Aside from the thrilling world exploration and gorgeous character designs, Genshin Impact offers a fun yet challenging combat experience that can make even the most veteran players sweat. This is especially true for the Spiral Abyss mode where players have to fight enemies with much greater strength than those normally found in the overworld.
Some floors in this mode are even labeled as “DPS Check” due to how demanding they are that a character deals enough damage to beat enemies that have sponge-like DEF and HP. This is where the value of game knowledge and team-building comes in.
If you’re curious about which DPS characters are worth spending your resin on, the answer is the character that you like! But if you’re looking for a character whose damage is considerably high even at minimal investments, look at our list below!
Disclaimer: Obtaining a 5-star character and their constellations is a significant upgrade to anyone’s account. But these things can be costly especially with the limited source of Primogems in-game. Please do not feel forced to roll for a 5-star character or their constellations to increase their effectiveness.
We only recommend spending real money on these upgrades if it doesn’t impair your quality of life. That is, unless you have sizeable amounts of disposable income.

Element: Cryo (Specializes in Physical DMG)
Weapon: Claymore
Coming up last on our list is Eula. As a Physical DPS, no enemy is ever truly immune to Eula’s attacks. This makes her a great option in the overworld where players can spam her Normal Attacks to defeat most enemies brainlessly.
For the Abyss however, it is the complete opposite. As she is not designed to utilize the game’s strongest Elemental reactions optimally, Eula will struggle dealing with higher floors considering that a lot of enemies in the game have high Physical Resistances. This is why playing her with the right teammates and knowing her rotations are crucial in order to get the most out of her.
Here’s a video of Genshin Gladiator showing off Eula‘s power!

Element: Electro
Weapon: Claymore
Known as the Uncrowned Queen of the Sea. Beidou lives up to her title by being one of the most reliable off-field DPS. This is made possible thanks to her Elemental Burst: Stormbreaker. Casting it creates a Thunderbeast’s Targe around herself, which deals Electro Damage to opponents. Her burst also generates an aura that allows active characters to deal coordinated Lightning Discharge on their Normal and Charge attack hits.
The Lightning Discharge generated by her burst can also bounce between targets, up to 3 times at Constellation 0. This is what truly makes her shine in AoE scenarios. However, it’s also the reason why Beidou is considered a situational pick as most of the recent Abyss iterations had single target bosses in higher floors. This ultimately led to people picking other options that can fill her role better in single-target fights.

Element: Electro
Weapon: Bow
A self-sufficient off-field DPS which can also support her allies by acting as a battery. She was long considered to be a strong unit even before Dendro came out to bring Electro units into the meta. Fischl is generally seen in Reaction heavy teams such as Taser and Aggravate where she contributes a significant amount of damage with the use of her A4 Passive.
Fischl’s damage is heavily single target, though, which means that players have to slot her with AoE hitters to compensate. As a 4-star unit, she has inherited lower stat scalings, so she’s generally considered a sub-DPS and not a hypercarry. While on-field Fischl is completely viable, it pales in comparison to the game’s most popular on-field carries like Ayaka and Hutao.

Element: Hydro
Weapon: Bow
As a Hydro DPS character, Childe has access to many strong reactions in the game. For starters, his “International” team (consisting of Childe, Kazuha, Xiangling, and Bennett) has been a staple in the Abyss, especially on floors with multiple enemies. This team also has the added benefit of freeing up your Xingqiu and Yelan to be utilized in other teams, such as Hyperbloom and Vape comps.
Aside from this, Childe’s Electro-charged team is also one of the strongest variants of Taser comps DPS-wise. Due to how much Hydro he applies using his Riptides, Childe alone is expected to fill the role of a Hydro Applicator in this team. Combine this with his innately high stats and scalings, and you’ll get a “fireworks” team that will leave no chance for enemies to retaliate.
Kamisato Ayato

Element: Hydro
Weapon: Sword
Similar to Childe, a huge part of Kamisato Ayato’s value is tied to his element. The fact that he’s able to drive Hyperbloom reactions is enough already to consider him a good DPS. Still, you’ll be surprised at how balanced he feels as a Hydro character. His attack modifiers are not absurdly high, and yet, players can expect to clear Abyss Floors with him as long as they have proper knowledge on his teams and rotations.
His Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst can hit multiple targets at a time, making him a great applicator for many team compositions that need a Hydro Aura. He’s also one of the few DPS characters in Genshin that excels both on-field and off-field. This versatility is ultimately what makes him a fun character to have especially if you’re still experimenting with teams.

