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A rookie writer and an experienced player of games. Can be found playing Minecraft, Genshin Impact and LoL. In his free time he writes, plays games, codes, reads books or annoys the people around him.
37 Articles

Genshin Impact 4.0 Leaks, Release Date, And All We Know

Welcome back, folks to another Genshin Impact Leaks and All We Know…


Best 5-Star Swords in Genshin Impact, Ranked

One of the best ways of upgrading characters in Genshin Impact is…


Genshin Impact: All 5-Star Polearms, Ranked (2023)

Given how widespread Genshin Impact is becoming by the day, players are…


Genshin Impact: Best Support Characters, Ranked (2023)

One of the most fulfilling aspects in Genshin Impact is building a…


Genshin Impact: Best DPS Characters, Ranked (2023)

Aside from the thrilling world exploration and gorgeous character designs, Genshin Impact…


Baizhu Genshin Impact Build Guide (Playstyle, Weapons, Artifacts, and More!)

Hello, and welcome back to another Genshin Impact build guide, folks! Genshin…


Genshin Impact: Dehya Build Guide (Artifacts, Weapons and More)

In today's build guide, the topic of discussion is Dehya: her Ascension/Talent…


Genshin Impact: Kamisato Ayaka Build Guide (Artifacts, Weapons, and More)

In today's build guide, we will discuss Kamisato Ayaka: her Ascension/Talent Materials…


Bennett Genshin Impact Build Guide (Playstyle, Weapons, Artifacts, and More!)

Bennett is arguably the most powerful support character in Genshin Impact. In…


Best Bows In Genshin Impact and How to Find Them

From the wide array of weapons and characters to choose from in…


Genshin Impact 3.4 Leaks, Release Date and More

It's time for another Genshin Impact leaks article! For this one, folks,…


Al-Haitham Genshin Impact Build Guide (Playstyle, Weapons, Artifacts, and More!)

Hello and welcome back, folks! It's finally time for Al-Haitham's build guide!…


Tartaglia (Childe): Genshin Impact Build Guide

Hey, comrade! In today's guide, we will discuss Childe, and how to…


Dori Genshin Impact Build Guide (Playstyle, Weapons, Artifacts and More!)

In today's guide, we will be discussing Dori, the latest character release…


Yoimiya Genshin Impact Build Guide (Playstyle, Weapons, Artifacts and More!)

Welcome back, folks! Today, the topic of discussion is Yoimiya, released in…


The Wanderer “Scaramouche” Genshin Impact Build Guide (Playstyle, Weapons, Artifacts, and More!)

Welcome back to another Genshin Impact Build Guide! Today, we will discuss…


15 BEST Non-Canon Genshin Impact Ships

Travelers know best that Genshin Impact is filled with aesthetic characters that…


How To Reduce Genshin Impact File Size (2023)

Genshin Impact is one of the most popular games post-2020. With a…
