Harvey Stardew Valley: Everything You Need To Know

Mir Rafay
Mir Rafay
19 Min Read

Stardew Valley is one of those games that extracts its true experience from the depth given to its characters. In that respect, Harvey in Stardew Valley is just as important to your overall experience as any other character.

Because the game has more than 30+ interactable Villagers, it can become pretty tricky to understand the lore behind each one! Regardless, focusing on the story and backgrounds of these characters is one of the best tips in Stardew Valley you can follow.

Today, we’ll focus on the local doctor and aviation enthusiast of Stardew Valley – Harvey!


Harvey is the local doctor of Pelican Town – a quality that is shared by no other Villagers. He lives in the Medical Clinic next to Pierre’s General Store. He spends most of his time here manning the counter and returns upstairs to his rooms once he’s done with his activities.

Similar to characters such as Alex and Shane, Harvey is included in the list of 12 marriage-eligible characters in Stardew Valley. Some of his activities and information found in Secret Notes suggest that Harvey is quite fond of jazz music.

Since he’s the town doctor, Harvey is considered employed. Although he seems very passionate about his job, looking after the health of the townsfolk, Harvey remarks throughout Stardew Valley about his undying love for aircrafts and the subject in general. 

In fact, some of his Heart Events are tailored to reflect that passion as well. Harvey does not reflect much about his life prior to being a part of Pelican Town. As such, little to no information about his family, friends, or significant others is known.

However, it is noteworthy that Harvey seems to have a good relationship with Maru and is friends with her, to say the least. Maru works at the Clinic, indicating that both of these characters would regularly interact. Additionally, some of Harvey’s later dialogues suggest that he might just have a crush on Maru!


Harvey 10-Heart Dialogue in Stardew Valley

Right off the bat, Harvey comes off as a warm and welcoming individual. He’s friendly to you from your very first interactions and maintains a respectful approach throughout. On the surface, he seems to be content and humble individual who’s passionate about the work he does.

However, it becomes apparent after a few interactions that this side of his is somewhat a facade. Although it’s true that Harvey likes the work he does and cares for other Villagers, you can sense a sort of loneliness and sadness in his character. Maybe this has something to do with age since Harvey, like Elliott, is considered to be one of the older bachelors in the game. 

This feeling, however, is confirmed after reaching a higher level of friendship with Harvey in Stardew Valley. Greater friendship causes him to become more transparent, enabling him to share deep dialogue and issues with you. It becomes apparent rather quickly that Harvey passed up on his passion for aircraft to do what he ultimately does now. 

Apart from lore, Harvey also serves the function of performing annual medical examinations on all eligible characters in Stardew Valley.


Harvey Character Log

Harvey’s daily schedule depends upon several factors, such as festivals, weather conditions, the season, and medical examinations due (among others). Following is an analysis of his routines, including any, and all, special occasions!


On normal days after waking up, Harvey stands next to his refrigerator for one and a half hours, starting at 7 am. He then attends the Clinic’s front desk from 8:30 am to 12 pm. 

Afterward, Harvey will leave the Clinic and walk over to the Community Center of Pelican Town and stay near the fountain area located here. Once the clock hits 5:30 pm, he returns back to the Clinic and stands next to the main counter. At 6:40 pm, he goes upstairs to his room, sits in front of his bookshelf, and reads several books.

Harvey’s regular day ends at 10 pm, at which point he goes to sleep.

Special Occasions

On Saturdays, Harvey takes a break from work and prefers to go to the Museum. On this day, he’ll leave his home at 8:30 am to visit the building. He’ll stay here till 3 pm and inspect several items. 

After this, he heads back to the Clinic and goes straight to his room. Harvey stays here for the rest of the night before he eventually goes to sleep.

On Fridays, Harvey follows his normal daily activities till 12 pm. After this point, he visits Pierre’s General Store, and his routine changes. He stays in the store for 3 hours, presumably to shop for weekly groceries. Once done, Harvey will go back to the Clinic at 3 pm and go straight to his room.

He’ll stay idle here for the rest of the day till 10 pm, after which he goes to bed. 

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Harvey heads over to the exam room in the Clinic at 8:30 am. At 12:50 pm, he visits the waiting area here. He peers through the area and goes back to the exam room at 1:30 pm. 

