Building walls in Minecraft isn’t just for protection. It also serves as a canvas to express your creativity and personality. In this article, we’ll show you some of the best Minecraft wall designs to offer you some inspiration for your Minecraft builds.
From historic walls to classic medieval designs, this article will try to cover everything to fit everyone’s preferences and tastes.
Let’s jump right in!
Fence & Trapdoor
![Fence & Trapdoors](
Blocks Used: Fence, Trapdoor, Stairs, Leaves
Here’s an unusual take in making Minecraft walls. Instead of using solid blocks, this wall design uses fences and trapdoors. This wall idea will look great on gardens, jungle houses, treehouses, and any wooden-themed builds.
Medieval Wall
![Medieval Wall](
Blocks Used: Wood Slabs, Wood Stairs, Wooden Door, Stripped Log, Trapdoors, Stone Bricks, Glass
If you are building a medieval town or fortress, this wall design fits your build. It features wooden pillars fortified with stone bricks and glass windows to provide some view of the outside. Wood stairs are placed on the corners of the wall and leaves to provide some accents.
Coral Wall
![minecraft wall design](
Blocks Used: Basalts, Dripstone, Dead Coral
This wall design uses an unusual combination of materials. The pillars are made from basalts with pointed dripstones on top while the rest of the wall features corals on top. This will look great on castles, gray-themed houses, and sea villages.
Cherry Walls
![minecraft wall design](
Blocks Used: Cherry Blocks
If you love the new cherry blocks in Minecraft 1.20, then this cherry-inspired wall design will surely catch your attention. This pink wall will look great on your cherry blossom village or even a barbie-themed house.
Japanese Wall
![Japanese Wall](
Blocks Used: Stone, Wood, Fence, Trapdoor, Dark Prismarine
For Japanese-themed builders, you can try this wall idea from Cryptozoology. It uses wood as pillars and stone blocks for the walls. Fences and trapdoors are placed on the wall with prismarine on top to make up the roof.
Nether Wall
![Nether Wall](
Blocks Used: Stripped Mangrove, Nether Brick Stairs, Mangrove Slabs, Chiseled Nether Bricks, Nether Brick Fences, Mangrove Trapdoors
If you are planning to build a fortress in the Nether, consider using this wall design. It uses stripped mangrove blocks as pillars and nether brick stairs, nether fences, and mangrove trapdoors make up the rest of the walls.
Trellis Wall
![Trellis Wall](
Blocks Used: Bamboo Blocks, Mud Bricks
Compared to other walls, this wall design allows you to showcase your house and still offer some protection. The wall uses mud bricks as pillars and bamboo fences make up the rest of the wall. This creates a see through effect that doesn’t intrude the view of your home from outside the walls.
Modern Wall
![minecraft wall design](
Blocks Used: Quartz Block, Wooden Fence
Here’s a simple wall idea for your modern house. It uses two layers of quartz blocks with alternating gaps. The gaps are filled with wooden fences, which creates a unique design that fits any modern-themed build.
Wooden Fence
![Wooden Fence](
Blocks Used: Any Wood Block, Fence, Wood Stairs
If you are building a rustic or countryside village, you can use this wooden fence design to fortify your build. The wall features an alternating block placement and varying pillar height. Fences, wood slabs, and stairs are used to provide some accents to the wall.
Stone City Walls
![minecraft wall design](
Blocks Used: Stone Bricks, Cobblestone, Leaves, Oak Saplings, Flower Pots
This wall design will fit stone-themed cities and even medieval castles. You can go straight stone bricks to achieve a clean and modern look or blend some mossy stone bricks to fit your medieval city.
These Minecraft wall designs offer a wide array of creative possibilities, catering to various themes and preferences. Whether you are building a garden, a medieval fortress, or a modern house, these designs provide inspiration and beauty.