Best Albedo Build: Playstyles, Weapons, Artifacts

"Oh, don't be nervous. My experiments may be dangerous, but no one gets hurt... most of the time"

10 Min Read

Albedo’s banner Secretum Secretorum first ran from December 23, 2020, until January this year. This was the first time Genshin players got a chance to wish for the Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius. If you skipped his banner or just started playing the game, you still have a few more days to gacha this 5-star Geo character home in the current wish banner until the Genshin 2.3 second phase wish event comes.

Albedo’s build and playstyle have recently changed after the new artifact set and the free 4-star weapon was released. Continue reading to learn more about the best and most updated Albedo build!

A Summary Of Albedo’s Kit

Albedo, titled “Kreideprinz”, is a 5-star Geo Sword user from Mondstadt. His kit makes him suitable to play as an off-field Sub-DPS character in your teams.

The Cinnabar Spindle is Albedo‘s best-in-slot 4-star sword, and the Husk of Opulent Dreams is his best-in-slot artifact set.

Albedo’s Ascension Costs/Mats

Ascension Level
Materials RequiredMora Cost
Bonus Geo DMG Bonus%
Level 20x1 Prithiva Topaz Sliver
x3 Cecilia
x3 Divining Scroll
Level 40x3 Prithiva Topaz Fragment
x2 Basalt Pillar
x10 Cecilia
x15 Divining Scroll
Level 50x6 Prithiva Topaz Fragment
x4 Basalt Pillar
x20 Cecilia
x12 Sealed Scroll
Level 60x3 Prithiva Topaz Chunk
x8 Basalt Pillar
x30 Cecilia
x18 Sealed Scroll
Level 70x6 Prithiva Topaz Chunk
x12 Basalt Pillar
x45 Cecilia
x12 Forbidden Curse Scroll
Level 80x6 Prithiva Topaz Gemstone
x20 Basalt Pillar
x60 Cecilia
x24 Forbidden Curse Scroll
Totalsx1 Prithiva Topaz Sliver
x9 Prithiva Topaz Fragment
x9 Prithiva Topaz Chunk
x6 Prithiva Topaz Gemstone

x18 Divining Scroll
x30 Sealed Scroll
x36 Forbidden Curse Scroll

x46 Basalt Pillar

x168 Cecilia
Materials List for Ascending Albedo

Albedo’s Talent Upgrade Costs/Mats

The following list displays the cost of upgrading just one of Albedo’s three combat talents. It is enough to upgrade his Elemental Skill and Burst to a suitable level to bring out Albedo‘s maximum support potential.

Talent Level
Materials Required
Mora Cost
Level 2x3 Teachings of Ballad
x6 Divining Scroll
Level 3x2 Guide to Ballad
x3 Sealed Scroll
Level 4x4 Guide to Ballad
x4 Sealed Scroll
Level 5x6 Guide to Ballad
x6 Sealed Scroll
Level 6x9 Guide to Ballad
x9 Sealed Scroll
Level 7x4 Philosophies of Ballad
x4 Forbidden Curse Scroll
x1 Tusk of Monoceros Caeli
Level 8x6 Philosophies of Ballad
x6 Forbidden Curse Scroll
x1 Tusk of Monoceros Caeli
Level 9x12 Philosophies of Ballad
x9 Forbidden Curse Scroll
x2 Tusk of Monoceros Caeli
Level 10x16 Philosophies of Ballad
x12 Forbidden Curse Scroll
x2 Tusk of Monoceros Caeli
x1 Crown of Insight
Totalsx3 Teachings of Ballad
x21 Guides of Ballad
x38 Philosophies of Ballad

x6 Divining Scroll
x22 Sealed Scroll
x31 Forbidden Curse Scroll

x6 Tusk of Monoceros Caeli

x1 Crown of Insight
Materials List for Albedo’s Talent Upgrades

Albedo’s Passive Talents

Talent NameTalent Description
Flash of GeniusWhen Albedo crafts Weapon Ascension Materials, he has a 10% chance to receive double the product.
Homuncular NatureUsing Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide increases the Elemental Mastery of nearby party members by 125 for 10s.
Calcite MightTransient Blossoms generated by Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma deal 25% more DMG to opponents whose HP is below 50%.
Albedo’s Passive Talents
Albedo’s Character Screen

Albedo’s Normal Attack

This combat talent is not worth upgrading when building Albedo as a Geo Support. Players going for a DPS build may upgrade it to their will.

Favonius Bladework – Weiss

Albedo Normal Attacks

Favonius Bladework – Weiss: Normal Attack
Performs up to 5 rapid strikes.

Favonius Bladework – Weiss: Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to unleash 2 rapid sword strikes.

