ability and, when eaten, will allow that Pal to learn it.
Imagine this: your Fire Pal suddenly busting out Water moves. That’s right, with Skill Fruits, you can mix and match moves across different elements, leading to some unique and unpredictable Pals. Change the game by messing around with Skill Fruits, crafting the ultimate attacking Pal, armed with a diverse arsenal of moves.
All Skill Fruits in Palworld
To help you plan the abilities you’ll want to teach your Pals, here’s a list of all the Skill Fruits you can find on trees or the ground in Palworld.
Skill | Element | Rarity | Power |
Air Cannon | Neutral | Uncommon | 25 |
Power Shot | Neutral | Uncommon | 35 |
Hydro Jet | Water | Uncommon | 30 |
Aqua Gun | Water | Uncommon | 40 |
Acid Rain | Water | Uncommon | 80 |
Dragon Cannon | Dragon | Uncommon | 30 |
Wind Cutter | Grass | Uncommon | 30 |
Seed Machine Gun | Grass | Uncommon | 50 |
Seed Mine | Grass | Uncommon | 65 |
Ignis Blast | Fire | Uncommon | 30 |
Spirit Fire | Fire | Uncommon | 45 |
Flare Arrow | Fire | Uncommon | 55 |
Spark Blast | Electric | Uncommon | 30 |
Shockwave | Electric | Uncommon | 40 |
Electric Ball | Electric | Uncommon | 50 |
Plasma Tornado | Electric | Uncommon | 65 |
Sand Blast | Ground | Uncommon | 40 |
Stone Blast | Ground | Uncommon | 55 |
Stone Cannon | Ground | Uncommon | 70 |
Poison Blast | Dark | Uncommon | 30 |
Shadow Burst | Dark | Uncommon | 55 |
Spirit Flame | Dark | Uncommon | 75 |
Ice Missile | Ice | Uncommon | 30 |
Icicle Cutter | Ice | Uncommon | 55 |
Power Bomb | Neutral | Rare | 70 |
Bubble Blast | Water | Rare | 65 |
Aqua Burst | Water | Rare | 100 |
Dragon Burst | Dragon | Rare | 55 |
Draconic Breath | Dragon | Rare | 70 |
Grass Tornado | Grass | Rare | 80 |
Spine Vine | Grass | Rare | 95 |
Ignis Breath | Fire | Rare | 70 |
Flare Storm | Fire | Rare | 80 |
Lock-on Laser | Electric | Rare | 70 |
Lightning Streak | Electric | Rare | 75 |
Tri-Lightning | Electric | Rare | 90 |
Sand Tornado | Ground | Rare | 80 |
Nightmare Ball | Dark | Rare | 100 |
Iceberg | Ice | Rare | 70 |
Cryst Breath | Ice | Rare | 90 |
Pal Blast | Neutral | Epic | 150 |
Implode | Neutral | Epic | 180 |
Hydro Laser | Water | Epic | 150 |
Dragon Meteor | Dragon | Epic | 150 |
Solar Blast | Grass | Epic | 150 |
Ignis Rage | Fire | Epic | 120 |
Fire Ball | Fire | Epic | 150 |
Lightning Strike | Electric | Epic | 120 |
Lightning Bolt | Electric | Epic | 150 |
Rock Lance | Ground | Epic | 150 |
Dark Laser | Dark | Epic | 150 |
Blizzard Spike | Ice | Epic | 130 |
All Skill Fruit Tree Locations in Palworld

I first encountered a Skill Fruit when I picked it up from the ground, thinking it was a Mega Sphere. To my surprise, it was a Skill Fruit, Wind Cutter. However, these ground spawns can be a bit unreliable since they are fairly random and can pop up anywhere.
Fortunately, there are several Skill Fruit Trees scattered around the Palpagos Islands. These trees grow Skill Fruits that respawn over time and are randomized, allowing you to get the rare and powerful ones with a bit of luck. Here are all the Skill Fruit Tree locations I’ve managed to find.
On A Cliff – Windswept Hills (203, -452)

There are two Skill Fruit Tree locations in Windswept Hills. The first one is just a short walk away from the Plateau of Beginnings. Just continue going northwest, overcoming a series of cliffs. Once you’re at the highest point, you’ll see a small gap where the Skill Fruit Tree is located on the other side. There’s also a Lifmunk Effigy there, waiting to be claimed.
Highest Point in Windswept Hills (-15, -482)

