How to Get Blood Moon Essence in Remnant 2 (Explained)

Bloody Resourceful.

Abdul Muqsit
5 Min Read

Chances are you’ve spotted a rather peculiar-looking altar during your escapades in Yaesha. That’s a Blood Altar and has a lot of purchasable items inside. These items require a currency called Blood Moon Essence alongside scrap. So, how do you get Blood Moon Essence in Remnant 2?

To get Blood Moon Essence in Remnant 2, you have to trigger the Blood Moon event in Yaesha and then shoot purple flying root wisps in the area. The event gets triggered randomly as you travel around the world, and the purple wisps do not respawn. So, shoot all of them once a blood moon occurs.

Let’s discuss the dynamics of the blood moon world event and how to farm blood moon essence from it in Remnant 2 efficiently.

Uses of Blood Moon Essence in Remnant 2

Bloodmoon Altar
Bloodmoon Altar Menu

As you explore the wilderness of Yaesha, you might come across a stone pillar with an offering space in front. That would be a Bloodmoon altar. We found one near the Koara Kuri Nest area, just before the Yellow gate that led to the next dungeon.

Interact with this pillar, and a new menu will pop up. The items found at the Bloodmoon altar are quite important, especially if you want to unlock a Summoner archetype in Remnant 2.

Here is a list of all the items and consumables you can acquire from the Bloodmoon altar:

  • Soul Guard – 5 Blood Moon Essence
  • Soul Anchor – 10 Blood Moon Essence
  • Faded Grimoire (Archetype Engram needed to unlock the Summoner archetype) – 15 Blood Moon Essence
  • Sanguine Vapor ( Consumable that boosts ranged & melee lifesteal) – 1 Blood Moon Essence
  • Blade of Gul (melee weapon) – 10 Blood Moon Essence
  • Knotted Helm – 5 Blood Moon Essence
  • Knotted Cage – 10 Blood Moon Essence
  • Knotted Greaves – 7 Blood Moon Essence
  • Knotted Gloves – 3 Blood Moon Essence

All of these items require a total of 65 Blood Moon Essence to unlock. Now you know how important this special currency is. But the problem is that you can only farm it during a Blood Moon in Yaesha. Let’s see how to trigger a Blood Moon next!

How to Trigger Blood Moon in Remnant 2

Blood moon in Remnant 2
This is what a Blood Moon event looks like in Remnant 2

To trigger a Blood Moon event in Remnant 2, you need to keep traveling between the Yaesha world checkpoints until you spawn in and it’s all red and shiny. You’ll immediately know if it’s a Blood Moon by looking at the sky.

Once you’ve successfully triggered a Blood Moon, start exploring the area. You are on the lookout for purple flying root wisps. You need to shoot down these purple wisps to obtain Blood Moon Essence from them.

If you can’t trigger a Blood Moon event despite traveling back and forth between checkpoints, you can also try rerolling the world to reset the odds. (Rerolling requires that you defeat the final boss of said world)

Farming Blood Moon Essence

Bloodmoon Wisps in Remnant 2
Blood Moon Root Wisps

Shoot all the root wisps in the area to collect Blood Moon Essence from them. These wisps do not respawn so be thorough in your search. Some people have reported that walking back from the yellow gate makes them respawn, but others say that doing so resets the Blood Moon event for them altogether.

Once the Blood Moon is triggered, DO NOT TOUCH THE CHECKPOINT. Doing so will reset the event, and you’ll also lose the chance to farm any remaining wisps in the area.

Another myth we’d like to crush is the fact that wearing certain armor sets or amulets can increase your chances of triggering a Blood Moon. That is also false.

That’s how you farm Blood Moon Essence in Remnant 2. We hope that you find this guide easy to follow and acquire everything the Bloodmoon Altar offers.

Visit WhatIfGaming for more in-depth & informative Remnant 2 guides.

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As an enthusiastic gamer, wanderer, and anime consumer, I find that a good day is one spent discussing and writing about games, but an even better day is spent playing them.
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