Wondering where to find Smithing Stone 2 in Elden Ring? Elden Ring is teeming with formidable enemies and bosses, and to cut through them, you’ll need powerful weapons reinforced with Smithing Stones. While you’re bound to find lots of these coveted stones in every region, these are actually tiered 1 to 8, each upgrading your weapon only so far before you’ll need higher-tier Smithing Stones.
In this guide, we will specifically look into the Elden Ring Smithing Stone 2 locations, helping you advance your weapon to +6. Since there are tons of them, we’ve ordered them by region with small descriptions pointing at their relevant locations.
Limgrave Smithing Stone 2 Locations
Apart from finding a ton of Elden Ring tier 1 Smithing Stones, players will also come across a handful of Smithing Stone 2 throughout Limgrave. We’ve also provided a detailed map with all the spots containing the material.

No | Smithing Stone 2 Source | Where to Find |
1 | Cracked Statue | Alongside netting 5 basic Smithing Stones, players can get a tier 2 Smithing Stone if they kite a troll into breaking a cracked statue. |
2 | Church of Dragon Communion (Corpse) | Through the coastal cave, players can reach the Church of Dragon Communion get their hands on a Smithing Stone 2], lying on the rocky cliffs. |
3 | Summonwater Village (Corpse) | South of the village, you’ll come along with a pack of wolves fighting a Runebear. There’s also a nearby corpse holding a tier 2 stone. |
4 | Mistwood Ruins (Chest) | There’s a Smithing Stone 2 inside a chest within the basement of the ruins. Head towards the thick forest to find it. |
5 | Highroad Cave (Corpse) | Atop the northwestern waterfall, you’ll find a Smithing Stone 2 |
Weeping Peninsula Smithing Stone 2 Locations
Overall, five tier 2 Smithing Stones are up for grabs in the Weeping Peninsula – a continent south of Limgrave connected by the Bridge of Sacrifice.

No | Smithing Stone 2 Source | Where to Find |
1 | Weeping Peninsula Mainroad (Corpse) | A bit south of the bridge, you’ll run into a battlefield with wagons and carts. Nearby one of those carts is a body with the item. |
2 | Castle Morne (Corpse 1) | Of the four Smithing Stone 2 in Castle Morne, the first one is up the stairs on the left of the courtyard. |
3 | Castle Morne (Corpse 2) | This corpse has two Smithing Stone 2. You can reach it by scaling the battlements and then climbing down to a middle platform. |
4 | Castle Morne (Corpse 3) | While working your way toward the dungeon’s boss, you’ll find a roof with a square opening. So, drop down the wooden beam to find the final body with a tier 2 Smithing Stone. |
Stormveil Castle Smithing Stone 2 Locations
High-tier stones become more common as you naturally proceed to tougher areas. In Stormveil Castle, you’ll find 13 Smithing Stone 2, some well hidden from plain sight.

No | Smithing Stone 2 Source | Where to Find |
1 | Stormhill Castle Outer Wall | If players wish to take the secret entrance using the broken wall, they’ll find a Smithing Stone 2. |
2 | Ballistae Platform (Corpse) | Another Smithing Stone 2 rests on the platform with the Ballistae. Tread carefully when approaching it. |
3 | Rooftops (Corpse) | This corpse can be rather tricky to get to, but it holds two Tier 2 Smithing Stones, making it worth the payoff. On the same rooftops near the Rampart Tower SOF with the Warhawk (flamethrower), use the ledge to work your way around it to reach it. |
4 | Rampart Tower (Corpse) | Behind the red barrels on the Rampart Tower, you’ll find the consumable. |
5 | Cracked Statue | Similarly, another cracked statue hides the same number of Smithing Stone 2. In order to break it open, lure the troll guarding the hallway to the boss arena. |
6 | Underground Crypt (Corpse) | On the alleyway overlooking the Underground Crypt, drop down twice to a narrow ledge with a body holding two Smithing Stone 2. |
7 | Corpse near Liftside Chamber | This one is conveniently found on an elevated platform outside the Liftside Chamber. |
8 | Dark Alleyway (Corpse) | Near the giant troll is a dark alleyway with a corpse at its end, holding an Elden Ring Smithing Stone. |
9 | Wooden Ledge Near Living Jars (Corpse) | Outside the area housing the Living Jars, players can make out a wooden ledge with a shiny on it. This is in fact three Smithing Stone 2, which players can easily snag. |
Liurnia of the Lakes Smithing Stone 2 Locations
Elden Ring’s notorious swamp overrun with sniping lobsters, Liurnia of the Lakes holds a healthy amount of Smithing Stone 2. They are scattered throughout the vast expanse and can be tricky to find.