Harvey then stays here for 3 hours and starts attending the front desk at 4:30 pm. After doing so for one and a half hours, he goes upstairs to his bedroom and starts reading books starting at 6 pm. Harvey stays up an additional 1 hour on these days and, thus, goes to sleep at 11 pm. 

During Rainy Weather, Harvey leaves his room at 8:40 pm to work at the Clinic’s front desk. He stays here till 12 pm. He’ll then go back upstairs to his room and turn on his radio. Harvey listens to his radio for 4 hours and then walks over to his bookshelf to read some books. 

Once the clock hits 5:30 pm, Harvey heads towards the Stardrop Salon, where he’ll stay idle (and drink) till 10 pm. He then heads back to the Clinic, goes to his room, and heads directly to bed.


On regular Winter days, Harvey leaves his room at 8:40 am to attend the Clinic’s front desk. At 12 am, he goes back upstairs to his room to listen to his radio. After doing so for 4 hours, Harvey walks over to his bookshelf to read some books.

After performing these activities, Harvey will go over to the Stardrop Salon at 5:50 pm, where he’ll stay till 10 pm. Finally, he’ll head back to the Clinic, walk upstairs to his room, and go to bed.

Special Occasions

On Monday, the 15th of Winter, Harvey in Stardew Valley will follow an alternative schedule owing to the Night Market event. 

Starting at 8 am, he’ll stand in front of the microwave present in his room. At 8:40 am, he’ll start attending the Clinic’s front desk. He’ll go back upstairs to his room at 12 am sharp to listen to his radio. At 4 pm, Harvey shuts his radio off and walks over to this bookshelf to do some reading.

After exactly an hour, Harvey heads directly to the Beach region to attend the annual Night Market of Stardew Valley. 

He stays up till 12 am, which is over his usual limit of 10 pm on this day. Afterward, Harvey heads directly back home, straight upstairs to his room, and goes to sleep.

On Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and during rainy weather, Harvey will follow the same routine as he did in the Summers. 

Fall & Spring

Harvey’s daily routine and patterns for Fall and Spring are identical to the ones showcased during the Summer season (mentioned above). Any changes in his schedule are extremely minor and don’t disrupt his workflow.

Heart Events

Harvey 14-Heart Event
Source: Veilfyred

Heart Events are exclusive interactions you can experience with each character after reaching a specified friendship level with them. In Stardew Valley, Harvey has the following Heart Events that you can unlock.

Two Heart Event

In Stardew Valley, Harvey’s Two Heart event requires you to have a 2-heart worth of friendship with him. Additionally, you’ll have to enter George’s house (located between Pierre’s General Store and Pam’s Trailer) while George is present. 

The event features a cutscene where Harvey is performing a medical check-up on George. It’s apparently a private check-up, and Harvey isn’t happy with the way George is living his life. He reiterates that George needs to make changes to lead a better, healthier life. George notices you walk in and asks for your opinion on the matter.

You’ll have 2 options to select from, according to which you can either side with George or Harvey. Siding with Harvey increases your friendship points with him by 40, whereas the former will decrease it by the same amount. 

Depending upon the option you end up selecting, you’ll unlock some additional dialogue with Harvey towards the end of the cutscene.

Four Heart Event

The Four Heart event will trigger if you reach a 4-heart friendship level and enter Harvey’s Clinic with him present inside. 

It features Harvey taking notes. As you walk in, he explains that he was about to write to you since you’re due for your annual examination. As the cutscene goes on, Harvey looks over you for a while and lets you know that your pulse is high.

At this point, you’ll be presented with 3 options to choose from. Each of them will have an effect on your friendship level with Harvey. Two of these increase your friendship points by 20, whereas the third will decrease it by 50 points. 

The ending of the event, however, remains the same. Harvey will let you know that you’re fine and ask you not to overwork yourself on the farm. 

Six Heart Event

To experience the Six Heart event, you must enter Pierre’s General Store any time between 11 am and 3 pm after reaching 6-hearts of friendship with Harvey. 

Doing so starts a cutscene showcasing the center room of Pierre’s General Store. It features a dance-aerobics exercise session consisting of several female characters and Harvey – with him being the only male character there. Harvey seems visibly exhausted and out of breath. Once the session ends, he heads for the door to leave but sees you standing next to it.

Upon being confronted, Harvey is embarrassed that you saw him in the session and explains that he does it because it’s good for getting in some exercise. He then asks you to keep this a secret, at which point – you’ll be offered 2 options to select from.

