How To Fix Red Dead Redemption 2 ERR_GFX_STATE Error on NVIDIA GPUs

Ali Hashmi
Ali Hashmi
2 Min Read
Red Dead Redemption 2 Screenshot

Red Dead Redemption 2 came out on PC in 2019, and unlike a lot of PC titles that usually have issues at launch, Red Dead Redemption 2’s case is a bit different. This game can easily break with random drive updates, and it has happened multiple times in the past few years. Currently, multiple users including myself are running into the Red Dead Redemption 2 ERR_GFX_STATE Error on our NVIDIA GPUs. Here is the current workaround to address that.

Red Dead Redemption 2 ERR_GFX_STATE Error on NVIDIA

If Red Dead Redemption 2 is crashing for you with the ERR_GFX_STATE Error after a few minutes, you need to downgrade your GPU Drivers from 535.98 to version 532.03.

To do this, follow the steps below.

  • Head over to the following link
  • Enter your GPU details
  • Now, look for the driver version 532.03 and click on it
Search Results for NVIDIA Drivers
Search Results for NVIDIA Drivers
  • Download these drivers (855 MB size)
  • Run the setup file
Drivers Unpacking
Drivers Unpacking
  • Now, install the NVIDIA Drivers, and it will downgrade your drivers to version 532.03, as shown here
NVIDIA Drivers Installation
NVIDIA Drivers Installation
  • After the installation is complete, restart your PC
  • Now, launch Red Dead Redemption 2, and the crashing issue will be completely fixed.

I have personally tested this and played for more than an hour after downgrading the GPU drivers. There were no crashes at all, and it ran normally.

NVIDIA Acknowledgment

This is currently an open issue in the feedback thread for the latest drivers. We hope that a hotfix addresses this soon because a lot of users simply can’t play Red Dead Redemption 2 because of this problem.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Open Issue
Red Dead Redemption 2 Open Issue

We hope this guide was helpful and you were able to fix the Red Dead Redemption 2 ERR_GFX_STATE on NVIDIA GPUs. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments below

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Gaming enthusiast, massive Soulsborne fan with hundreds of hours spread across different Soulslike titles, and a passionate writer. Always on the lookout for interesting games with unique mechanics and design especially in the indie space. He loves to write informative guides for newer and ongoing releases.
  • Changing the “Graphics API” setting to DirectX 12 instead of Vulkan fixed the problem for me. To confirm it, I opened the game and played for a while, then changed the setting back to Vulkan. It immediately started stuttering and crashed.

    • Yeah, DX12 works as well, but the performance loss isn’t all that worth it honestly.

      Simply downgrading the drivers is a better solution so far.

      I’m surprised this hasn’t been addressed by a hotfix yet though.

    • Glad it worked for you! I did a lot of testing and found that it was just a driver related problem with the Vulkan API. DX12 works fine, but the performance hit isn’t worth it.

    • Will test it out and get back to you but the driver notes do mention the following under Fixed Gaming Bugs:

      [Red Dead Redemption] Game shows random stability issues [4140319]

  • In the past the game suddenly showed the textures of the floor faded, like in streets and grass, and them the gama play started to get so slow it was impossible to play, any idea why did this happen? I’ve just installed it again, and I upgraded the ram from 4gb at 1333mh to 16 gb at 1600 mh, I hope you have the answer to my question, anyway I’ll post here if it does not happens now

  • in my case, i dunno what to do cuz the game works fine but it’s not running on my RTX card but instead on lower AMD one and even though i have set the graphic setting to specific GPU which is my RTX one but still it’s not working while my other games are working flawlessly and matter of fact it’s not even showing Nvidia DLSS option even though it’s set on specific GPU.

  • Wow this was the only fix that worked compared to those reddit ones I tried, Thanks a bunch, finally can play a favorite game of mine.

    • Glad I could be of assistance. I believe they have addressed this in driver version 536.23, and it is fixed on my end. Might be not be a bad idea to update to the latest ones too, but if you’re happy with 532.03, that’s great! 🙂

      • Im actually very happy to find your info, and I run a 1080Ti
        With that said I even have a huge increase in performance with the older 532.03 Drivers
        I was hitting 80+ FPS on ultra setting in 2k compared with the newer drivers at 50+FPS.
        And from long time ago I was able to play RED DEAD 2, But since Ive updated the GPU drivers and ran into the errors I didnt bother playing red dead 2, but I know it was something within the drivers itself making conflict just didnt have the patience to figure this out, but again Thank you!

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