Call of Duty Warzone Operation Monarch Brings King Kong and Godzilla

Rizwan Anwer
2 Min Read

It seems that Call of Duty Warzone Operation Monarch is the latest operation for the free-to-play battle royale, but its looking to bring a couple of big celebrities to the stage. With the game recently adding Snoop Dogg as a purchasable operator, the new additions are definitely ground-shaking.

Warzone Operation Monarch – a BIG step forward

It seems that the Call of Duty Warzone Operation Monarch update is now live in the PlayStation back end, and it highlights how we will see King Kong and Godzilla take the stage.

Here are the images:

Call of Duty Warzone Operation Monarch featuring Godzilla and King Kong
Call of Duty Warzone Operation Monarch featuring Godzilla and King Kong alternate

According to the date in the artwork, Operation Monarch is set to launch on May 11th, which means we will get a major world event taking place around these two titans fighting it off on the island. This is certainly an interesting twist and could lead to one of the most memorable events in Warzone.

While Fortnite is indeed the king of events in their games, it’s good to see Call of Duty Warzone ante up their efforts on bigger world events, but this time they really went above and beyond.

Godzilla and King Kong have been long rumored to be coming to the game, but to have concrete evidence such as this is truly a sight to behold.

It’s only a matter of time before Activision announces the event officially, and we should see some teasers for the event happening shortly. Currently in the game, players are able to see hints of Godzilla in the water, and the giant is known to almost always make an appearance by rising out of a body of water.

However, we are still unsure how King Kong will make his entrance to the island, but that is something we will have answered soon.

What are your thoughts on Operation Monarch? Let us know in the comments section below!

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