15 Best Video Games For Couples

Santiago Guyette
39 Min Read

There are far too many cases where a significant other (SO (not Stalking Offender)) complained about your video game playing. Mind you, there was somewhere it really was a legit complaint. However, there’s an untold part to this which is the real cause of the complaints. That’s simply because you didn’t invite him/her to play along with you. How rude! Unfortunately, you can invite your SO to play with you or against you but that’s only part of the problem. Here’s the rest to help you out. These are among the best video games for couples.


Super Mecha Champions

Super Mecha Champions

Platform: Android, PC | Cost: Free to play | Links: Android / PC

Super Mecha Champions is a third person battle royale game involving, well obviously, pilots and the mecha you can unlock. It’s the same idea as other games like PUBG, Rules of Survival and Cyber Hunter. This time, you get to use giant robots. You’re not out of a match until you get your pilot’s head blown off. That or win the match! Yes, that winning part usually brings couples closer together. Otherwise it’ll cause more complaints depending on the couple! You’ll find out soon enough since the matches usually don’t last that long.

Super Mecha Champions has a lot of fun to offer. You’ll have various game modes to play in. Those are all unlocked but some are only available during certain times. Then you’ll have various pilots and mecha to unlock. Each of them has their pros and cons. It’s called balance! With playing alone, you can unlock them all. Naturally you can spend real money on it but that’s by choice. Even if you unlock all the pilots and mecha, you still have a lot more unlocking to do. You can unlock a lot in the way of appearance changing items for your pilots, mecha, weapons and rides. Lastly you can be in a Clan with your SO.

The problem is still that each of the pilots and mecha has their own capabilities. To help you get started, there’re a lot of guides available to give you the extra details. Beyond that, you just have to take the time to figure out how it all works. From there, you can eventually decide if you want to use a gamepad on your rooted phone or play it entirely on the PC.


Dragon Nest/Dragon Nest M

Dragon Nest/Dragon Nest M

Platform: Android, iOS and PC | Cost: Free to play | Links: Android (Dragon Nest M) / PC (NA) / PC (SEA) / iOS

Originally launched many moons ago, Dragon Nest gained a hefty amount of popularity. That’d be due to its features, easy playability, graphics and lots of other reasons. What made it such a popular game for couples is the marriage system. No, it wasn’t the only game with a marriage system but it was certainly popular! It got to the point where a bunch of dudes that made female characters married other dudes for the benefits. It was confusing but really fun! As it turns out, many IRL couples caught on and did the same.

The marriage system in Dragon Nest was one way to get benefits. These included access to specific dungeons intended for married couples (in-game of course) and others. The trick to it was that if the “married couple” was really together IRL, these dungeons were crazy easy to defeat due to no communications problems. Add to that a guild system. So the married couples in game would have even more advantages. Then to top it off, the game has so many features you can easily find yourselves very busy for the day.

Despite how much Dragon Nest has going for it, there’re still concerns. Keep in mind that an IRL couple could still be having communications problems just the same. “No, your other left” and similar things can happen! You’ll always have the concern of either getting into a good guild or making one. In either situation, you’ll still have to hope for the best. If you’re playing the mobile version, you still have to get into a good server. Otherwise, you’ll end up along with “toxic” players. This can be annoying!


Hill Climb Racing 2

Hill Climb Racing 2

Platform: Android and iOS | Cost: Free to play | Link: Android / iOS

Fingersoft, makers of Hill Climb Racing, published another round of racing fun in 2016. Hill Climb Racing 2 found itself as a near instant hit with over 40 million downloads within two months. It’s a physics based game which uses two controls. Yes, that’d be stop and go. No, it’s not devastatingly difficult to play! However, the fun doesn’t stop there. With that simple stop and go system, you can perform various stunts included with the hill climbing. It’s gotten to the point where many YouTube videos are showing various strategies and tactics about the game.

As a couple, Hill Climb Racing 2 offers a couple of different forms of fun. The first is to unlock all the cars and characters. While you’re at it, unlock the all the cosmetic items too. Also, unlock the boosting parts you can use on all the vehicles. From there, you two can form your own team or join another. You can race in the events for a variety of rewards. You can also race against each other and/or you can race to build up your team. To add in a bit more fun, you can customize your characters with the various cosmetics items for a large variety of crazy appearances. In any case, Hill Climb Racing 2 doesn’t have much of any playing limits. You can go bonkers with it all day long!

