With a new year comes a new Season Pass for Marvel Snap. The game recently won Mobile Game of the Year at The Game Awards, and the game came out of early access in the middle of October 2022, it has slowly been picking up popularity, despite a few complaints from yours truly.
The featured card for this Season Pass is Zabu, and it is currently disrupting the meta significantly. While the majority of the meta decks contain Pool 3 and 4 cards, here are a few of the Best Zabu Pool 2 Deck in Marvel Snap you can try out if you want to reach “Infinite” rank with, or as close to it as you can.
Best Zabu Pool 2 Deck Marvel Snap – Infinite or Bust
Let’s first introduce Zabu. Without going into the lore of this month’s featured Marvel character, Zabu is a 3 energy 2 power card that has the ongoing ability to make your 4-cost cards cost 2 less with a cap of not taking them lower than 1 energy. It works even better since it applies this buff to your cards in hand and also in your deck.

The great thing here is that Zabu has a lot of great synergy with a lot of Pool 1 and 2 cards such as Jubilee, Shang-Chi, Moon Girl, Strong Guy, Kazar, Jessica Jones, Namor, Warpath, White Queen, The Thing and if you are looking to ruin the day for another Zabu player, Enchantress.
This means Zabu is great for all kinds of decks. Whether you’re looking to play a Devil Dinosaur deck or a Zoo deck these are still the best ways to climb the ranks.
Here are my personal picks for the best decks you can try to climb with.
Devil Zabu – RegisKillbin
The deck is courtesy of YouTube fame, RegisKillbin.
Deck Code
The Cards

Card | Energy / Power |
Sunspot | 1/1 |
Agent 13 | 1/2 |
Storm | 3/2 |
Zabu | 3/2 |
Jubilee | 4/1 |
Shang-Chi | 4/3 |
Enchantress | 4/4 |
Jessica Jones | 4/4 |
Moon Girl | 4/4 |
White Queen | 4/6 |
Devil Dinosaur | 5/3 |
America Chavez | 6/9 |
Sunspot and Agent 13 are great openers. Sunspot especially since you don’t have a 2 energy play buffs him to an early 1/3, or you can play Agent 13 on turn 2 and get him to a 1/2. for this deck it is IMPERATIVE you get Zabu out ASAP. Storm is a second win condition here for you to combo with Jubilee, Jessica Jones, or White Queen to lock down a location.
If you’re familiar with the Devil Dinosaur technique, you must ALWAYS be able to Moon Girl into Devil Dinosaur if possible. However, if you are unable to, America Chavez is a great way to make sure you ALWAYS have a 6 cost in hand ready to drop at a location to secure the win.
Otherwise, the plan is to play Zabu ASAP, and fill the board at the right places.
Zoo-Zabu – Alexander Coccia
A good Zoo Deck that leverages the bonus abilities of Zabu, from YouTube creator, Alexander Coccia.
Deck Code
The Cards

Card | Energy / Power |
Ant-Man | 1/1 |
Hawkeye | 1/1 |
Squirrel Girl | 1/1 |
Korg | 1/2 |
Nightcrawler | 1/2 |
Angela | 2/0 |
Armor | 2/3 |
Zabu | 3/2 |
Jessica Jones | 4/4 |
Kazar | 4/4 |
Blue Marvel | 5/3 |
Onslaught | 6/7 |
If you’re familiar with Zoo decks, the priority here is to first wait for Angela if you can. Otherwise, cards like Hawkeye or Nightcrawler are some safe turn 1 plays to get some early minions on the board. Armor’s purpose is to help protect your buffed up 1 cost minions from being destroyed by cards like Elektra or Killmonger, particularly card like Ant-Man or Hawkeye after they have been buffed.
The strategy again here revolves around hoping you get Zabu in your hand and leveraging the low-cost power of playing Jessica Jones and Kazar on turn 4 for some big power push. It’s imperative that you play Blue Marvel and Onslaught in the same location at all costs if you want that final push toward victory.
Two-Lane Zabu – Alexander Coccia
A good Deck that leverages the location-controlling abilities of cards like Warpath or Namor, from YouTube creator, Alexander Coccia.
Deck Code
The Cards

