GTA 5 on Xbox Game Pass Is July’s Surprise

A Very Big Title Just Hit Game Pass

Rizwan Anwer
Rizwan Anwer
2 Min Read
  • GTA 5 is available immediately
  • Features the Xbox One, Xbox Series, and PC version
  • Can be played on the cloud

Xbox Game Pass is easily one of the best ways to play games on the PC and Xbox Series consoles, but Microsoft has just hit fans with a surprise – GTA 5 on Xbox Game Pass. The surprise inclusion adds in the Xbox One, Xbox Series, and the PC version of the game. If you want to try out the new Xbox Series version of the game, now is your chance!

GTA 5 on Xbox Game Pass – Here We Go Again

GTA is undoubtedly one of the most talked about games across 3 console generations. The game just refuses to show any signs of slowing down and is easily the most successful game Rockstar has made in the last decade. So much so that the developers have ported over the original PS3/Xbox 360 version to the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series.

The next-gen transition allowed for higher FPS, Ray-Tracing and other features that were not present in the PS4 and Xbox One versions, but if you have yet to try out the new version of GTA 5, now is your time to try it for free.

On the Xbox News Wire, Microsoft dropped a massive surprise about the sudden arrival of the title. It includes all present versions of the game on the Xbox, and you can even play the game on the cloud – a first for the series.

Xbox Game Pass July games

The title is available starting today, so if you have been itching to try the game out on either Microsoft console, PC or even your phone or tablet, now is the best time to experience it.

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