In Nintendo’s overwhelmingly beloved Pokemon universe, all manner of Pokemon exist. From reality-warping entities to cuddly companions, there are bound to be a few favorites for every Poke fan out there.
Crab Pokemon is among the most underrated and underutilized, but those don’t stop them from being called upon by many top trainers, such as Ash’s Kingler and Cilan’s Crustle. If you’re a fan of them, here are twelve of the best crab Pokemon that might have gone under your radar:

Region: Kanto
Category: Generation I
Type: Water
A Krabby is Ash’s seventh Pokemon caught at the beginning of his Pokemon League journey, meeting the small yet feisty crab Pokemon while visiting a beach. Many fans consider Krabby the OG, and they’re such adorable Pokemon to have as a traveling companion and battle combatant.

Region: Kanto
Category: Generation I
Type: Rock, Water
Resembling a horseshoe crab, Kabuto’s appearance in the first Pokemon series is quite intimidating, but with good reason. In the Pokemon canon, Kabuto is among the few types of fossilized Pokemon brought back to life, dating their history to a few million years prior.
For new trainers, Kabuto is a very strong Pokemon in battle. This is true in games too, like the classic Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow editions.

Region: Kanto
Category: Generation I
Type: Bug, Grass
The cute Paras are next, and they’re not just known for their bulging eyes; they’re notorious for paralyzing and lulling enemies to sleep, particularly during Pokemon battles. That being said, this also means they’re great for you to use, especially when going up against low-level gyms in games.
Fun fact; Paras’ mushrooms have medicinal properties and are coveted by in-game Pokemon collectors.

Region: Kanto
Category: Generation I
Type: Water
The next evolution of Krabby, Kingler is a fearsome Pokemon used for tournaments and local battles. They’re comparable to the size of an average person and are great at helping trainers cross vast water distances.
Additionally, their incredible-looking pincers also help in destroying obstructions, most notably in the anime.

Region: Hoen
Category: Generation III
Type: Water, Dark
Unlike the gentler Kingler, Crawdaunt is much more aggressive. They’re highly protective of their territory and will fight anyone invading it, even other Crawdaunts.
Still, their dual Water-Dark typing is a massive appeal to Pokemon trainers, specifically for countering Psychic-type Pokemon in competitive battles.

Region: Kanto
Category: Generation I
Type: Bug, Grass
Parasect is the superior counterpart to Paras, evolving from them upon reaching a certain stage of growth. They’re highly valued by Pokemon medicinal practitioners and can be extremely useful for debilitating enemies during Pokemon battles.

Region: Hoen
Category: Generation III
Type: Water
The smaller evolution of Crawdaunt, Corphish is similarly as tough albeit tinier in size. They are mainly found in stagnant ponds or rivers, living in colonies.
They are relatively peaceful until agitated, often snagged by trainers fishing around their habitats, leading to wild encounters.

Region: Unova
Category: Generation V
Type: Bug, Rock
A sturdy Pokemon, Crustle can lift weights a hundred times heavier than itself. They collect surrounding gravel, rock, and dirt to be molded into protective shells that shield them against external harm.
Because of their durability, many trainers use Crustle competitively, especially against junglers in Pokemon UNITE.

Region: Unova
Category: Generation V
Type: Bug, Rock
Dwebble is the previous evolution of Crustle, but they’re much more vulnerable and fragile. Despite that, they’re still adored by many because of their lively behaviors, often seen accompanying travelers visiting different Pokemon regions.
In the wild, Dwebble lives symbiotically with groups of Hippowdon, helping them clear any stones stuck inside the Hippowdon’s gaping holes.

Region: Alola
Category: Generation VII
Type: Fighting
Originating from the Alola region in Pokemon Sun/ Pokemon Moon, Crabrawler is a feisty crab Pokemon. Culpable by their Fighting type, they aren’t normally found inside the water, preferring to skitter across sandy beaches looking for food.
Due to their hardened shells, Crabrawlers make effective fighters for Pokemon battles. Unlike other crab Pokemon, they aren’t weak to Electric-type attacks thanks to their migration onto land.

Region: Alola
Category: Generation VII
Type: Fighting, Ice
Crabrawler evolves into a Crabominable when exposed to specific stimuli, such as an Ice Stone. Crabominable is among the most powerful Pokemon to bring into tournaments because of his Fighting and Ice types, making him a competitive choice in video games.

Region: Paldea
Category: Generation IX
Type: Rock
One of the newest Pokemon introduced into the franchise, Klawf has aesthetic similarities to coconut crabs, especially when they can climb on rocky walls or trees. They can be pretty formidable in battle when trained by Pokemon trainers, notably because of their exclusive Rock typing.
Tip; you can find a giant Klawf, also known as the Stony Cliff Titan, in Pokemon Scarlet/ Pokemon Violet.
These are the twelve best crab Pokemon present across all Pokemon media, including mangas and video games. A few noteworthy ones, like Kabutops, weren’t chosen because of their humanoid forms, ensuring this list sticks to those that still have their crab-like features intact.
If you’d like to share your thoughts on the best crab Pokemon too, feel free to write them down in the comments section below!