God of War Sequel Spotted in Job Listing

A mention of a God of War sequel has been spotted

Rizwan Anwer
Rizwan Anwer
3 Min Read
  • No confirmation of the title
  • Job listing from a support studio
  • No further details shared

It seems that work for a God of War Sequel could be well underway. According to a job listing from a supporting studio to Santa Monica Studios, Valkyrie Entertainment, they are looking for a senior character artist to work on the “next iteration of God of War“. Whether or not this amounts to Kratos having adventures outside of the nordic setting, is yet to be determined.

Is a God of War Sequel in the cards?

God of War Ragnarok was one heck of a way to close off what was a great year for PlayStation titles. Easily one of the most memorable titles in a long while, Ragnarok has cemented a place for itself in the hearts of fans across the world with its stellar story, breathtaking graphics, and the marvelous performance of the title on the PS4 and PS5.

Without giving away spoilers, Ragnarok does leave room for playing with a sequel and Cory Balrog did previously say that Ragnarok would mark the end of Kratos’s adventures in the 9 realms.

While a new God of War is a no-brainer, considering it one of Sony’s oldest IPs and one of its most successful titles has stood the rigid test of time where many other PlayStation Exclusives have otherwise slipped between the cracks (We miss you Infamous). God of War games has been a PlayStation console staple ever since the PS2, with multiple entries released on each console.

While we don’t know where Kratos is headed to next, a new job listing on Valkyrie Entertainment website, a support studio to Santa Monica studio, hints at the prospect of a sequel to the title.

God of War Sequel is Mentioned.

While a new God of War game is only a question of when and not IF, we are at least happy with the knowledge that the title will continue to live on and we will see Kratos explore new lands and lore.

Where would you like to see Kratos go next? Let us know in the comments section below.

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