Destiny 2: Where is Xur?

Eoin Black
1 Min Read
Screenshot by WhatIf Gaming

Xur has been a beloved and standup member of the Destiny 2 community since the old days. While power-creep has completely obliterated his importance, we should remember that we weren’t always so blessed with exotics.

Back in the days of Destiny 1, exotics were ludicrously hard to come by. So much so that 99% of players got their hands on certain exotics thanks to Xur selling them.

Things are much different these days, but Xur remains the same. He still sells an exotic weapon and three exotic armor pieces every weekend, and he still bounces around the sol system.

Wondering where is Xur? Don’t. I’ll show you his location this weekend, as well as what he has for sale. I’ll give you an overview of each weapon so you can decide if you want to pick them up for yourself.

Destiny 2 Xur Location

Xur is currently having a nap. He’ll be back on Friday.

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Eoin has been playing video games his entire life. He specializes in narrative-driven, single-player titles, and brings his extensive Esports experience into his writing.
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