The main concern is that the Adventure mode can get very time consuming. You’re trying to get as far as you can each time. The other concern is that you can’t play with or against each other at the same time. If anything, you’ll be racing with “ghost cars” of your SO at best.




Platform: PC | Cost: Free to play | Link: PC (Steam)

What gamer hasn’t heard of DOTA 2?! Oh, that’s right. It’s the ones that have been residing on Pluto for the past 30 years. That’d be complete with hiding inside a cave with their eyes shut and their ears covered. Their entire lives have been devoted to not knowing about this game. Unfortunately, those unique individuals are long since extinct due to the lack of air! They won’t be missed since we don’t know them anyway. Back here among the air breathing gamers on Earth, we do enjoy what all DOTA 2 has to offer.

Any gamer can spend a hefty amount of time playing DOTA 2. Most of them did (no surprise really!). So why not play it with your significant other side? Yes, you can even play against each other if you felt like it. For those of you with more than one SO, you can even make your own team. Let’s face it. Many folks are not one way about these things. Some admit it while others are very busy trying to hide the fact. Depending on which side of that you’re on, this could lead to many great games with your team or lots of horror. Let’s just hope for the many great games with your team!

The good news is that DOTA 2 is a really great MOBA. It does have a lot to offer which also includes money making for a couple. The bad news is that it’s really large and growing. Depending on your aim with the game, this can be frustrating. It’s not only growing in file size, it’s also growing in competition. Make no mistake about it. Things can get real tough, really fast. A lot will depend on teamwork.


Guardian Chronicle

Guardian Chronicle

Platform: PC, Android and iOS | Cost: Free to play | Links: PC / Android / iOS

Guardian Chronicle is quite the unique type of fun. The assumption is that you did see/read the picture above. The next assumption is that you spotted the “defense” part in that above picture. Yes, it’s a tower defense game! No, unfortunately the included features are not new concepts. It didn’t really matter since it’s really a fun game! It’s the type of game that can leave a couple, like you, rather busy for a day. Just be sure to take good care of yourselves and each other first. If you don’t, there’s bound to be someone that finds your corpses!

Initially, Guardian Chronicle is a tower defense game which you can play solo. That’ll be a nasty trick/advantage to consider when you end up playing against each other! In the cases where you two are not overly interested in blowing each other up, there’s a co-op mode. As long as you have each other in your friends list, you can play as a team. The unique part is the roguelike features of the game. This means that you’ll gain guardians (your towers) at random. You can also setup your side of things as you like. That and as you gain guardians. Ultimately, there’s a hefty amount of strategies and tactics you two can use. You just have to unlock them.

The good news is that you don’t really need a seriously strong PC or mobile device to play Guardian Chronicle. The PCs you use don’t even have to be really cool! It’d be nicer if they were but it’s not a requirement. The bad news is that it’ll take time to unlock everything if you’re not spending real money. Oh well!


Yu Gi Oh: Power of Chaos Series (3 games)

Yu Gi Oh: Power of Chaos Series

Platform: PC | Cost: Free to play (abandonware)

It’s a card game but really not a gambling game. However, if you’re relying on the “luck of the draw” after a win, you’re doing this all wrong! Yu Gi Oh is a rather established game around the world. You would buy and collect the cards to be able to build a deck to play with. Rather simple stuff. With this series, you simply play to unlock the cards. Once you’ve unlocked enough cards, you can build your decks with strategies in mind. The good news is that this series is showing up as abandonware.

The Power of Chaos series starts with Yugi the Destiny. There’re three games in the series and you can get other mods like Marik the Darkness. All in all you’ll have over 700 cards to collect. You’ll need all three games installed in the initial series to play it in its entirety including the multiplayer via LAN. From there, just search for the Windows Registry edit and other stuff to get everything fully unlocked. After that, you and your SO can build decks all you like. Ultimately, this will bring out the strategist in the both of you!

The not so great news is that you have to do a bit of setting up to get started. Download and install all three games and whichever mods. Configure it all the way you like. Then take the time to figure out the cards so you can build proper decks. Once you get through all that wreckage, you two can have a lot of fun with the series. You’d be very surprised at what ends up working. The next thing you know your SO figures out a better strategy! It can be quite the endless set of battles!


Cabal Mobile: Heroes of Nevareth

Cabal Mobile: Heroes of Nevareth

Platform: Android and iOS | Cost: Free to play | Link: Android / iOS

Depending on where you reside, Cabal Online was released as early as 1506. It wasn’t just some “hack n slash”, spam your attacks MMORPG. It took skill to control your character properly and brains to get through puzzles. Failing the brains and depending on where you resided at the time, there were guides to use too! You also needed brains to figure out how to make your characters powerful. Needless to say, this game was really out there! Now that many of the servers are closed, someone decided to publish a mobile version!

