How To Disable the System Shock Remake TAA Setting on PC

Ali Hashmi
3 Min Read
System Shock Remake Screenshot

After a few delays and waiting, System Shock Remake is finally out on PC, and it’s fantastic. Nightdive Studios continue to impress by remastering, and now remaking classic PC titles for modern audiences. The remake is developed on Unreal Engine 4, and both looks and runs great. Though, if you want to disable the System Shock Remake TAA setting, here is how you can do that.

Disable the System Shock Remake TAA Setting

The in-game options of System Shock Remake don’t let you adjust TAA which means that at the native resolution, you’ll have to face the ghosting, and general blurriness that TAA adds to the image quality in favor of performance. It comes down to personal preference and your hardware, but you can technically disable the setting entirely.

  • Open Windows Run by either pressing Windows R keys together or by searching for it in Windows Search
  • Enter the following address, and press OK
%USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Nightdive Studios\SystemShock\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\


System Shock Remake Configuration location in Windows Run
Windows Run
  • Here, open the GameUserSettings.ini file using a text editor like Notepad, or Notepad++
  • Now, set the value of the following to 0
Editing the Configuration File of System Shock Remake
Editing the Configuration File of System Shock Remake
  • Save the file (Ctrl + S) and exit out

That’s all you need to do, and the next time you launch System Shock Remake, TAA will be completely disabled.

Now, this will certainly introduce aliasing, which can be remedied by playing on a higher resolution than your native using DSR/VSR/DLDSR. This will make the image look much cleaner without TAA getting in the way of clarity. Keep in mind though, this will certainly take a hit on performance, but the title isn’t that demanding to begin with.

Turning TAA Back On

If you wish to turn back TAA on, you can easily do that by setting the value of sg.AntiAliasingQuality back to 3.

If you’re also running into any black screen issues, make sure to check out my guide to address that.

We hope this guide was helpful, and that you were able to disable the System Shock Remake TAA setting on PC. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments below.

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Gaming enthusiast, massive Soulsborne fan with hundreds of hours spread across different Soulslike titles, and a passionate writer. Always on the lookout for interesting games with unique mechanics and design especially in the indie space. He loves to write informative guides for newer and ongoing releases.
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