Battlefield 6 Trailer Leaked As A Gif With No Official Sign Of Trailer Yet

Rizwan Anwer
Rizwan Anwer
2 Min Read

We have covered Battlefield 6 time and again and it seems that the leaks just won’t stop coming. However, it seems that the hits won’t stop coming, and with complete radio silence from EA and DICE, we might actually get the complete Battlefield 6 trailer leaked via leaks before we get it from official sources.

Battlefield 6 Trailer Leaked – Almost

Whether you like it or not, the highly anticipated Battlefield 6 Trailer leaked in the most unexpeted and perhaps unprecedented manner imaginable.

While we have had a series of images constantly make an appearance, someone has taken the time to compile all of the images into a moving gif.

Unfortunately, the trollface watermark at the center is still prominent, and Tom Henderson has confirmed that this new leaked gif trailer is indeed 80% of the trailer.

This could mean that all this time, EA was gearing up for a teaser trailer if anything.

With constant rumors and indications that EA would release a new trailer for Battlefield within May, EA and DICE remained hush regarding any news about Battlefield outside of investor meetings.

While we still have no idea about any of the other details surrounding Battlefield or Battlefield 6, whatever the new entry may be called, it is worth noting that perhaps we might see something in June.

If not June, EA Play is set to take place on July 22nd, 2021.

While a new Battlefield is something fans would welcome dearly and thoroughly enjoy, we can hope that EA and DICE learn from the mistakes of Battlefield 1 and Battlefield V. We already know that Battlefield is going to take place in modern era, so that’s already a good start.

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A gamer passionate about writing for the world of video games and consoles. Always on top of the latest leaks and making sure that I'm the first to cover them with the utmost accuracy.Thoroughly enjoy my work and always enjoy talking to other gamers from all over the world!
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