The majority of the Cabal Online fans would never tolerate some “cheesy mobile version”. Thankfully that wasn’t the case. This works out very well for you as one of the best video games for couples. Cabal Online always had lots to do. Cabal M is no different. You and your SO can build up different characters, multiple accounts and a lot of other things to keep you two busy. It’s all in there just like Cabal Online. If you happen to know how to use the Hunt n Sell method properly, you can also make real money playing Cabal M.

The bad news is that Cabal M is large. That’s not just in its 5.45GB initial download. After that, you’ll also have to download however many more patches that were released. Hopefully you have lots of storage on your mobile device! More often than not, developers believe in “content is king”. That’d be the other large part! It can be fun but there’s really a lot to consider for the both of you. All of that is even before you create your first character. It can be overwhelming for some folks.


Trackmania Nations Forever

Trackmania Nations Forever

Platform: PC | Cost: Free to play | Link: PC

Joining us here now is one of the most popular racing games ever created. Trackmania showed up a very large number of moons ago. That was a lot of fun to get into. All kinds of crazy could happen at any given time. Thankfully it didn’t stop there! Trackmania Nations Forever continues the crazy amounts of fun for you especially as a couple. This is one of those racing games that can scratch your racing itch quite nicely! It won’t matter for long if you two are racing with or against each other.

Trackmania Nations Forever starts you out with a solo campaign. This includes 65 tracks. It’s not like it can’t keep you busy! Thankfully, someone decided to not leave things at just the campaign maps. You and/or your SO can design and upload your own tracks for you two and lots of others worldwide to race on. To help ditch the dull, there’s also a paint shop. Just for fun, try customizing each other’s rides! That should prove as a good way to find out who “dislikes” who! That or which one of you is feeling like a comedian at the time! In any case, that alone can turn out to be really cool or absolutely disastrous!

The concern shows up when things get too competitive between you two. The trick with Trackmania Nations Forever is that things can go in several directions in a hurry. The series was never a matter of “round and round” and/or maybe take a turn left or right. Crashing, flying off the track and other concerns are worked into the game. If things get a little too out of hand, try a different racing game! Just try to relax and enjoy!


Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact

Platform: PC, Android and iOS | Cost: Free to play | Link: Android / PC / iOS

You might be thinking that this is another one of those cheesy “team builder” games again. It certainly can be seen as that. Thankfully there’s a lot more to it! First is the fact that you control each of the characters in your team. Second is the fact that you’re in an open world environment with lots to do each day. What more did you need?!

In the idea of playing great video games together, Genshin Impact can fit the bill rather nicely. Oddly enough, there’re no typical guild or included marriage systems. You both have to take the time to unlock the multiplayer mode (that won’t take too long). Also, you’ll both have to gain characters and items to use. That’s all part of the fun! It’s when you’re building up your teams. That’s when you two can share strategies and tactics with each other. See? You are playing together! Then when you’re both going on multiplayer mode, you’ll get much further. If you manage to build teams with devastating results, you have a chance at producing potentially very popular YouTube videos for others!

The game can be pretty fun solo and with your partner. There’re no doubts there. You just have to get it downloaded, installed and configured. That can be a real concern since the game is huge no matter the platform you two are playing on. It’s so large that you’ll want to make a backup after installation. Then do it again before any updates. Repeat one more time after any update after playing to make sure it’s working. The idea is to make sure you don’t have to re-download that thing! Honestly, it’s really crazy big!


Pokemon Unite

Pokemon Unite

Platform: Android and iOS | Cost: Free to play | Links: Android / iOS

It seems somebody decided that we need another MOBA. That’s fine and all since it makes for some rather nice multiplayer action. With that, you can team with your partner in life, your partner in crime and/or whoever else you can chuck into the mix! What makes Pokemon Unite one of the best games for couples is that you can team with anyone. They could be complete strangers or your closest friends. These things were never just limited to your SO and/or others that either of you happen to know.

At its core, Pokemon Unite is a MOBA not much different than others. It’s a 5 vs. 5 team battle/race to destroy the opponent’s base. In order to do that, you score points by killing creeps located in the field or killing opponents. With any luck, you can bean both at the same time! Once you’ve built up points, you use them to “attack” the enemy’s towers. It’s a lot like scoring a basketball shot. Score enough points off enemy towers and you’ll destroy them. Currently (and debatable) one of the best features is the lack of complex item builds. Ultimately, this makes the character setups vastly easier.

