How To Fix Dungeons 4 Crashing Issues on PC

Ali Hashmi
2 Min Read
Dungeons 4 Screenshot

Dungeons 4 is one of our favorite strategy releases of the year and we had a great time managing our reign of evil. The PC version runs quite well, but a few users have reported stability issues including crashing. Here is how you can fix the Dungeons 4 crashing issues on PC.

Fixing the Dungeons 4 Crashing Issues

To fix the Dungeons 4 crashing issues on PC, you need to add the game to the list of exceptions or exclusions in your anti-virus software.

Currently, multiple antivirus services like Norton, and Malware Bytes are flagging the game as a threat, which the developers are aware of.


Add an Exception to Your Anti-Virus

First, try temporarily disabling your anti-virus service to check if the game launches without it. If you can confirm that is the case, you need to add the Dungeon 4’s folder in the list of exceptions/exclusions.

We have listed some popular ones and their respective FAQ pages.


Verify Game Files

If the suggestion above didn’t work for you, there must be something up with your game files. Thankfully, you can scan through those in Steam, and redownload anything missing or broken.

  • Open Steam and navigate to your library
  • Right-click on Dungeons 4 in your library
  • Click Properties
Steam library > Game > Library
  • Select the Installed Files tab
  • Click on Verify Integrity of game files
Verify Integrity of game files
Verify Integrity of game files


Update GPU Drivers

If you haven’t updated your drivers in a while, it’s a good time to finally do so. This will ensure that modern releases are performing well, and that there aren’t any stability issues on that front.

GeForce Experience Download Drivers
GeForce Experience Download Drivers

You can get the latest ones from the links below.

We hope this guide helped fixed the Dungeons 4 crashing issues on PC. Let us know if you have any questions in the comments below.

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Gaming enthusiast, massive Soulsborne fan with hundreds of hours spread across different Soulslike titles, and a passionate writer. Always on the lookout for interesting games with unique mechanics and design especially in the indie space. He loves to write informative guides for newer and ongoing releases.
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