In today’s build guide, the topic of discussion is Dehya: her Ascension/Talent Materials and costs, her talents, constellations, best artifacts, weapons, and teams. Before we begin, we will briefly introduce the character and their role in the world of Genshin Impact.
Dehya, titled “Flame-Mane”, is a 5-star Pyro claymore user. She was released in Genshin Impact version 3.5 as one of the most looked-forward Genshin characters.
A Summary Of Dehya’s Kit
Dehya’s kit allows her to be built as both tank and DPS. Dehya‘s best-in-slot 5-star weapon is The Beacon of the Reed Sea claymore. We thought the day would never come, but the 4-star The Bell claymore is also a viable weapon to equip on Dehya. The Emblem of Severed Fate artifact can be used to buff her Elemental Burst DMG, but other viable options include the 2-piece Crimson Witch and Gilded Dreams artifact sets.
Dehya’s Ascension and Talent Costs/Mats
Ascension Level | Materials Required | Mora Cost | HP % |
Level 20 | x1 Agnidus Agate Sliver x3 Sand Grease Pupa x3 Faded Red Satin | 20,000 | 0 |
Level 40 | x3 Agnidus Agate Fragment x2 Light Guiding Tetrahedron x10 Sand Grease Pupa x15 Faded Red Satin | 40,000 | 0 |
Level 50 | x6 Agnidus Agate Fragment x4 Light Guiding Tetrahedron x20 Sand Grease Pupa x12 Trimmed Red Silk | 60,000 | 7.2 |
Level 60 | x3 Agnidus Agate Chunk x8 Light Guiding Tetrahedron x30 Sand Grease Pupa x18 Trimmed Red Silk | 80,000 | 14.4 |
Level 70 | x6 Agnidus Agate Chunk x12 Light Guiding Tetrahedron x45 Sand Grease Pupa x12 Rich Red Brocade | 100,000 | 14.4 |
Level 80 | x6 Agnidus Agate Gemstone x20 Light Guiding Tetrahedron x60 Sand Grease Pupa x24 Rich Red Brocade | 120,000 | 21.6 |
Totals | x1 Agnidus Agate Sliver x9 Agnidus Agate Fragment x9 Agnidus Agate Chunk x6 Agnidus Agate Gemstone x18 Faded Red Satin x30 Trimmed Red Silk x36 Rich Red Brocade x46 Perpetual Heart x168 Sand Grease Pupa | 420,000 | 28.8 |
Dehya’s Talent Upgrade Materials
The following list shows the number of items needed to upgrade just one of Dehya‘s 3 combat talents.
Talent Level | Materials Required | Mora Cost |
Level 2 | x3 Teachings of Praxis x6 Faded Red Satin | 12,500 |
Level 3 | x2 Guide to Praxis x3 Trimmed Red Silk | 17,500 |
Level 4 | x4 Guide to Praxis x4 Trimmed Red Silk | 25,000 |
Level 5 | x6 Guide to Praxis x6 Trimmed Red Silk | 30,000 |
Level 6 | x9 Guide to Praxis x9 Trimmed Red Silk | 37,500 |
Level 7 | x4 Philosophies of Praxis x4 Rich Red Brocade x1 Puppet Strings | 120,000 |
Level 8 | x6 Philosophies of Praxis x6 Rich Red Brocade x1 Puppet Strings | 260,000 |
Level 9 | x12 Philosophies of Praxis x9 Rich Red Brocade x2 Puppet Strings | 450,000 |
Level 10 | x16 Philosophies of Praxis x12 Rich Red Brocade x2 Puppet Strings x1 Crown of Insight | 700,000 |
Totals | x3 Teachings of Praxis x21 Guides of Praxis x38 Philosophies of Praxis x6 Faded Red Satin x22 Trimmed Red Silk x31 Rich Red Brocade x6 Puppet Strings x1 Crown of Insight | 1,652,500 |
Dehya’s Passive Talents
Talent Name | Talent Description |
The Sunlit Way![]() | Increased Movement SPD of party members by 10% during daytime in the overworld only (06:00 – 18:00) |
Unstinting Succor![]() | Within 6 seconds after Dehya retrieves the Fiery Sanctum field through Molten Inferno: Ranging Flame (Elemental Skill) or Leonine Bite (Elemental Burst), she will take 60% less DMG when receiving DMG from Redmane’s Blood. ->This effect can be triggered once every 2s. Additionally, within 9s after Dehya unleashes Molten Inferno: Indomitable Flame, she will grant all party members the Gold-Forged Form state. This state will further increase a character’s resistance to interruption when they are within the Fiery Sanctum field. ->Gold-Forged Form can be activated once every 18s. |
Stalwart and True![]() | When her HP is less than 40%, Dehya will recover 20% of her Max HP and will restore 6% of her Max HP every 2s for the next 10s. ->This effect can be triggered once every 20s. |
Dehya’s Normal and Charged Attacks