As it turns out, this is a weird one. You’ll get several surveys to take in your in-game mail. Typical of surveys taken in video games, you’ll get a reward too. Oddly enough, the game starts you with the surveys. Yes, you can take them at any given time. It’s just they’re there right from the start and the rewards are along with them. If you don’t know much at all about Pokemon or if you’re just getting started, they’ll seem rather awkward as a start.


Sprite Fantasia

Sprite Fantasia

Platform: PC, Android and iOS | Cost: Free to play | Links: Android / PC / iOS

Now how about something for truly brand new?! X-Legend Entertainment managed to put together quite a nifty MMORPG for friends and couples alike. Sprite Fantasia was released on October 18, 1521. So no, it doesn’t get much more in the way of new as of this writing! This one might not be as new as your girlfriend. However, it’s faster paced and won’t get you in trouble with your wife! Yes, we’re aware that these are games meant for couples. So try not to invite both your girlfriend and wife at the same time. At least not unless you can keep them in different servers!

To start you out, Sprite Fantasia is a new MMORPG that mostly got the auto-play right. You can use it in most situations just fine. Also, the auto-play can be completely disabled. It’s just that the hunting/grinding isn’t really there as needed to make real use of auto-play. The good news for couples is that a lot of the content requires a party. Yes, when your SO isn’t around to play with you, you can still get a party with others and/or with Mercs (bots). Speaking of content, this one will certainly keep you busy for a day! Sprite Fantasia both plays with and without limits depending on the content you’re facing at the time. Ultimately, it doesn’t overdo it in various aspects.

The main problem with Sprite Fantasia is that it’s new. There’s a good chance you’ll encounter bugs. Take the example of Dream Island. One of your quests shows up as harvesting in the Dream Island field. Unfortunately, no one seemed to include a method to plant! Things like this that can float players away.


Rocket League

Rocket League

Platform: PC | Cost: Free to play | Links: PC

Sunday, Sunday Sunday, monster truck and mud bog madness, right?! Not really but Rocket League turned out to be pretty cool anyway! Let’s see. There’s racing mayhem and soccer. Go figure as to how it became so popular all around the world! If you happen to be this playing on your PC, then you’ll be happy to know Rocket League became free to play. Since you managed to salvage some money, you can take your SO out on a date. Otherwise you could consider a gaming controller for Rocket League! Well somebody is going to be happy about this!

At its core, you have a soccer game played with vehicles. You’ll have plenty to do depending on how competitive you and/or your SO want to get with it. That’s really great and all but the fun never stopped with just that. As it turns out, this is a “designer’s game” too. Couples with artistic abilities can spend a lot of time designing mods for their own and/or other’s cars. Otherwise, they can use what’s provided to customize the rides in many different ways. So when you manage to lose a match, you’ll stand a chance of looking really good doing it! If you happen to win a match, you also stand the same chance of looking really good doing it. It’s just much funnier when you lose, especially if you’re streaming it!

The first of the main concerns is the size of the initial download. To help prevent all or at least some of having to re-download that, make backups of your games often. The other concern is how competitive you’re trying to get with the game. You’d be surprised how many times someone helps the other team.


Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley

Platform: PC, Android and iOS | Cost: Not Free | Links: PC: Android / PC/ iOS

If someone tells you that a video game has to be graphically superior to all others to be good, stop listening to that person! That person clearly wasn’t around when Pong first showed up. Also, that person clearly wasn’t aware of “good graphics don’t make up for dismal video games”! As a person here looking for the best video games for couples, you should have guessed that good graphics are just a bonus. They won’t matter much when you’re getting into Stardew Valley. This one isn’t entirely graphically challenged. That’s more than made up for in terms of features/gameplay.

With Stardew Valley, you can invite others to join into building a farm. This is the part that you’re supposed to use to invite your SO, girlfriend or partner in crime. Again, not all at the same time depending on your situation! To keep you and/or your partner(s) busy, you’ll have to build up your skills in farming, cooking, crafting, dating NPCs, combat, mining, fishing, rocket building, ISS Management, foraging, customizing things, PC building and pro wrestling. Eventually you’ll find out which of those things are really in the game! Free tip: it’s not just farming. I bet you’re hoping for the pro wrestling!

