Daggers are swift weapons that allow the user to deal rapid attacks. While they are not my personal favorite choice of weapons, they surely can pack a punch. Plus, they are lightweight weapons that won’t make you go to the “Heavy Load” debuff. That is why this guide will show you the 13 best daggers in Elden Ring.
If you are going for a Dex build, you will want to try out some of these daggers since they scale well with Dexterity. On top of that, some daggers have unique effects that will allow you to gain an advantage. With that said, let’s dive right in and get started with the 13 best daggers in Elden Ring.

The Reduvia is an extremely powerful early-game dagger that can destroy your enemies. This weapon has a bleed passive on it, so you’ll deal an insane amount of damage after a short while as the enemy’s bleed bar fills up. The best part is that you can even dual-wield this weapon to double its effectiveness.
To get it, you must go North from the lake where you fight the dragon Agheel. Keep following the river, and eventually, you’ll be invaded by Bloody Finger Nerijus. Taking on this enemy can be problematic in the early game. However, if you stall the fight a bit, you will be helped by Bloody Finger Hunter Yura, making the battle easier. Kill Nerijus, and you’ll be rewarded with this dagger.
Black Knife

This unique-looking Dagger has a scaling of E in STR, D in DEX, and D in Faith. It is an excellent weapon if you are going for a Dexterity / Faith hybrid build. The best part is that it does not require a lot of stats to equip since you only need 8 STR, 12 DEX, and 18 Faith. Using its skill – Blade of Death – you can reduce the maximum and current HP of the enemy for a short duration.
Doing so allows you to kill them quickly since their HP is reduced. This skill’s damage is 100% Holy Damage, so you can use various buffs to enhance that.
Blade Of Calling

Blade of the Calling is ideal for players that are going for a Dex and Faith build combined. Since it has a good Fai rating, you can use this to deal tons of damage to enemies. This weapon requires 6 STR, 13 DEX, and 15 FAI to use.
While it has a decent amount of physical damage, the primary damage comes in the form of holy damage with its regular attacks. On top of that, using its skill – Blade Of Gold – allows you to deal an insane amount of Holy damage on your enemies. It also allows you to get out of sticky situations since you spin around the dagger and jump in the air while using this skill.
Scorpion’s Stinger

The Scorpion’s Stinger is an intimidating weapon that has excellent DEX scaling. On top of that, it also has good STR scaling as well, making it ideal for hybrid builds. The best part is that you can use it pretty early on in the game due to the requirements being low.
Plus, if you upgrade this weapon, it will have impressive stats throughout the game. The ability of this weapon allows you to repeatedly thrust it into the enemy to deal tons of damage in quick succession.
Glintstone Kris

Scaling primarily from your Dex and Int, Glintstone Kris requires 5 STR, 12 DEX, and 16 INT to properly use. Thanks to the good INT scaling, you can use this dagger if you are going for a DEX/INT build combined.
The highlight of this dagger is its skill, Glintstone Dart. It is a two-part ability that allows you to shoot a small glintstone projectile which can be followed up with a glintstone lunge toward the enemy. It is important to note that the projectile only deals magic damage, while the lunge deals both magic and physical damage.

In terms of base damage, the Cinquedea has the highest when it comes to daggers in Elden Ring. Only requiring 10 STR and 10 DEX, this is one of the best daggers to use even for STR users. Plus, the STR scaling is higher than DEX which is extremely rare for daggers in Elden Ring.
Unfortunately, the reason why it’s so low on the list is that you cannot infuse other ashes of war into it. You can only use its already equipped skill – Quickstep. However, it offers a slight boost in damage to bestial incantations.
If you want to utilize bestial incantations in your build, this dagger will help you enhance the damage significantly. Since these incantations do an insane amount of damage already, using this dagger will potentially one-shot most enemies. Plus, you can even catch some players off-guard in PvP.
Parrying Dagger

As the name suggests, this Dagger is great for parrying incoming attacks. While you might have to practice to get the timing right, it will surely make it easier for you to parry without using a shield. The overall stats aren’t the best in terms of damage but it has great DEX scaling and low requirements as well.
Crystal Knife

If you are looking for a dagger that offers magic scaling, the Crystal Knife is the way to go. This weapon requires 8 STR, 12 DEX, and 9 INT to wield, scaling best off your INT and moderately from your STR. It comes with Quickstep, but you can infuse other ashes of war to get better skills.
The good news is that this dagger has a high base physical damage which makes it even better if you combine it with your INT build. You can potentially deal a lot of damage in quick succession with this weapon.
Ivory Sickle

This sickle can deal a good amount of damage despite its low initial stats. After upgrading it, you can have a weapon that will be great throughout the mid-game. However, it isn’t the best against some end-game bosses. If you are curious to know, you need 6 STR, 11 DEX, and 13 INT to properly wield the Ivory Sickle.
Bloodstained Dagger

If you are looking for a Bleed weapon and cannot get the Reduvia, then this is the best alternative when it comes to Daggers. Every attack builds up the Bleed stat, and it can deal a lot of damage when that Bleed effect takes place.
Plus, it has a scaling of C in STR and E in DEX. It requires 9 STR and 12 DEX to properly equip. Since the requirements are quite low, you can use it in the early game without any worries.
Celebrant’s Sickle

This weapon requires 6 STR and 11 DEX to wield and scales quite well of the player’s dexterity stat. As with most daggers, it comes with the Quickstep skill, but you can infuse it with other ashes of war if you prefer. The best part about this weapon is that you can get an extra 10 Runes with each successful hit.
If you want to farm Runes in Elden Ring, make sure that you equip this dagger and attack as many enemies as you can. This will quickly build up your Runes and allow you to easily level up. Plus, thanks to its swift attack speed, you can get Runes even faster.

Looking more like a katana than a dagger, the Wakizashi scales well with your Dex and Str. Plus, you can even power-stance it with katanas as well. It requires 9 STR and 13 DEX to wield, scaling most from players’ dexterity stat.
The highlight of this weapon comes in the form of bleed damage. You can quickly build up bleed thanks to its swift attack speed and make up for heavier-hitting bleed weapons. Like most other daggers, it comes with the Quickstep skill, but you can infuse it with other ashes of war if you want.
Overall, this dagger is quite basic, but it can be customized according to your build in the early game. After getting through the early game, make sure that you look for a better dagger, or you’ll have a tough time in the game.
Great Knife

The Great Knife is a decent Dagger that deals good damage, but it eventually falls off the later you get into the game. It is superb against low-level enemies, but it doesn’t perform well later. However, the good thing about it is that it has great DEX scaling, and it also causes Bleed to build up with every attack.
Since you can infuse it with the Ashes of War of your choice, it is a good choice since you can customize it accordingly.
And there you have it; those are the 13 best daggers in Elden Ring. If you are going for a Dex build in your current playthrough, make sure that you try out some of these daggers and see if you like them or not. Certain weapons like Reduvia are extremely viable in PvP as well.
Which dagger is your favorite in Elden Ring? Do you prefer other weapons over this? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!