Element: Pyro
Weapon: Polearm
If there’s anything that Xiangling has been telling us since version 1.0, it’s the fact that characters don’t have to be a 5-star unit in order to deal absurd amounts of damage. She is undoubtedly one of the game’s strongest DPS considering how much synergy she has with her usual teammates.
What truly makes her compete even with the game’s 5-star DPS is the fact that her Pyronado bypasses the game’s hidden ICD mechanics while having the ability to snapshot buffs. This is a deadly combination that can make or break a character’s kit. Furthermore, players don’t have to go through painful gacha to get her as she is given for free after beating floor 3 of the Spiral Abyss.

Element: Cryo
Weapon: Bow
The original Freeze queen that paved the way for the unorthodox naming of teams in Genshin Impact. A DPS list won’t be complete without Ganyu, as she was once believed to be the game’s strongest DPS. This is mainly due to her insane scaling on her Charged Arrows. She even made Abyss clears feel like a cakewalk with her Morgana team during the earlier versions of the game which led to people calling her “a mistake by the developers”
At present, Ganyu is no longer the easy button you can use to breeze through the game’s challenging contents. This is because more enemies resistant to her Freeze mechanics have been released, effectively making other units a more viable option than her. Regardless, she is still one of Genshin’s strongest DPS characters and is definitely worth your Primogems especially if you’re into her Charged Attack playstyle.
Hu Tao

Element: Pyro
Weapon: Polearm
Arguably Genshin Impact’s strongest Pyro DPS character. Hu Tao uses Charged Attacks as her main source of damage. Using her Elemental Skill will infuse these attacks with Pyro, which is what allows her to consistently trigger the Vaporize reaction. She’s also one of the few units that gets better with a high HP stat. The reason is, her Elemental Skill, Paramita Papilio, also gives her a flat amount of ATK scaling with her maximum HP.
She is a tricky character to master, though, considering that she consumes a certain amount of HP whenever she uses her skill. Spamming Charged Attacks also means you’ll always be left with low stamina, making it harder to dodge enemies’ attacks. This is why running her with a Shield character such as Zhongli is generally recommended to ensure that she does not die during her DPS window.
Kamisato Ayaka

Element: Cryo
Weapon: Sword
Despite being similar to Ganyu, Ayaka has been able to make a name for herself with the help of her own variation of Freeze team, where she is able to dish out consistent damage using her Elemental Burst. She is a perfect pick for those Genshin players looking to have a Cryo DPS character but isn’t a fan of Ganyu’s playstyle. Her kit is actually very straightforward for what it has to offer which means that players won’t have a hard time playing her rotations.
Being a Cryo unit also means that she has access to Cryo Resonance and the Blizzard strayer set, making it easier to focus on other stats such as ATK, CRIT DMG, and Energy Recharge. Aspiring Ayaka players will also have it easier when picking weapons, as her 4-star best-in-slot is the Inazauma’s craftable weapon.

Element: Dendro
Weapon: Sword
One of the game’s recent releases debuted just in the 3.4 update. Al-Haitham was once seen as Dendro Keqing, yet was quick to make people realize that he was not just a clone of another character. In fact, most people now argue that he is Genshin Impact’s strongest F2P DPS character, and it’s honestly not surprising why.
Al-Haitham outputs so much personal damage in his teams to the point that it becomes an overkill once you combine it with Hyperbloom and Spread – two powerful Dendro reactions that generally scale well even with low investments. What’s even better is the fact that there’s a lot of options to choose from when it comes to his weapons. Players can even get exceptional results even just by using Harbinger of Dawn – a 3-star weapon!
The actual damage of these DPS characters will still vary depending on the investments and how their kits are utilized in team rotations. In practice, you may even find better success with a character not included in this list, and that’s perfectly normal! Just be sure to tell us all about this star-character in the comments!
For players looking out to increase their DPS especially for Spiral Abyss runs, we still highly recommend to start on focusing on weapons and artifacts in order to bring their DPS characters to their maximum potential. Do note that every Spiral Abyss is also tailored for the current banners in Genshin Impact. Thus, it is expected that characters in the running banners may have easier times dealing with the Abyss.