No | Smithing Stone 2 Source | Where to Find |
1 | Lakeside Crystal Cave | Just before the fog wall leading to the boss room, you’ll find three corpses. One of them has the bolstering material. |
2 | South of the Folly on the Lake | From the Site of Grace, head south towards the poison swamp. You will stumble upon a corpse being eaten by small crabs. Make sure to loot it to get two Smithing Stone 2. |
3 | Corpse Underneath the Village of the Albinaurics | From the last Smithing Stone, head southwest to reach this one. |
4 | Gazebo No 1 | One of the gazebos surrounded by lobsters can bag you three Smithing Stone 2. |
5 | Gazebo No 2 | In order to reach this gazebo and find another three Smithing Stone 2, head west of the Rose Church. |
6 | Gazebo No 3 | This gazebo is located southwest of the Highway Lookout Tower and has another three up for grabs. |
7 | Gazebo No 4 | Weirdly, this gazebo doesn’t show up on the map. Simply beeline east of the Temple Quarter Site of Grace to find it. |
8 | Gazebo No 5 | Similarly, this gazebo doesn’t appear on the map. It is located Southeast of Testu’s Rise, and the shrine inside has three tier 2 Smithing Stones. |
9 | Academy Gate Town (Corpse) | Players can loot a corpse with a nearby giant crab for three Smithing Stone 2. |
10 | Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel | Inside this tunnel, there are a total of five of these bolstering materials. |
11 | Near Frenzy-Flaming Tower (Corpse) | While carefully treading the path toward the tower, you can quickly snag a tier 2 stone from one of the corpses. |
12 | Caria Manor (Corpse) | While wary of the giant hands, head towards the fountain. Nearby lies a corpse with three tier 2 stones. |
Underground Region Smithing Stone 2 Locations
Accessible through the giant wells, a few Elden Ring Smithing Stone 2 has made their way into the underground regions. Here’s where to find the Smithing Stone 2 in these areas.

No | Smithing Stone 2 Source | Where to Find |
1 | Siofra River Corpse No 1 | Head northeast from the Siofra River Bank Site of Grace to reach one of the collapsed pillars. Near the pillar is a large tree with a corpse holding three Smithing Stone 2 resting on it. |
2 | Siofra River Corpse No 2 | Another three are found below a ledge with a foe standing on it. Head north of the Worshipper’s Woods Site of Grace to reach it. |
3 | Siofra River Corpse No 3 | For another three, head towards the eastern corner, as shown above. You’ll find a corpse slouching on a tree. |
4 | Nokron Corpse No 1 | Just before the Mimic Tear boss, a corpse overlooking the Night’s Sacred Ground has a Smithing Stone. |
5 | Nokron Corpse No 2 | After the Mimic Tear boss fight, cross the Nokron bridge and drop down to access a corpse where you’ll find a Smithing Stone 2. |
6 | Ainsel River (Corpse) | To access three more Smithing Stones, fast travel to the Ainsel River Downstream Site of Grace. After that, simply head southwest to find the Smithing Stone 2 location. |
Where to Purchase Elden Ring Smithing Stone 2

Like most consumables, you can also buy Smithing Stone 2 in Elden Ring. Four Merchants have them up for sale.
- The Nomadic Merchant Castle Morne Rampart sells only one for 400 Runes. He’s located midway on the path to Castle Morne, near the Castle Morne Rampart Site of Grace.
- Another Nomadic Merchant in the Weeping Peninsula is the Isolated Merchant, who you’ll find in the Isolated Merchant’s Shack. He has 3 pieces on display, each costing 400 Runes.
- An extra 3 are sold by the Nomadic Merchant West Liurnia of the Lakes for the same price.
- Thankfully, the Twin Maidens Husk can sell an unlimited Smithing Stone 2. In order to do so, you’ll need to succeed in beating the boss in Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel to acquire the Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing (1). After that, you can give the key item to the NPC in the Roundtable Hold, unlocking the option to buy unlimited stones.
Final Thoughts
And there you have it; these are all the Smithing Stone 2 Locations in Elden Ring. With that, you now know where to find every Smithing Stone 2 in the game. If by chance, we’ve overlooked any locations, please feel free to share them in the comments section below!