Sandstorm Assault: Normal Attack
Dehya performs 4 strikes with her Claymore
Sandstorm Assault: Charged Attack
Dehya‘s stamina depletes over time to perform continuous slashes, also performing a stronger slash when the attack button is released, or when Stamina runs out.
Dehya’s Elemental Skill: Molten Inferno

The Flame-Mane deals AoE Pyro DMG, and creates a field known as Fiery Sanctum at her location. If a field already exists, Dehya performs a slam attack; dealing AoE Pyro DMG and recreating the field at her new position.
This new field will inherit its duration from the previous existing Fiery Sanctum. The location of the field can be refreshed once throughout the fields total duration.
The Fiery Sanctum has the following properties:
- Only one field can exist at a time.
- Deals coordinated attacks whenever an active character within the field takes DMG.
- This coordinated attack is dealt as AoE Pyro DMG, and scales off Dehya‘s ATK and HP. A single coordinated attack can occur once every 2.5s.
- Active characters have increased resistance to interruption.
- When these characters take DMG, a portion of it is mitigated and is dealt to Dehya over a 10s period instead.
- The DMG that Dehya can absorb this way will not go over a certain percentage of Dehya‘s max HP.
- When these characters take DMG, a portion of it is mitigated and is dealt to Dehya over a 10s period instead.
Dehya’s Elemental Burst

