Fumito Ueda is the brilliant mind behind novel video games that have shaped video games as an art form. The video game genius directed many titles over the time of the PlayStation consoles lifecycle, however, Mr. Ueda is a man of quality over quantity as all of his games can be counted on one hand – Shadow of the Colossus, Ico, and most recently, The Last Guardian for the PS4. However, after many years of silence, the visionary director has been working on a new title under is new studio by the name of genDesign.
Fumito Ueda new game could be announced in 2023
Fumito Ueda is a name synonymous with games that have a lasting impact on the gaming world. While they aren’t full of action or mystery, each game is a unique element in making memorable stories, mechanics, and many other aspects.

While the creator has given few hints about his next project over the last few years, according to a segment done by Gematsu asking Japanese developers about their aspirations for 2023, Famito Ueda says he is hopeful on announcing his new project to the world, and we can say it is long overdue.
A direct quote from Fumito via Gematsu says:
“All of genDesign is working hard to be able to finally announce something, so please give us your support.”
While there is little to no continuity between Fumito’s works, there are subtle easter eggs recalling his previous projects, so we know this game will definitely not be a sequel to his previous works. While we are also in the dark about platforms and a release window, its safe to say that 2023 has a lot of surprises in store for us.
What are your thoughts on Fumito’s next project? Let us know in the comments section below.