Here Is Your First Look At Dying Light 2 Console Comparison

Rizwan Anwer
3 Min Read

Dying Light 2 is set to release on February 4th, 2022 for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, and PC. So far, Techland has shown off a lot of footage and scarce footage on other platforms. With today’s last episode of the Dying 2 Know YouTube show, they have finally given the world a first look at the Dying Light 2 Console Comparison.

Dying Light 2 Console Comparison – It looks … Good?

A few moments ago, Techland released the Dying Light 2 Console Comparison footage in the most unconventional way imaginable. A cropped box within the video and the footage is also constantly changing. This is definitely a major first for a lot of us, but it is what it is, and Techland has said that they will release more footage in the future.

If you’re unable to see the footage, you have to skip to 6:20 in the video.

The video shows us a look at Dying Light 2 on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One X, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X.

A better version is available below:

It’s curious to note that while they have specified the Xbox One X and Xbox Series X versions, we don’t know if the comparison shows a base PS4 or the PS4 Pro. Even more curious is the exclusion of the Xbox Series S version which is not included in the comparison.

Dying Light 2 is the sequel to the 2015 title which rocked the gaming world, and years after its release was one of the few single-player games that got generous content updates, most of which are free, from the developers and is an example of superb after-sale content support for a single-player only title.

The new title is said to be broader in scope and will have less reliance on weapons such as guns and more reliance on environmental weapons as the world has gotten even more savage.

Until we have better look at the console footage, this is what you’re getting when you are getting your first look at Dying Light 2 console footage. However, Dying Light ran very well on the PS4 and Xbox One when it released, so we do have the utmost faith in Techland and their ability.

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