The mercenary enters the Blazing Lioness state, increasing her resistance to interruption and continuously unleashing Flame-Mane’s Fists.
Dehya deals consistent Pyro DMG based on her ATK and HP when in this state. She also performs the Incineration Drive attack after the duration ends.
Once the Burst’s duration ends, and a Fiery Sanctum field already exists, Dehya will create another field at the location where she performed Incineration Drive.
This field will inherit the older fields duration.
Furthermore, Dehya’s Normal/Charged attacks and Elemental Skill are replaced by Roaring Barrage, which increases the speed at which the next fist strike is triggered.
Dehya’s Constellations
Constellation | Description |
Constellation 1![]() The Flame Incandescent | ->Dehya’s Max HP is increased by 20% ->She deals bonus DMG based on her Max HP when using the following attacks: ·Molten Inferno’s DMG increased by 3.6% of her Max HP. ·Leonine Bite’s DMG increased by 6% of her Max HP. |
Constellation 2![]() The Sand-Blades Glittering | ->When Dehya refreshes the location of the Fiery Sanctum field, the total inherited duration will be increased by 6s. ->Additionally, when a Fiery Sanctum exists on the field, DMG dealt by its next coordinated attack will be increased by 50% |
Constellations 3![]() A Rage Swift as Fire and 5 ![]() The Alpha Unleashed | A Rage Swift as Fire (C3) increases the talent levels of Dehya’s Elemental Burst, Leonine Bite, by 3. The Alpha Unleashed(C5) increases the talent levels of Dehya’s Elemental Skill, Molten Inferno, by 3. The maximum upgrade level for both of these abilities is now 15. |
Constellation 4![]() An Oath Abiding | When Flame-Mane’s Fist and Incineration Drive attacks unleashed during Leonine Bite hit opponents, they will restore 1.5 Energy for Dehya and 2.5% of her Max HP. ->This effect can be triggered once every 0.2s. |
Constellation 6![]() The Burning Claws Cleaving | The CRIT Rate of Leonine Bite is increased by 10%. ->Additionally, after a Flame-Mane’s Fist attack hits an opponent and deals CRIT Hits during a single Blazing Lioness State. ->CRIT DMG of Leonine Bite is increased by 15% for the rest of Blazing Lioness’s duration ->The duration of Leonine Bite is extended by 0.5s. ->This effect can be triggered every 0.2s. ->The duration can be extended for a maximum of 2s, and CRIT DMG can be increased by a maximum of 60%. |
Dehya’s Best Artifact Sets
Dehya can be played as an offensive Main DPS character is flexible in that she can also function as a viable support.
DPS Dehya Build Artifact Sets
Emblem of Severed Fate ![]() | 2-Piece Bonus Energy Recharge +20% 4-Piece Bonus Increases Elemental Burst DMG by 25% of Energy Recharge. A maximum of 75% bonus DMG can be obtained in this way. |
Lavawalker.![]() | 2-Piece Bonus Pyro RES increased by 40%. 4-Piece Bonus Increases DMG against opponents affected by Pyro by 35%. |
Players can also opt to use just the 2-piece bonuses on the following artifact sets.
Emblem of Severed Fate ![]() | 2-Piece Bonus Pyro DMG Bonus +15% 4-Piece Bonus ->Increases Overloaded, Burning, and Burgeon DMG by 40%. ->Increases Vaporize and Melt DMG by 15%. ->Using Elemental Skill increases the 2-Piece Set Bonus by 50% of its starting value for 10s. Max 3 stacks. |
Gladiator’s Finale ![]() | 2-Piece Bonus ATK + 18% 4-Piece Bonus If artifact set user wields a Sword, Claymore or Polearm ->Increases their Normal Attack DMG by 35%. |
Noblesse Oblige![]() | 2-Piece Bonus Elemental Burst DMG + 20% 4-Piece Bonus Using an Elemental Burst increases all party members’ ATK by 20% for 12s. ->This effect cannot stack. |
Supportive Dehya Build Artifact Sets
The Tenacity of the Millelith artifact set should be equipped onto Dehya if you decide to equip the character with a supportive build.
Tenacity of the Millelith ![]() | 2-Piece Bonus HP + 20% 4-Piece Bonus When an Elemental Skill hits an opponent, the ATK of all nearby party members is increased by 20% and their Shield Strength is increased by 30% for 3s. This effect can be triggered once every 0.5s. This effect can still be triggered even when the character who is using this artifact set is not on the field. |
Dehya’s Best Weapons
Player’s can make use of any 5-star claymore that they own. Here are some of the best picks.
Weapon | Description |
Beacon of the Reed Sea![]() | Dehya’s Signature Weapon At Max Level and Refinement Rank 1 Base ATK 608 Bonus CRIT Rate 33.1% Desert Watch ->When not protected by a shield, the character’s Max HP will be increased by 32%. ->After the character’s Elemental Skill hits an opponent or when the character takes DMG. Their ATK will be increased by 20% for 8s. ->The 2 aforementioned effects can be triggered even when the character is not on the field. |
Wolf’s Gravestone![]() | At Max Level and Refinement Rank 1: Base ATK: 608 Bonus ATK 49.6% Wolfish Tracker ->Increases ATK by 20%. ->On hit, Attacks against opponents with less than 30% HP increase all party members’ ATK by 40% for 12s. ->Can only occur once every 30s. |
Redhorn Stonethresher![]() | At Max Level and Refinement Rank 5: Base ATK: 542 Bonus CRIT DMG 88.2% Gokadaiou Otogibanashi DEF is increased by 28%. Normal and Charged Attack DMG is increased by 40% of DEF. |
Luxurious Sea-Lord![]() | At Max Level and Refinement Rank 5: Base ATK: 454 Bonus ATK 55.1% Oceanic Victory ->Increases Elemental Burst DMG by 12%. ->When Elemental Burst hits opponents, there is a 100% chance of summoning a huge onrush of tuna that deals 100% ATK as AoE DMG. ->This effect can occur once every 15s. |
Prototype Archaic![]() | At Max Level and Refinement Rank 5: Base ATK: 565 Bonus ATK 27.6% Crush On hit, Normal or Charged Attacks have a 50% chance to deal an additional 240% ATK DMG to opponents within a small AoE. Can only occur once every 15s. |
The Bell![]() | At Max Level and Refinement Rank 5: Base ATK: 510 Bonus HP 41.3% Rebellious Guardian Taking DMG generates a shield which absorbs DMG up to 32% of max HP. ->This shield lasts for 10s or until broken ->Can only be triggered once every 45s. ->While protected by a shield, the character gains 24% increased DMG. |

Joel means Luxurious Sea-Lord.
For in-depth information on these weapons, why not check out our list of the best claymores in Genshin Impact?
Dehya’s Best Teams

Dehya along with two of the most broken Pyro characters, Xiangling and Bennett, and Sucrose/Kazuha as your Swirl support is your best go-to team composition for a DPS-focused Dehya build.

This team makes use of Dehya‘s supportive capabilities. The Pyro application provided by her Elemental Skill can allow your Ganyu (charged-shot) to do massive amount of Cryo DMG.

Players can also opt to make use of Dehya‘s capability to enable Pyro resonance within their teams. After using Xingiu and Yelan’s Elemental Bursts, and then switching to Hu Tao’s Elemental Skill. Players can deal with excellent Pyro DMG. Dehya can then come in to fill Hu Tao’s cooldown time to do Burst DMG of her own.
It is important to note, Dehya‘s burst does not proc neither Xingqiu’s nor Yelan’s Elemental Burst off-field Hydro effects.
And that’s about it for Dehya’s guide! Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments!