How to enable the Days Gone Debug Cheat Menu on PC

Ali Hashmi
4 Min Read
Days Gone Screenshot

Days Gone has been out on PC for a while now, and it’s been doing fairly well. The developers have expressed their thanks to the community, and more PlayStation titles like Uncharted 4 are expected to come out on the platform very soon. Days Gone runs well, and it’s clear that a lot of effort went into making a quality PC port. Ever since the release, multiple mods have come out for the game as well, which can improve the overall experience. If you want to enable the Days Gone Debug Cheat Menu, here is how you can do that.

If you’re not a fan of the HUD in-game, there’s a mod that can fix that for you. Additionally, the game doesn’t let you turn off the depth of field in-game, and we have written a guide for that as well. The game is a hit on Steam, with a Very Positive rating.

Enable Days Gone Debug Cheat Menu

If you’re done with the game and want to mess around with debug commands, you can try out a mod. This allows you to adjust various parameters of the game, related to almost every aspect of it. Not everything works as intended, but you can still adjust values, spawn items, enemies, and even change character models. The mod has been created by NexusMods user KaiHeilos.

To download and install it, follow the steps below.

Download the mod files

  • Head over to the following NexusMods link (You will need to sign-up to download the files)
  • Click on the Manual Download button, and it will start downloading the mod files (7 KB)
You can download the mod files through NexusMods, including the one that allows you to enable the Days Gone Debug Cheat Menu
Download Mod Files

Install Mod Files

Now that you have the mod files, you can install these. To do this, follow the steps below.

  • Open Windows Run by either pressing the Windows and keys together or searching for it in Windows Search
You can enter any location in Windows Run to access it quickly
Windows Run
  • Here, open the Paks folder, if there isn’t one, create it
  • Inside the Paks folder, unzip the zip file you previously downloaded
  • You want the 500-DebugCheatMenu_P.pak file to be inside the Paks folder, basically
  • Now, head over to where the game is installed, and rename the sfpaks to anything else. (This is important, and you will need to do it every time the game updates.)

Running the Mod

If you have followed the steps properly, you can now enable the console in-game. To do this, press Ctrl + Backspace keys together. You can hit the close button on the right side to close it using your mouse. Below is a screenshot provided by the mod author.

The Days Gone Debug Cheat Menu can be enabled by hitting ctrl + backspace keys together after it has been installed properly
Days Gone Debug Menu Enabled

That is all you need to do to enable the Days Gone Debug Cheat Menu.

We hope this guide was helpful. Are you enjoying the game so far? Let us know if you have any questions in the comments below.

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Gaming enthusiast, massive Soulsborne fan with hundreds of hours spread across different Soulslike titles, and a passionate writer. Always on the lookout for interesting games with unique mechanics and design especially in the indie space. He loves to write informative guides for newer and ongoing releases.
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