Quite honestly, there really is nothing truly negative about Stardew Valley that the majority of folks can mention. It doesn’t rely on the latest and greatest graphics to make up for a dismal game. You won’t need hefty hardware to play it. The system requirements are for PCs older than you are! There’s plenty to do at any given time. There’re no real competition aspects so you can relax while playing. It’s not even difficult to play!


Pinball FX 3

Pinball FX 3

Platform: PC | Cost: Free to play | Links: PC

The large majority of people that ever played pinball enjoyed playing it. It didn’t even matter if their first time was in an arcade or on an electronics device of some type. Some players liked it so much that they made their own virtual pinball tables. They’ve even dedicated an entire room of their home to their pinball setups. It should make you wonder what’s so great about it. As it turns out, if you have to ask what’s so great about it, you really didn’t play pinball yet!

What makes it so great is what all you need in the way of skills to play it. Even if you don’t have much of any pinball skills, it can still be a fun game for you and your partner. Pinball FX 3 is a “platform” for you to install tables on. Yes, you can just stick with the free tables it starts you with. Unfortunately, true fans of pinball will definitely want more tables. That’s fine since there’re tons of them available. The tables for Pinball FX 3 cover a huge range of themes and genres. The nice part is that hardware requirements to play it are not so high.

The good news is that Pinball FX 3 comes with some free tables. The rest you’ll have to buy. Again, it’s a type of “platform” similar to Visual Pinball X. It’s just this is vastly easier to install and use. The other not so great news is that you’ll have a huge list of tables to choose from. This could be overwhelming to some that just want to play a good table. Beyond that, Pinball FX 3 does a great job of recreating tables spanning decades of pinball.




Platform: PC | Cost: Not Free | Links: PC

After all these years, Worms still remains as a popular video game. Despite the fun involved, the developers were not really clowning around when making this game!This is the game that inspired others such as Gunbound being one of the reasons why. Worms is a strategy game featuring, obviously, worms with weapons. If it helps, you won’t have to come into direct contact with the “icky little creatures”. However, you’ll definitely want to make direct contact with your opponent’s worm/team when you’re shooting at them!

The aim of the game is to be the final survivor(s) of the battles. You’ll need to have some nice strategies and tactics in order to win. Since the battles are played on a wide variety of maps, you’ll have to be prepared for a variety of situations to use your strategies and tactics. You and your partner might find yourselves fully covered by the terrain. Then again, you both might be right next to your opponents. The fun goes further when you’re able to play against each other or with each other. Either way, someone is getting blown up or dropped off the map!

The good news is that your starting location can be just about anywhere on the map. This adds to the fun. The bad news is the same thing! Depending on who gets to go first, you can find yourself either buried into the map or already dead before you get a shot out. Starting out directly next to your opponent or within easy attack range of them is a great way to lose! Then again, so is starting out with your partner right next to you. Your opponent’s AoE can get nasty in a hurry if starting like that!

Which is the best video game for Couples in 2021?

The thing is every video game here can qualify depending on the couple in question. After much checking and considerations, it’s Super Mecha Champions that takes the title. The main idea here is to be able to play with or against each other at any given time. At the same time, you’d also want a hefty amount of action. It’s going to be a harsh outcome for one or both of you if you get bored playing a video game together. Ultimately, let’s face it. Who doesn’t want to play with a giant robot?!


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments section below. Beyond that, we’ll try to answer some for you already.

1. Why are some of these video games older than I am?!

The idea behind that was to provide a wide mixture of video games to choose from. Including only the newest games can get costly one way or another. Beyond that, get some age on you, rug rat!

2. Is it possible to make a virtual pinball table with Pinball FX 3?

Yes it is. Pinball FX 3 also includes a Cabinet Mode setting so you can get the full effects of a real pinball table. There’re many virtual pinball tables with Pinball FX3 that are so well built you won’t know the difference between it and a real table.

3. Which are the best characters for couples in Cabal M?

There’s no such thing as a “best character” in Cabal M. There never was. This one really does come down to personal preference. Each of the characters has their pros and cons. It’s called “balance”!

4. How do you customize cars in Rocket League?

You’d start by learning how the Garage works. If you’re referring to mods, there’re plenty of tutorials freely available for you online.

5. Which of these video games for couples can be used to make real money?

Your top 2 choices would be Cabal M and DOTA 2. It might be a little harder in Cabal M but DOTA 2 has various ways a couple could use to make real money. DOTA 2 even provides the instructions to make money with it!

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Gamer, Programmer, PC Repair Technician, Writer, Super Geezer and a bunch of other stuff in no particular order. Hakuna Matata!!
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