Destiny 2 Tears of Contrition God Roll for PvE and PvP

Eoin Black
7 Min Read
Screenshot by WhatIf Gaming

These two Destiny 2 Tears of Contrition god rolls are good. Surprisingly good. Scout rifles aren’t META outside of Grandmasters. Yet, I find that these two rolls can consistently perform in all manner of activity regardless of difficulty. It’s rare that a scout can do that, especially one as underappreciated as Tears of Contrition.

The two god rolls I’m going over here are remarkably similar to one another. There’s only one perk in the difference. That should tell you everything you need to know about just how good this gun actually is. What’s more, it’s very reminiscent of scout rifles of old. It’s got a classic perk combo that is still top of the META many years after its initial release.

I’m going to break down each roll and explain my perk choices. As per usual, if you don’t agree with any of the perks I’m using – feel free to substitute your own. God rolls are subjective, for the most part, so have some fun with it.

Destiny 2 Tears of Contrition God Roll

Tears of Contrition PvE God Roll

Destiny 2 Tears of Contrition PvE god roll.
Screenshot via D2Gunsmith
  • Arrowhead Break
  • Tactical Mag
  • Triple Tap
  • Explosive Payload

This particular Tears of Contrition god roll is as old as Destiny 2 itself. It’s a combo that’s existed since back when we were still using the Farm, and in all those years it’s never lost any of its effectiveness. I’ll briefly touch on Arrowhead Break and Tactical Mag before that, though.

Arrowhead Break is always a top-tier barrel option for any weapon that doesn’t need help in the range department. Not only is Tears a scout rifle, but we’re running Explosive Payload, so range is the last stat we need to worry about. The better recoil and handling from Arrowhead will make the weapon more consistent, but you can substitute it out for another barrel if you wanted – it won’t make a world of difference.

My Tactical Mag choice is a little more deliberate, but not a ton so. Again, typical T1 ammo perks like Accurized Rounds are useless on this weapon, so we have room to use some other options that we otherwise wouldn’t experiment with. I like Tactical Mag because it compliments Triple Tap well. It gives us one extra bullet, but also increases stability and reload speed. It’s a great all-around option, but you can swap it out for something like Alloy Magazine to get even more uptime on the gun.

Triple Tap/Explosive Payload is where this Tears of Contrition god roll gets exciting. It’s the same familiar perk combination that you might have seen on Nameless Midnight back in the day. There’s a reason it’s been so popular on scout rifles for so long.

Triple Tap (TT) will always be a godly perk. Weapon uptime is king in D2, so perks that directly influence that as hard as TT does will always be incredibly powerful. Returning bullets to the mag for precision hits with a 16+ magazine weapon means you’ll be shooting for far longer than you have any right to.

Thankfully, Explosive Payload works perfectly with Triple Tap. The explosive damage doesn’t override your headshot, so if you hit the head, TT will proc. On the topic of explosive damage, Explosive Payload is arguably the best hand cannon perk in the game – but it’s also pretty impactful on scouts, too. Not only does it let us ignore range, but it makes Tears of Contrition capable of wiping out groups of AD spawns and adds some pretty nasty flinch to the weapon for PvP. This has been a popular weapon roll for years, and it’ll continue to be so for years to come.

Tears of Contrition PvP God Roll

Destiny 2 Tears of Contrition PvP god roll.
Screenshot via D2Gunsmith
  • Arrowhead Break
  • Tactical Mag
  • No Distractions
  • Explosive Payload

The fact that I only need to change one perk between the Tears of Contrition PvE and PvP god rolls speaks volumes as to just how good this gun’s perk pool is. I’m keeping Arrowhead Break and Tactical Mag for the same reasons – range doesn’t matter and the stat boosts they give are nice. Once again, if you want to swap these out for something else, do.

The only change between the two rolls is swapping out Triple Tap for No Distractions. Triple Tap is pretty useless for PvP. It requires three headshots to proc, and if you’re hitting that in the Crucible then you’re probably already killing your target without the need for the extra bullet in the mag.

No Distractions, on the other hand, reduces your flinch by 35% if you’re ADSing for over a second without shooting. On a scout rifle, this is incredibly powerful. You’re going to be spending more time ADSing with this weapon compared to others, and scouts rely on precision damage so flinching can be a massive pain. Having a perk to help mitigate that will make a noticeable difference in your PvP gunfights.

Lastly, I’m of course keeping Explosive Payload on this Tears of Contrition PvP god roll. It’s one of the best perks in the game, both for PvE and PvP. In the case of the latter, it’s going to help you deal damage at range, AoE damage which is very useful to deny revives in Trials, and it’s going to make your opponent flinch like you wouldn’t believe. There are a handful of other good perks in Tears of Contrition’s fourth perk slot, but when Explosive Payload is there, I can’t justify using anything else.

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Eoin has been playing video games his entire life. He specializes in narrative-driven, single-player titles, and brings his extensive Esports experience into his writing.
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