How to Get to the Divine Tower of Limgrave in Elden Ring

Get to the Divine Tower of Limgrave to restore Godrick's Great Rune!

Umer Cheema
8 Min Read

Elden Ring features various Divine Towers that are all across the map. Here, players can restore the Great Runes that they gather from defeating the main bosses. Each area has its own Divine Tower which can get a bit confusing. That is why this guide will show you how to get to the Divine Tower of Limgrave.

To get to the Divine Tower of Limgrave, you must defeat Godrick the Grafted and head to the portal in Stormveil Castle. From here, you will enter the Tower and must go to the top to restore his Great Rune.

If you want to know exactly where this location is and what type of enemies you will face here, continue reading to find out. With that said, let’s dive right in and head to the Divine Tower of Limgrave.

Elden Ring: How to Get to the Divine Tower of Limgrave

As aforementioned, each major area of Elden Ring has its own Divine Tower. In these towers, you can restore the Great Runes of specific main bosses. This allows you to gain special powers that will help you progress through the game and make Elden Ring a bit easier.

Defeat Godrick the Grafted

Godrick the Grafted.
Godrick the Grafted.

The first thing you need to do is head over to Stormveil Castle and complete the entire dungeon. Here, you’ll fight Margit and Godrick as the main boss fights. To get the Great Rune, you need to defeat Godrick the Grafted.

To find him, make sure that you continue through the castle and keep heading forward. While there are many secrets in this area, the entire location is quite linear. You won’t get lost if you continue heading in directions where you haven’t been yet.

Eventually, you will encounter Godrick the Grafted. The boss fight is extremely fun but it can get a bit tough at times. This is especially true in his second phase if you are not careful enough.

Remains of Godrick.
Remains of Godrick.

After you defeat him, you will see that Gostoc is standing on top of the corpse of Godrick. He will say a few dialogues about how he is free now and how Godrick isn’t the lord of anything. After that, you can purchase a few things from him if you want to.

However, that’s beside the point. The main thing is that you now have a Great Rune that you need to activate. So, let’s head to the Divine Tower of Limgrave and restore it.

Find the Portal

After finally defeating Godrick, you need to find the portal which will lead you to the Divine Tower of Limgrave. There are multiple ways in which you can get here. Whether you asked Gostoc to open the main gate or not, you need to activate the Liftside Chamber Site of Grace.

Liftside Chamber Site of Grace.
Liftside Chamber Site of Grace.

During your exploration phase of this dungeon, you will certainly have come across this site and must have already activated it. From this site, you need to go outside the door and head south. Make sure that you run in a zigzag pattern and avoid all the enemies.

I cannot stress how important it is to avoid all the enemies in this area since there are dozens and dozens of random enemies. Some of them will even use various siege machineries like ballista and flame cannons to stop you.

Limgrave Tower Bridge Site of Grace.
Limgrave Tower Bridge Site of Grace.

So, make sure that you continue running southeast through the gate. Eventually, you’ll come across an area where you can go left or straight. Go left – avoiding the large dog-like creature – and through the massive hallway. Now, you will see the Limgrave Tower Bridge Site of Grace. Activate it to make sure you don’t have to run through all those enemies again.

The Golems getting ready to fight.
The Golems getting ready to fight.

Now, run forward until you reach the bridge. Be extremely careful here because you will have to either fight or run past two melee Golems and one archer Golem. If you decide to fight them, make sure that you fight them one by one. Otherwise, you will have a tough time as they will spam their combos on you.

Examine the portal.
Examine the portal.

After finally making it past the Golems, you will see a small portal at the edge of the broken bridge. Examine the portal to teleport to the Divine Tower of Limgrave.

How to Restore Godrick’s Rune

How to Get to the Divine Tower of Limgrave in Elden Ring

After teleporting to the tower, go straight ahead and open the massive door. Once you open it, you will see a switch on which you can stand to activate the lift. Take the lift and go up. After reaching the top, activate the Site of Grace and go right on the stairs.

Restoring the Great Rune of Godrick.
Restoring the Great Rune of Godrick.

Climb the stairs and you will see a symbol in the middle of two fingers. Go to this symbol and interact with it to restore Godrick’s Great Rune.

Great Rune Restored.
Great Rune Restored.

You will see a prompt that says “GREAT RUNE RESTORED“. Also, you will be given Godrick’s Great Rune as well which you can see in your inventory.

What Does It Do?

Godrick's Great Rune after restoring it.
Godrick’s Great Rune after restoring it.

Now that you have finally activated the Great Rune, you’ll want to know what it does. Well, the good news is that if you restore it, this Great Rune will enhance all your attributes. This is a great passive ability to have that will allow you to become stronger without even realizing it.

While the effects might not be extremely noticeable, having increased attributes is quite helpful during your journey.


That’s everything you need to know about how to get to the Divine Tower of Limgrave in Elden Ring. Getting to this area will be useful to you since you can increase your attributes by restoring Godrick’s Great Rune. Surprisingly the game does not tell you how to get here and many players do not restore this Rune.

Did you manage to get to this Divine Tower? What do you think about Godrick’s Great Rune? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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By day, Umer loves writing about games and talking about them; by night, he is an avid gamer that loves playing League of Legends and RTS games. Being a massive fan of Metal Gear Solid, you'll find Umer always praising the legendary Hideo Kojima.
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