Best D Class Cars in Forza Horizon 5

Are D's Cars Any Good?

Abdul Muqsit
4 Min Read

We have set out on a mission to find some of the best cars FH5 offers in each car class & price category. In this guide, let’s start the journey and look at some D-Class Cars in Forza Horizon 5 to see if they are worth your time and what makes them stand out.

We’ve also provided some tested tune codes to get the most out of each of these cars in FH5. So, without wasting much time, let’s check the list!


Datsun 510 1970

Datsun 510 1970 - D Class Cars in Forza Horizon 5

Price: 25,000CR
Tune Code: 539 842 161 (Street Racing Focused)

The Datsun 510 is a RWD sedan that comes with a 1.6L Naturally Aspirated engine. We found this car to be really effective in D-Class Street Racing events. Use the provided tune code to improve the car’s cornering capabilities immensely.

It’s not the fastest car, which should be obvious, seeing as how the car only has 96 horsepower. But the tune will help you maneuver tight corners quite well and gain ground on your opponents.


Mazda MX-5 Miata 1994

Mazda MX-5 Miata 1994

Price: 25,000CR
Tune Code: 204 508 580 (Competitive D-Class Circuit Focused)

Another car with a relatively slow startup, the Mazda MX-5 Miata is the best handling car on this list. It sticks to the ground on both tarmac and dirt routes.

The tune code we’ve provided will help you maximize its handling potential and dominate Circuit Race boards in D-Class.

Don’t use this car for straight races. Even though the car has a 1.8L engine, it just doesn’t have enough oomph behind it to overtake adversaries on straights. You need to rely on laps and circuits with corners to gain ground. We want to dub this Mazda the best D-class car in Forza Horizon 5.


Ford De Luxe Coup ’40

Ford De Luxe Coup '40

Price: 44,000CR
Tune Code: 169 564 988 (Fast Tune – Tricky Handling Around Corners)

Alright then, this is the fast one. The Ford De Luxe Coup is the fastest car on this list and has the absolute worst handling.

This classic monster comes with a 3.6L V8 engine and an RWD that makes the car easily spin out of control if you are not careful.

Your strategy with this car is to crush it during straights, gain ground, then hang on to dear life around the corners and pray that you make it across without spinning out. A bit tricky, is all, but we are sure you’ll do just fine. Bring out your inner Dominic Toretto for this one.

Final Thoughts

These were some of the best D-Class cars we found in Forza Horizon 5. There might be more, but if you really want to see better cars, we suggest you look into the C-Class. If you want to goof around, you can also check our ranked list of the best wheelie cars in Forza Horizon 5.

We plan to cover all other car classes and make similar ranked lists for them, so keep a lookout for them. You might end up finding a rare car in our pickings. You never know.

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As an enthusiastic gamer, wanderer, and anime consumer, I find that a good day is one spent discussing and writing about games, but an even better day is spent playing them.
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