Destiny 2 Hollow Denial God Roll for PvE and PvP

Eoin Black
7 Min Read
Image via Bungie

These two Hollow Denial god rolls are… not great. I mean, I’ve done the best I can all things considered, but the weapon just isn’t that good. Trace rifles are already weak enough in Destiny 2, and Hollow Denial doesn’t have a conventional “god roll” perk pool. Still, I think I’ve at least made the weapon viable in PvE. PvP, on the other hand, is a different story.

If you’re one of the very few Destiny 2 players eager to try out trace rifles, then give these two Hollow Denial god rolls a try. They’re as good as it’s going to get for the gun, although compared to something like a Calus Mini-Tool, that isn’t saying much.

Destiny 2 Hollow Denial God Rolls

Hollow Denial PvE God Roll

Destiny 2 Hollow Denial PvE god roll.
Screenshot via D2Gunsmith
  • Arrowhead Break
  • Tactical Battery
  • Adaptive Munitions
  • Killing Tally

Despite being one of the most used legendary trace rifles in all of Destiny 2, Hollow Denial doesn’t have too much going for it. It’s a victim of the weapon archetype still not having much of their own identity. Still, this god roll isn’t all that bad and will do for a Master Nightfall or two. Beyond that, though, I’m not sure you’ll get what you need out of this weapon.

Arrowhead Break is a go-to staple for anything that could be considered “automatic.” Auto rifles, SMGs, and trace rifles all benefit from the improved recoil direction that the barrel offers. On weapon types where range isn’t too much of an issue – this should be one of your go-to’s, but it’s not all that important.

The same can be said for Tactical Battery. Ultimately, your battery/ammo perk also doesn’t matter too much here – but the reload speed, range, and stability that Tactical Battery gives you is nice. It’s far from mandatory, though, so swap this up with whatever strikes your fancy.

Adaptive Munitions and Killing Tally, on the other hand, are pretty mandatory. At least, they are if you want the best Hollow Denial god roll you can get.

Adaptive Munitions is, and always will be, an S-tier perk for end-game PvE activities. In almost every high-end PvE challenge, whether that be Master Raids or Grandmaster Nightfalls, enemies have Match Game. That means that enemies with shields are incredibly resistant to damage types that don’t match that shield.

There are three damage types that shields can have, and most D2 players will only bring two of those three into a Nightfall. Unless you’re coordinating with your team or using something like an Arbalist, you’re going to struggle. Adaptive Munitions completely negates that by making the weapon output the same damage type as the shield it’s hitting. This perk genuinely allows Hollow Denial to perform at a remarkably high level despite not being a powerful weapon.

Killing Tally isn’t as technical or strategic as Adaptive Munitions, but it’s just as strong. It’s a simple perk that increases the weapon’s damage output every time you get a kill until you reload or swap weapons. Each kill grants it 10% more damage, up to 30%. It’s one of the lesser-seen damage perks compared to Frenzy or Rampage, but it’s as good, if not better than those META staples.

Overall, this Hollow Denial god roll is as good as it’s going to get. It’s not a top-tier weapon by any stretch of the imagination, but it can hold its own in those high-end activities. It’s a victim of being a trace rifle but does what it can to mitigate that disadvantage.

Hollow Denial PvP God Roll

Screenshot via D2Gunsmith
  • Arrowhead Break
  • Tactical Battery
  • Rangefinder
  • Killing Tally

There’s only one perk in the difference between my Hollow Denial PvE and PvP god rolls, and that’s a perfect example of the identity issue that trace rifles are going through. They don’t know what they want to be, and it shows.

In all honestly, I would never recommend taking one of these into the Crucible. While I can make the archetype perform in PvE thanks to some perks, the same cannot be said for PvP – where the META is a lot stricter.

If you’re determined, though, then we’re again starting off with Arrowhead Break and Tactical Battery. My reasoning here remains the same – they’re best-in-class perks, but far from mandatory. Switch them up at your own discretion.

While I’m at it, I’ll also explain the logic behind keeping Killing Tally for the PvP god roll. It’s simply because it makes Hollow Denial do more damage, and that’s really good. Perks like Kill Clip dominate the PvP META, and Killing Tally is somewhat similar to that, albeit weaker. It requires three kills to fully charge – which you’ll practically never get in-game. One kill, however, is achievable. With that 10% buff, it should all but guarantee you your second kill before you have to reload.

The one perk I’ve changed between rolls is swapping out Adaptive Munitions for Rangefinder. This is a perk you typically see on hand cannons, not automatic trace rifles. Again, I feel like this perk being a viable choice here speaks volumes to trace rifles not having a place in the META.

Despite shooting a literal laser beam, trace rifles have some nasty drop-off that can, and will, cost you gunfights inside the Crucible. Rangefinder exists to try and limit that scenario from happening as much as possible. Adaptive Munitions is useless in PvP – so this change just makes sense.

Despite being about as good of a PvP god roll as it’s going to get, I wouldn’t recommend trying this weapon out in Crucible unless you’re cracked, insane, or both. It can just about hang with the big boys in PvE, but I can’t say the same for PvP.

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Eoin has been playing video games his entire life. He specializes in narrative-driven, single-player titles, and brings his extensive Esports experience into his writing.
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