Ember of Benevolence Destiny 2 Has Been Disabled

Eoin Black
3 Min Read
Screenshot by WhatIf Gaming

Ember of Benevolence Destiny 2 has been disabled by Bungie due to issues with the Fragment interacting with other pieces of gear. ETA for its implementation is June 7th.

Season of the Haunted hasn’t exactly had the smoothest launch of all time, at least from a technical standpoint. The release has been marred by a handful of very frustrating bugs, including one which causes Banshee and his brand new Telesto to crash the game. While not game-breaking to the same level, the Ember of Benevolence Destiny 2 bug is irritating.

Ember of Benevolence Destiny 2 Solar Fragment
Screenshot by WhatIf Gaming

We haven’t had much time at all to play around with Solar 3.0 yet. So, the fact that we’re already losing a key component in Radiant builds is a massive shame. At the very least, it’ll push build-crafting back a week or two.

Why Was Ember of Benevolence Removed From Destiny 2?

Why did Bungie remove Ember of Benevolence from Destiny 2, though? According to Kevin Yanes, the Sandbox Discipline lead at Bungie, the Fragment was activating “inconsistently and without refreshing.” In response to that tweet, players also pointed out that Ember of Benevolence wasn’t interacting correctly with Lumina or Boots of the Assembler, either.


Update: The aforementioned tweet seems to have been deleted.

ETA on the fix for Ember of Benevolence is June 7th. That means the Fragment will be out of action for just under two weeks. That’s going to hurt Solar 3.0’s development. You might want to hold off on all that build-crafting until Bungie introduces it back into the game – especially if you plan on running a Radiant build.

The good news, though, is that Bungie is explicitly making sure that all of the “healer” related pieces of gear are working together. Once Bungie reintroduced Ember of Benevolence, it’s likely we’ll see a plethora of support class builds beyond just Well-lock. I don’t know about you, but I’m willing to wait for that change.

Update: As of June 7th, Ember of Benevolence has been fixed and reinstated into the game.

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Eoin has been playing video games his entire life. He specializes in narrative-driven, single-player titles, and brings his extensive Esports experience into his writing.
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