Ghost of Tsushima customization details show a versatile looking Jin

Rizwan Anwer
3 Min Read

Ghost of Tsushima is releasing in less than 5 days now, and while the game briefly showed and touched upon the looks of Jin Sakai, some leaked Ghost of Tsushima customization footage shows a look at all the ways you can dress Jin up.

Ghost of Tsushima customization shows how a custom Jin looks

A first look at the customization options in Ghost of Tsushima shows us how broadly you can customize Jin Sakai.

It’s worth mentioning that all of Jin’s clothes are for appearance. Clothing has no impact on Jin’s weapons. You can change your appearance to suit Samurai or Ghost missions.

Jin is able to customize all aspects of his clothing, which helps with making a personalized Jin.

This is a relatively new feature in Sucker Punch games, in the Infamous games you could barely alter the appearances of Cole or Delsin.

In addition, the karma system from Infamous is no longer here, so you don’t have to worry about changing Jin’s physical appearance when you choose Samurai or Ghost.

The reviews of Ghost of Tsushima are set for July 14th, with the game releasing on July 17th. The game is already up for pre-load on the PlayStation Store.

The end of the generation

Ghost of Tsushima marks the last major exclusive that Sony will publish for the PS4. With the rest of the year for indie or multiplatform titles.

At the end of the year, we have a brand new console generation to usher in, so Sony is now full steam ahead with preparing a lineup for the PS5.

With only a few days left for Ghost of Tsushima, many fans are wondering if the game will be able to live up to the hype set for it.

With so much to do in the open-world game, Ghost of Tsushima is going to be a great way to send off Sony’s best console yet.

While we aren’t sure if we will see PS4 games on the PS5 as remasters, the more important question is whether or not we will get these games for free on the PS5.

What are your thoughts on the customization options? Let us know in the comments section below.

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