How To Fix the Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Ultrawide Cutscenes Issue on PC

Ali Hashmi
3 Min Read
Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Screenshot

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is out now on PC and consoles, and it’s one of the most technically impressive titles of the year. The PC version has a host of settings to customize, and while it does have ultrawide support, it isn’t perfect. If you want to fix the Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Ultrawide cutscenes issue, here is how you can do that.

Fixing the Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Ultrawide Cutscenes

As mentioned, Avatar Frontiers of Pandora does not have ultrawide support during cutscenes, and you’ll see black bars on the sides. This can be quite distracting and gets in the way of immersion, but thankfully, you can easily fix that using a hex edit.

Download and Install HxD

  • For this to work, download HxD from the following link
  • Install HxD

Use the Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Executable in HxD

  • Make sure Avatar Frontiers of Pandora isn’t running
  • Launch HxD
  • Now drag the afop.exe (or afop_plus.exe if you are using Ubi+) into HxD
  • Once opened in HxD, you will see a bunch of values
  • Press CTRL+F, and then select the Hex-Values tab in the new window
  • After this click on Search Direction “Forward”
  • In the Search for section, enter 39 8E E3 3F (It should be at the offset 034CB3F0) 
  • Change the 39 8E E3 3F value with the value of your desired resolution
2560x1080 = 26 B4 17 40 
3440x1440 = 8E E3 18 40 
3840x1080 = 39 8E 63 40 
3840x1440 = AB AA 2A 40 
3840x1600 = 9A 99 19 40 
5120x1440 = 39 8E 63 40 
5120x2160 = 26 B4 17 40 
6880x2880 = 8E E3 18 40 
7680x2160 = 39 8E 63 40 

You can refer to more hex values for other aspect ratios and resolutions at the following link.
  • As an example, I’m using AB AA 2A 40, for 3840×1440.
  • Hit Save at the top left or Ctrl + S
  • Now, change the resolution from the in-game settings

Credits to u/OnkelJupp for finding the required value, and testing it. Here is a screenshot comparison provided by them on Reddit.

Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Cutscene without Hex Edit
Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Cutscene without Hex Edit
Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Cutscene with Hex Edit
Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Cutscene with Hex Edit

Check out our other ultrawide guides for recent releases like Lies of PSea of Stars, and Starfield.

We hope this guide was helpful and that you were able to fix the Avatar Frontiers of Pandora ultrawide cutscenes on your PC. Let us know if you have any questions in the comments below.

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Gaming enthusiast, massive Soulsborne fan with hundreds of hours spread across different Soulslike titles, and a passionate writer. Always on the lookout for interesting games with unique mechanics and design especially in the indie space. He loves to write informative guides for newer and ongoing releases.
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