It looks like Call of Duty Games On Game Pass could be a reality. Before we continue, we would like to remind readers that we had a similar incident a few weeks ago where we thought Diablo IV would be coming to Game Pass due to a glitch in a Brazil app. This is almost a similar situation, so we exercise taking this news with a hefty grain of salt.
Call of Duty Games On Game Pass – It’s Happening?
A screenshot was shared by X/Twitter user Tinosaurorex, who shared how they were trying to buy Call of Duty Black Ops 2 on the Xbox 360, but when heading to checkout, were warned that the game could be free with their Game Pass subscription.
Here is an image of the text translated, courtesy of gamepasstracker on Twitter/X

We saw a similar incident happen with Diablo IV a few weeks ago and fans excitement went through the roof, but it was quickly shot down by Phil Spencer himself.
While the Activision/Blizzard/Microsoft merger is looking like its reaching the finish line, it is still worth waiting to see what becomes of the deal and if we do see a timeline where we see the titles added to Game Pass in the future.