If you’ve got a shiny new wheel & pedal set, you might want to try manual shifting in Forza Horizon 5. It is easily doable and a lot of fun if you have a good wheel or even a controller. We will teach you how to change between manual or automatic shifting in Forza Horizon 5 through this quick guide.
How to Change Shifting in Forza Horizon 5?

The whole thing is straightforward. All you need to do is open up the Settings menu and go to the Difficulty tab.
Once inside, look for the Shifting option and change it between Automatic, Manual & Manual with Clutch.
Automatic and Manual options are self-explanatory. The third option, Manual with Clutch, is mainly for players using a Wheel and Gearbox for playing FH5.
You can use manual shifting with a controller as well. If you do that, you’ll have to Shift Up with A & Shift Down with B. If it doesn’t feel good, you can always use the same option to change back to Automatic shifting in Forza Horizon 5.
Do note that Manual shifting will reward you with more EXP at the end of each race and even while driving around in the open world as you chain skills or make money.
You can even remap your controller inputs to suit your grip style if the default ones feel uncomfortable. Playground Games have made the game’s difficulty settings quite flexible to suit any playstyle.
We hope this guide proved helpful in teaching you how to change between automatic and manual shifting in Forza Horizon 5. Keep visiting WIG for more informative Forza content.