Card | Energy / Power |
Sunspot | 1/1 |
Iceman | 1/2 |
Nightcrawler | 1/2 |
Armor | 2/3 |
Lizard | 2/5 |
Storm | 3/2 |
Zabu | 3/2 |
Shang-Chi | 4/3 |
Jessica Jones | 4/4 |
Warpath | 4/5 |
White Queen | 4/6 |
Infinaut | 6/20 |
A note: You can substitute Warpath for Namor if you don’t have him.
While the deck is called two-lane Zabu primarily because the 3rd location will be empty to keep Warpath buffed, you will have to focus on amplifying the power of Sunspot and using Ice Man to buy you some time. Cards like Storm will help ensure protection for a location. The ideal combo to follow Storm is Jessica or Warpath, and this helps ensure your location is locked down and secure victory.
If you have sunspot down, and have good control of the locations, on turn 5 it is crucial for you to skip a turn so you can confidently drop Infinaut in your weaker lane to assure victory. if you have not buffed Sunspot at all, skipping turn 5 gives you a 1/6 minion which really helps with that final push of power.
However, if you want to substitute Warpath for Namor and spread your strength out to other locations that is also a viable strategy, but this is only a recommendation if you don’t have Warpath.
Silver Surfer Zabu – DuelNebula
Now, this is also a very conditional card, if you bought the December 2022 Season Pass and you can have some fun with an off-meta deck. The deck comes from YouTube creator DuelNebula.
Deck Code
The Cards

Card | Energy / Power |
Iceman | 1/2 |
Domino | 2/3 |
Ironheart | 3/0 |
Silver Surfer | 3/0 |
Mister Fantastic | 3/2 |
The Punisher | 3/2 |
Zabu | 3/2 |
Jubilee | 4/1 |
Shang-Chi | 4/3 |
Jessica Jones | 4/4 |
Moon Girl | 4/4 |
White Queen | 4/6 |
This is a relatively weak deck in the early game, but in the late game, has a lot of potential to just blindside your enemies with a final push for power. Ice Man helps slow down your enemy ever so slightly, with Domino a good turn 2 play that you will always draw in your hand. Your turn 3 play also gives you a lot of power and options with Iron Heart to buff your present minions, Mister Fantastic to boost your location power, or Punisher to have a buffed play in a location where the enemy has control.
Ideally, you will want to play Zabu so you can leverage the power of the 4 drops. The inclusion of Moon Girl here is a debatable choice, but she can also be replaced with The Thing if you feel like you want more power push. Moon Girl helps with a good Turn 5 play and can help give you copies of your good cards that you would like to repeat.
You end the game by combining cards like Silver Surfer or the Punisher, but you always make sure Silver Surfer is the last card you play. The final push of giving as many of your 3 energy cards + 3 extra energy can make a lot of difference.
The Zabu Counter – Alexander Coccia
Lastly, this is the final deck we can recommend. If you are running into too many Zabu’s on your journey, this is a good way to take control of the game and slow down your enemy significantly. This deck comes from YouTube Creator, Alexander Coccia.
Deck Code
The Cards

Card | Energy / Power |
Sunspot | 1/1 |
Iceman | 1/2 |
Nightcrawler | 1/2 |
Scorpion | 2/2 |
Armor | 2/3 |
Lizard | 2/5 |
Storm | 3/2 |
Sandman | 4/1 |
Enchantress | 4/4 |
Vision | 5/7 |
America Chavez | 6/9 |
Infinaut | 6/20 |
This is for the people out there who don’t have Zabu or just want to counter other Zabu players. The name of the game is slowing your enemy with Ice Man or Scorpion in the early game, and controlling the mid-game with cards like Storm, Sandman, and Enchantress. The latter is a great way to make sure their value from Zabu is short-lived, while Sandman makes sure that each player can only play 1 card per turn, which is where cards like Vision, America Chavez, and the turn 5 skip to power your Sunspot to 1/6 into an Infiinaut come in clutch.
Vision is a great ace in the hole for you to get that little extra smidge of power to get some free 7 power in the location you feel could use a little extra power.
With all of these decks in mind, let us know what deck you want to try out to climb the ranks within the comments section below.