The other Skill Fruit Tree in Windswept Hills is a bit harder to locate since there are really no nearby landmarks. The best instructions I can give you is to go to the area with yellowish grass and rocky structures pointing towards the sky. Climb to the top, and you’ll eventually see the blue glowing Skill Fruit Tree.
Lone Skill Fruit in Sea Breeze Archipelago (-193, -519)

Fast Travel to the Small Cove marker, then turn northeast and scale the ledge. Look to your left, and you’ll spot the tree – It’s that simple. It’s by far the most accessible Skill Fruit Tree in Palworld.
At the Edge of the Hill – Bamboo Groves (-187, -404)

Starting from the Sealed Realm of the Thunder Dragon marker, follow the path southeast, where you might find some Relaxaurus along the way. This leads to a leveled area at which you should start your uphill climb. The Skill Fruit Tree stands there near the edge, awaiting your arrival.
At the Tip of Bamboo Groves (-245, -204)

Get yourself to the Investigator’s Fork marker. Summon your best flying mount, flap those wings to rise through the air, and land on the hill’s highest point to your left. That’s it.
Overlooking The Desert – Moonless Shore (-38, -162)

The Skill Fruit Tree is just north of the Ancient Ritual Site, downhill from a Free Pal Alliance Devout camp. It’s also a great area for a second base for easy access not only to Skill Fruits but also to 8 Ore nodes, along with a single Coal node.
On a Cliff Protected by Free Pal Alliance Devouts – Moonless Shore (51, -51)

Using the Mount Flopie Summit marker as a reference, face north and glide down the ledge. The Skill Fruit Tree is planted right past a group of Free Pal Alliance Devouts to the east, so make sure to bring your best attacking Pals for protection.
The Base of a Waterfall – Verdant Brook (146, -24)

Head to the waterfall’s plunge pool nestled between Verdant Brook and the Frostbound Mountains. The Skill Fruit Tree is planted directly southwest of the waterfall itself. Be aware that it’s usually guarded by a group of Free Pal Alliance Devouts.
On a Slope Past the Stream of Lava– Verdant Brook (334, -39)

The closest landmark is the home of the Alpha Jormuntide boss. From there, the tree is located just a few short ledge climbs to the northwest. It’s hard to miss because that blue glow easily stands out amongst a pack of luscious green trees.
In a Cove – Marsh Island (362, -317)

Coming from the Alpha Grintale boss area, all you have to do is head south past a tapestry of lush green forests and serene blue streams. Soon enough, you’ll find the opening of a cozy cove, where you’ll be greeted by the glowing Skill Fruit Tree at the entrance.
On Top of A Hill – Dessicated Desert (290, 254)

Coming from the Alpha Suzaku boss area, you’ll see a broad rocky hill whenever you face west. The challenge now is to scale this and reach the top, where your reward is a Skill Fruit Tree hiding between a herd of Pals and spiky Yucca trees.
The Furthest Mineshaft Hill – Dessicated Desert (328, 484)

You see that rough uphill terrain housing the Furthest Mineshaft? Well, that’s the battle you’ll need to face to find another Skill Fruit Tree in Palworld. At least there are several coal nodes you can mine while you’re here.
The Grassy Area in the Astral Mountains (183, 429)

There are no nearby landmarks or Fast Travel points near this Skill Fruit Tree. The best way to find the tree is by pulling up your map and heading to the small patch of grassy terrain sticking out of the icy astral mountains in the east.
Near a Sacred Mountain Cavern – Astral Mountains (-150, 582)

Tucked away in the hidden corners of the Astral Mountains lies another Skill Fruit Tree. I suggest starting from the PAL Genetic Research Unit Tower Entrance marker, heading north, and never looking back. You’ll know you’re there once you have to drop down from the mountain’s edge.
In A Hole Near A Church – Forgotten Island(-453, -33)

Here’s an easy one to access. Get to the Forgotten Island Church Ruins marker and walk toward the giant hole in the south. Then, safely glide to the tree on the opposite side, and those ripe fruits are yours to collect.
Bordering the Fortress City – Mount Obsidian (-624, -260)

I recommend buckling up and hopping on a flying mount for this one. Travel to the Ruined Fortress City marker and use your mount to scale the area to the west. The tree should be right outside the secondary walls, typically guarded by a Pal or two.
At the Feet of Anubis – Mount Obsidian (-555, -624)

Wrapping up the list is by far the easiest Skill Fruit Tree to access in Palworld. All you have to do is teleport to the Mount Obsidian Anubis Statue and head up a flight of stairs. The tree will lie right between the statue’s feet. Be careful, though, as there are a lot of powerful Pals here, so bring a weapon or two, as you’ll likely have to fight your way through.