GTA Online has so many options when it comes to character customization. One of the biggest ways to customize your character is through the clothes and gear they wear. However, female outfits have often been underrepresented. So, In this article, we are exploring our favorite community-made GTA female outfit ideas!
Hopefully, by the end of this, you’ll have found one you love, or have some great inspiration for creating your own!
Without further ado, let’s have a look at some of the best GTA Online female outfit ideas!
Tomb Raider

Lara Croft is one of the most iconic video game and cinema characters in the history of both industries. So who wouldn’t want to recreate this iconic character’s outfit in GTA Online? Luckily it’s straightforward! There are only 5 critical components to this outfit: Tank top, trousers, belt, gloves, and shoes:
- Top: You’ll need to obtain the Baby Blue or Two-Tone Tank tops, the first is free with the Beach Bum Update, and the second is $40 at any clothing store.
- Pants: You’ll need the Mocha Plain leather pants, which cost $5885 from the Bikers update. However, feel free to choose any other tanned pants available, as only the iconic color is necessary.
- Boots: you’ll want to purchase a dark low-top boot, like the Black Winter Boots for $115. However, any dark low-top combat boot will also work.
Additionally, you’ll want a pair of black gloves, like the Black Armored gloves for $3,365. Lastly, it would be best if you did the Gun Belt Glitch for the gun belt to appear as it does on the character above. Many tutorials show how this is done, and it should only take a few minutes.
And that’s it! If you’re wanting to go full Lara Croft, simply change your hairstyle to a ponytail!
Ellen Ripley (Aliens, 1986)

Ellen Ripley’s iconic performance in the 1986 Aliens franchise created many long-time fans of the Alien franchise of movies and games. If you’re a fan, you’re going to want to try out this simple Ellen Ripley female character outfit. For this one, there are only 3 essential clothing items you need:
- Pants: You’re going to want to purchase the Blue Large Cargos from the Los Santos Summer Special Update. They’ll cost you $7,750.
- Top: You’ll want to purchase either the Cream Torn Tee for $1,235 or the White Rolled Tee for $1,435. Personally, the Cream Torn Tee looks best as it adds a rugged look to your character.
- Shoes: You’ll want to purchase a white and gray pair of boots, ideally the Gray Loggers for $20,800. However, you’ll be able to achieve a more accurate boot with the help of mods.
If you want to go a step further, you can perform the Gun Belt Glitch previously mentioned to add some depth to this character outfit.
Mirror’s Edge: Faith Connors

Mirror’s Edge was one of the most memorable Xbox 360 games, with the gameplay and graphics feeling way ahead of their time. Likewise, Faith Connors was definitely one of the most badass protagonists around. Therefore, this is a great and simple outfit to recreate in GTA Online:
- Top: You’re going to want to purchase the Black Loose Tank Top from the Lowriders update, this will only cost you $695.
- Pants: You’ll need a pair of White Cargo Pants, which only cost $155.
- Shoes: You’re going to need a pair of red and white sports shoes. There are many options to choose from, however, the Orange Knit Sneakers are definitely the best. This is because the pattern on the front of the shoe mimics Faith Connors’ original parkour shoes.
To complete this outfit, you can purchase any black pair of gloves, and get the Bob cut from the barbers, which will cost you an additional $535.
Cyperpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is a controversial game, you either loved it or hated it. However, we can all agree that the theme of Cyberpunk is extremely cool. Therefore, why not create an amazing Cyberpunk warrior in GTA Online? if not this specific outfit, hopefully, this will give you inspiration for some great GTA Online female outfit ideas. There are only 5 components to this outfit:
- Top: Purchase the Black Turtleneck Sweater for $1,100, and layer it with the Black Armoured Utility Vest.
- Pants: Purchase the Black Ribbed Leather Pants for an additional $6,060. These are essential for that leather-core dystopian look.
- Shoes: For the shoes, you’ll need the Black Catsuit Boots from the high-healed boots section. These will cost you $3,020.
Lastly, as far as accessories go, you’ll want to equip a pair of black gloves (ideally the black woolen gloves) and the black parachute bag. And you’re done!
Bikini Soldier

Want to look like a cheesy Vietnam B-Movie extra? Well, this amazing outfit is for you. With this outfit, you can look like the most unequipped soldier on the battlefield! This is a very simple outfit only requiring a handful of clothing items:
- Top: You’ll need the Yeti Camo Bikini from the Beach Bum update, which is completely free.
- Pants (or lack of): If you really want to push the boat out the Yeti Camo Bikini is a good combination for this outfit. However, this outfit features the Woodland Camo Pleated skirt for $595.
- Shoes: For this outfit, any type of dark combat boot will work, such as Black Calf Boots. However, these are $150,050. So any other black boot will also work.
As far as accessories go, you’re going to want to equip the Woodland Combat Helmet and a parachute. For extra customization equip a pair of black gloves and aviator sunglasses.
Female Rick: Rick & Morty

Creating female versions of characters is always a fun way to create new and interesting GTA Online outfits. For example, this simple yet great Rick outfit. To create this look, you’ll only need 3 items and a quick hair change:
- Top: You’ll want to purchase the Ash Wool Coat for $15,885 and layer it with any blue shirt, such as the Sky Blue shirt, which will only cost you $95.
- Pants: For the bottoms, you’ll likely want to purchase the Mocha Plain leather pants, which cost $5,885 from the Bikers update. However, any tanned pants will work.
- Shoes: This is perhaps the least important part of the outfit. We recommend any pair of gray or dark boots.
Lastly, you’ll want to visit the barber to have your hair dyed blue, the style itself does not matter. However, messy and wild hairstyles would be more fitting of the original character.
1950s Casual Dress

Are you driving around in a stunning custom classic car, but don’t have the outfit to go with it? Then this versatile 1950s casual outfit is the one for you. It’s straightforward:
- Top: The Diamond Casino & Resort Update added a huge number of fancy old-style dresses to choose from. But for this specific outfit, you’ll want to purchase the White Fleur Cocktail Dress, which will cost 11450 Chips.
- Shoes: Any sort of dress-wear shoe will work for this outfit. The White Sparkly Shoes, which cost $2,760, would work well.
- Accessories: You’ll want the Pink Bow Scarf, costing $425. You’ll also want the White Armored gloves, costing $3,210.
Further customization through jewelry is completely up to you, we recommend a pair of earrings to add depth to the character.
Skater Chic

Last but not least! This is an extremely easy but fashionable GTA Online female outfit idea. If you find yourself frequenting those skate spots, this is the outfit for you. It also features customization through the use of crew emblems.
- Top: First, you’ll want to purchase one of the football shirts, all of them are oversized so any will work for this look. However, this specific one is the White Football Shirt, costing $1,135. Like Crew Colors on cars, you can enable your Crew Emblem to appear on the front of this white top.
- Pants: The fishnets are the Black Denims and Stockings, from the biker update that cost $2,510. However, thanks to the oversized t-shirt, the shorts themselves are hidden. This makes it appear as if you’re just wearing fishnets.
- Shoes: The shoes that you choose are completely up to you, as it doesn’t really affect the outfit. However, you’ll want them to still appear thematic. We recommend any of the Skate shoes, like the All Black Backside shoes for $740.
And thats it! Add a beanie, and some accessories to further customize this skater outfit, or keep it classic and simple.
They really really need to implement more female hairstyles, as a Caucasian player I have my character set up as best I could to appear that way and then I see NP’s with long hair so why not have all those other hairstyles in the salons.