If you decide to keep it a secret, your friendship will increase by 20 points. In contrast, if you refuse to make any such promises, your friendship points will decrease by 50! 

Eight Heart Event

Harvey’s Eight Heart event in Stardew Valley has relatively less stringent requirements. You’ll need to reach a friendship level worth 8-hearts and enter his Clinic. 

The cutscene skips the Clinic area itself and shows you entering Harvey’s bedroom. He’s using his radio to contact a pilot on different frequencies. To his surprise, he manages to contact one and gets extremely excited over it. He quickly mentions his coordinates to the pilot and, upon noticing you, turns his equipment off.

You’re then presented with 2 options to choose from, both of which have no effect on your overall friendship level. No matter what you pick, the outcome is the same; Harvey explains the situation to you. Both of you then peer out the window to find a plane flying in the area outside (presumably of the same pilot). 

Afterward, Harvey opens up to you about how he always wanted to be a pilot but couldn’t pursue that dream because of his fear of heights and bad eyesight. The cutscene ends with him showing you a new model plane that he had just built.

Ten Heart Event

To activate the Ten Heart Event, you’ll have to visit the Railroad area between 9 am and 5 pm after reaching 10-hearts worth of friendship with Harvey. You’ll also need to have received a letter from him inviting you to meet up in the mentioned region. 

Once you go to the area, a cutscene activates showcasing you, Harvey, and a man named Marcello. Harvey explains that this man is renting his hot air balloon to Harvey. The man heads off to the Stardrop Salon, leaving the both of you behind.

You’ll then have the option of either hopping into the hot air balloon or inquiring Harvey about why he would do such a thing considering his massive fear of heights. Harvey explains that you inspired him to overcome his fears and, thus, this over-the-top act.

Once the both of you travel in the hot air balloon and rise in the sky, Harvey comes to his senses and starts panicking. Upon reassurance, he realizes that you’re there with him and he has nothing to fear. Both of you share a kiss and then return to the ground.

Fourteen Heart Event

Harvey’s Fourteen Heart event is the last one you can have with him in Stardew Valley. Its prerequisites include upgrading your house at least twice and entering it between 8-12 pm.

The event itself is quite short and is mostly a sign of Harvey’s love for you. It showcases him setting up the table while you arrive. He explains that he made dinner (pasta) so the two of you could have a wonderful night together.

Once you’re both done eating, Harvey is visibly happy and offers to wash the dishes as well.

Gifting Preferences

The following table analyzes items that Harvey in Stardew Valley loves, likes, is neutral to, dislikes, and hates. This excludes certain items to which all villager sentiments are universal.

LovedThe Miracle At Coldstar Ranch, The Zuzu City Express, Apple Slices, Jasmine Tea, Stardrop Sorbet, 


Natural Wonders: Exploring Our Vibrant World, The Brave Little Sapling, Wumbus, Cappuccino Mousse Cake, Hummus Snack Pack, Kale Smoothie, Panzanella Salad, Salmon Burger, Sour Slimes, Truffle Popcorn, All Fruit, Chanterelle, Common Mushroom, Daffodil, Dandelion, Duck Egg, Duck Feather, Ginger, Goat Milk, Hazelnut, Holly, Large Goat Milk, Leek, Magma Cap, Morel, Purple Mushroom, Quartz, Snow Yam, Spring Onion, Wild Horseradish, Winter Root


Milk, All Eggs except Duck and Void Eggs, Large Milk


It Howls In The Rain, Journey Of The Prairie King: The Motion Picture, Mysterium, All Movie Snacks except loved and liked, Blueberry Tart, Bread, Cheese, Chocolate Cake, Cookie, Cranberry Sauce, Fried Mushroom, Glazed Yams, Goat Cheese, Hash Browns, Ice Cream, Pancakes, Pink Cake, Pizza, Rhubarb Pie, Rice Pudding
HatedCoral, Nautilus Shell, Rainbow Shell, Salmonberry, Spice Berry
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Rafay is THE video game guy. Pick a game. Any game. Chances are, he’s probably finished it. Twice.With an extreme love for Indie and Story-based games, ask him for a game review and watch him go hours and hours on end to justify his stance!When he isn’t focused on playing them, Rafay writes about – you guessed it – video games!
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