Albedo’s Elemental Skill And Burst

Albedo’s primary role in a party is Geo support. He can provide continuous Geo DMG to nearby enemies and shield other party members.

Albedo’s leading source of damage is his Elemental Skill, Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma. When activated, Albedo lands a flower insignia on the floor that elevates off the ground when you step on it. This Geo construct lasts for 30 seconds and continuously deals Geo DMG every 2s. Its damage scales off of Albedo’s DEF.

Albedo's Elemental Skill
Albedo’s Elemental Skill

Next, the Albedo’s Elemental Burst, Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide, deals AoE Geo DMG and has an Energy Cost of 40. This burst deals more damage when used after Albedo’s Elemental Skill because whenever a Solar Isotoma is on the field, his burst generates Fatal Blossoms.

These blossoms burst and deal AoE Geo DMG. It can stack up to 7 Fatal Blossoms depending on how many enemies are on the field. The DMG of Albedo’s Elemental Burst scales off of his ATK.

Albedo's Elemental Burst
Albedo’s Elemental Burst

Albedo’s Constellations

Constellation 1: Flower of EdenTransient Blossoms generated by Albedo’s Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma regenerate 1.2 Energy for Albedo.
Constellation 2: Opening of PhanerozoicTransient Blossoms generated by Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma grant Albedo Fatal Reckoning for 30s:

->Unleashing Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide consumes all stacks of Fatal Reckoning. Each stack of Fatal Reckoning consumed increases the DMG dealt by Fatal Blossoms and Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide’s burst DMG by 30% of Albedo’s DEF.

->This effect stacks up to 4 times.
Constellations 3 and 5:
Grace of Helios
and Tide of Hadean
->Increases the Talent Level of Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma (Elemental Skill) by 3.

->Increases the Level of Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide (Elemental Burst) by 3.

->The maximum level for both talents is 15.
Constellation 4: Descent of DivinityActive party members within the Solar Isotoma field have their Plunging Attack DMG increased by 30%.
Constellation 6: Dust of PurificationActive party members within the Solar Isotoma field who are protected by a shield created by Crystallize have their DMG increased by 17%.
Albedo’s Constellations

Albedo’s Best Weapons

Cinnabar Spindle
Cinnabar Spindle
At Max Level and Refinement Rank 5:
Base ATK: 454
Bonus nice DEF 69%

Spotless Heart
->Elemental Skill DMG is increased by 80% of DEF.

->Effect will be triggered every 1.5s
->Will be cleared 0.1s after the Elemental Skill deals DMG.
Harbinger of Dawn
Harbinger of Dawn
At Max Level and Refinement Rank 5:
Base ATK: 401
Bonus CRIT DMG 46.9%

When HP is above 90%, increases CRIT Rate by 28%
Albedo’s Best Weapons

Albedo’s Best Artifact Sets

Artifact NameDescription
Noblesse Oblige
Noblesse Oblige

2-Piece Bonus
Elemental Burst DMG + 20%

4-Piece Bonus
Using an Elemental Burst increases all party members’ ATK by 20% for 12s. This effect cannot stack.
Husk of Opulent Dreams
Husk of Opulent Dreams

2-Piece Bonus
DEF +30%

4-Piece Bonus
A character equipped with this Artifact set will obtain the Curiosity effect in the following conditions:

When on the field, the character gains 1 stack after hitting an opponent with a Geo attack, triggering a maximum of once every 0.3s.

When off the field, the character gains 1 stack every 3s.
Curiosity can stack up to 4 times, each providing 6% DEF and a 6% Geo DMG Bonus.

When 6 seconds pass without gaining a Curiosity stack, 1 stack is lost.
Archaic Petra
Archaic Petra

2-Piece Bonus
Geo DMG Bonus +15%

4-Piece Bonus
Upon obtaining an Elemental Shard created through a Crystallize Reaction, all party members gain 35% DMG Bonus for that particular element for 10s. Only one form of Elemental DMG Bonus can be gained in this manner at any one time.
Albedo’s Best Artifact Sets

Albedo’s Best Artifact Stats

The following image summarises the artifact stats that you should focus on when building Albedo!

Artifact Breakdown
Albedo’s Best Artifact Stats


Albedo’s been a reasonably low-cost 5-star character to build that does not require that much investment. Especially now, with the new artifact set and weapon, he’s become a more vital off-field support and damage dealer. 

If you’re still undecided whether to pull for him, remember that teamed up with the 5-star Itto and 4-star Gorou, Albedo will be even stronger. That’s something to look forward to right there. 

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Freelance model and writer by day and gamer by night- Kazuko is passionate about whatever she does. If she's not on her computer playing video games, you'll find her on the bed catching up on sleep.
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