Bungie has announced that popular Destiny 2 weapon, Divinity, would be getting a nerf following the sixth of October TWAB. The TWAB, which is one of the largest and most comprehensive ones we’ve seen in some time, gave us an insight into where the Destiny 2 development team’s head is at right now when it comes to assessing the META.
One of the things that seems to have been a focus this season is nerfing Divinity. Although the exact date the nerf will take place doesn’t seem too clear. Despite that, the TWAB does indicate that it may launch with the Full-Auto accessibility features coming in the near future.
We’re going to take a look at what the Destiny 2 Divinity nerf actually entails, and why it’s such a controversial decision, below.
Destiny 2 Divinity Nerf – What’s Changing?
Bungie announced that Divinity would be getting a nerf during the This Week at Bungie (TWAB) weekly update on the sixth of October, 2022. This follows on from some community drama after popular Destiny 2 streamer Saltagreppo made some high-profile calls for Divinity to be nerfed.
Saltagreppo, who is a top 1%, three-time, back-to-back-to-back world’s first raider, claimed that Divinity was a crutch and that it had become nothing short of mandatory for many of Destiny 2‘s harder encounters. Bungie clearly agreed, as it announced a 50% decrease in the effectiveness of Divinity’s debuff effect – reducing the debuff to 15%, down from 30%.
Despite Saltagreppo pointing out the weapon’s power, Bungie claims this nerf has been in the pipeline for quite some time.
Bungie claims its reasoning for the nerf isn’t down to Divinity’s actual effectiveness. Rather, the fact that it simply outperforms every other debuff option in the game. In isolation, it isn’t overly powerful, but it leaves no room for other options.
Following this Destiny 2 Divinity nerf, it’s likely we’ll see Hunter Tether making a comeback into the endgame PvE META. We may potentially some Tractor Cannon strategies, too. Alternatively, Divinity may still be the go-to for raid teams regardless of the change – we’ll just have to wait and see.
Destiny 2 Divinity Nerf – What Does Divinity Do?

For anyone not in the know, Divinity is the raid Exotic weapon for Garden of Salvation. It’s obtained through a lengthy quest that includes a run of that raid, complete with a handful of additional puzzles.
The Exotic is an Arc Trace Rifle that causes a bubble to appear on an enemy receiving damage from Divinity. When other players shoot that bubble, it counts as a precision hit and deals an additional 30% more damage. As a result, one Divinity will a full raid fireteam could give the team an effective 150% damage increase overall. This is the equivalent of one and a half more players – at the expense of the player using Divinity itself.
This outclasses other debuff options by a fair margin and is the reason for the Destiny 2 Divinity nerf. Now that we know it’s getting nerfed, though, everything is up in the air. Regardless of how you feel about the changes, one thing’s for sure – the META is about to be thrown into a state of disarray.